Chapter 2: The Encounter. (Updated.)

A long sword quickly slices off an undead zombie arm right off of it. Before the monster could react to this problem, the sword thrust into its forehead with the amount of blood spilling and drooling along the long sword length. The user of such an effective weapon against non-armor infantrymen did a quick pull with their grip on to the Hilt, and soon did a strong right slice to the neck, which sliced off the head, but in return, a large amount of blood begins to squirt out towards the user.

The sun begins to shine down on the figure to reveal a full medieval armor-wearing woman with a mail hood on, she had pale skin along with green Hazel eyes. Blood was smudged on her armor, mostly with a few drops of blood dripping down her Chin because of the unexpected amount of blood squirting from the zombie that was eliminated in front of her, another figure pointed their index finger towards a horde of armored monsters that begin to emerge from the tree lines.


A large ball of fire shot out of the figures fingertip which the ball of fire quickly collided against the first zombie in the face, and afterward, an explosion suddenly erupted. There was a horde of zombie soldiers laying on the ground, not moving with the few remaining zombies not taken down yet and they begin to get back up slowly, they were clearly angry, even further from losing their comrades, and they begin to shout out a bloody Gargling.

The ground was shaking, which led the group of figures, including the armor knight woman and the figure that shot a fireball to regroup, and the total of them was 6. The number of zombie soldiers was increasing at a rapid pace on both of their sides, the group is quickly split into 3 pairs to guard both sides and ready themselves against the horde that slowly approach them. The Female knight noticed a medieval armor zombie that was 7 feet tall with a long sword of its own. It was among the horde of zombies and it noticed her, which reminded the monster of a tragic past in battlefield, it soon roared loudly before walking towards the female knight as the zombie knight drags its own heavy long sword on the ground. She was taken back at the size of her opponent and weapon, but soon ready herself in a combative stance.

"Here, they come, guys prepare yourselves!"

Not far from the battlefield that was happening nearby was another figure approaching out of the bushes with his rifle drawn, and he begins to scan the area in front of himself before kneeling down and heard an explosion.

'Looks like there's a fight happening up ahead.'

The Marine soldier releases his magazine clip from his weapon and checks how many rounds he had left, which was 30 rounds before reloading it with a click sound to indicate that the rifle was fully loaded and ready to fire by the trigger.

Arthur Brown's stood back up again before walking towards the sound of yelling and noise of metal clashing.

'Strange, I don't remember War horizon, having the sound of metal clashing like that, it reminds me of swords.'

The marine soldier soon arrived without encountering any hostiles around his location, and soon found himself, seeing a group of 6 people fighting against a horde of people, but something was wrong with the people, the group was fighting against, one of them was missing an arm, but didn't seem to be bothered about that problem, and in its other hand, had a short sword.

'What the heck is this? I don't ever remember War Horizon, having swords and medieval armor...'

There were zombies coming out of the forest from a distance not too far from the Marine soldier and they didn't seem to notice him kneeling behind some bushes due to his MARPAT camouflage uniform blending within the trees and bushes.

'Let's see what's going on here...'

Arthur Brown pulled down his night vision binoculars that were attached to his front enhance combat helmet, which covers his right eye and he presses a button to turn off the night vision mode. Since it was daylight, the marine soldier noticed a woman in medieval plate armor as he witnesses her Parry with her long sword against a bigger long sword.

'She's pretty strong and wow, that guy is huge.'

He thought to himself, but soon noticed a group of zombies nearby. It was a squad of Zombie Archers that were readying their crossbows and immediately shot their arrows at the group which was soon deflected by a shield of wind, coming from another figure who opens his hand and said something, but the Marine soldier couldn't hear exactly what the person said in order to block the arrows.

'It seems like a fantasy world filled with swords and dungeons or something, but for now, I have to keep low and observe the situation further before involving myself into this fight.'

Arthur Brown started to change his location to a better spot to set himself up without being discovered since there were monsters spawning nearby, and he didn't want to take the risk of being targeted by these strange people that resembles a lot like zombies.

Arthur Brown finally located a spot nearby the fight to set himself up between two large bushes before laying down prone on his stomach and setting the Bipod into place on the ground to balance his rifle.

'Remember your training, Arthur, steady breathing, and fire...'

A couple of zombie archers were readying their crossbows again before a small, unidentified sound was heard and then one of the Archer zombies fell on its knees due to its left kneecap being blown off before being hit a second time to the side of the head and fell flat on the ground motionless.

The other zombie archers noticed this and scan around for the attacker, but couldn't pinpoint its location before another unidentified sound was heard and afterward a small object in great speed that couldn't be seen by the naked eye penetrated the next zombie Archer into its right eye socket, which causes the zombie to violently fly backward before falling on its back motionless.

'Why aren't those archers shooting at us?' The figure who shot the fireball from its fingertip said, in it's thought before the sun shines on him to reveal that it was a young boy with fair skin and brown hair, along with gray-blue eyes.

"Shield!" A large man in medieval armor and a large shield and sword quickly respond to his teammate's cry of help before shielding a teenage girl who was carrying a sword, she gotten knocked onto the ground by a tough-looking zombie in plate armor.

"You okay?" The large man asked before blocking another attack from the undead zombie.

"Y-Yeah! Just lost my balance..."

She quickly got back up on her feet and took a hold of her Hilt tightly and swung her sword at the tough-looking zombie that was occupied by the shield and the monster realized this and uses its own hand to block the sword, but due to its rotten flesh and bones, it only stopped the sword slightly.

"Just go down already!" The girl cried out with another swing and connected to its skull, which causes the zombie head to be cut in half as blood squirted out and the brain is exposed.

The knight woman spins around skillfully after parrying another attack from the large, long sword.

'This monster is tougher than expected.' She thought to herself before switching her sword in a different position and held on to the blade in her hands.

"If I can't cut you down, then just hammer it!"

She soon jumps upwards towards the large monster. The zombie Knight tried blocking it but soon realized that it was a distraction. The female Knight uses the crossguard as a hook to pull down its long sword, which works as the monster almost fell forward, and was surprised by the strength of the female knight in armor.

She took this chance to spin herself skillfully around again in midair before jamming her cross guard sharp edge into the side of its head. The Large zombie stop for a moment to process what just happened before roaring loudly again in anger as the zombie knight grabbed the woman by the torso and lifted her up in the air easily with just two hands. Due to its size being bigger than an average man, this surprised the female Knight as she did her best to get out of his grip, but couldn't.

The female Knight didn't expect this sudden event and eventually try to pull her long sword by its blade, but to no avail, because it was stuck deep inside of its skull. Arthur Brown, who was aiming down his sights with his optic, finally finished off the last Archer zombie before taking notice of the female Knight who was in danger and quickly Arthur Brown moved his crosshair at the head of the beast that had a sword stuck to its head. The woman felt the zombie hands crushing her armor slowly by its own raw strength, but a small sound she never heard before startled her as she closes her eyes and opens them again to witness the knight Zombie stop, his movements with blood, starting to drip down its nose and eyes.

'What just happened?'

She thought to herself but took this chance to pull on her long sword one last time out of its head.

The female Knight pulls on her weapon from the blade again and finally gotten the cross guard out of the monster's head and quickly did a strong slice with all her might. After switching the position of her long sword back to holding the Hilt, the sword collided with its rotten flesh of the zombie knight Neck, and the force of the weapon slice through like butter and the zombie Knight hands loosened its grip on the female and fell down on its knees before finally falling down on the ground with a large amount of blood squirting in the air and eventually on the ground, Creating a pool of blood.

She sat there breathing heavily after falling down out of the hands of the large zombie with blood almost covering her, but the woman Knight in armor wipes the blood from her eyes and got back up again on her feet and notice the number amount of zombies have decreased greatly, which gave the group the chance to get rid of the rest of the zombies remaining.

"That seems to be all of them!" She said out loud to her teammates before kneeling down and using her long sword to support herself from falling forward as the woman Knight slowly gains her strength again.

"Are you okay Xander?" A young boy said with robes on before kneeling down to her level to check for any wounds, besides, the obvious damage was clearly her armor.

"I am fine Pietro, I won't die here, but thank you for saving me back there."

The young boy was confused by this since he didn't do anything to help her when he was busy holding the horde back away from the group, suddenly, a zombie with a short sword appears from behind the two and it lifted its short sword to strike them as the other group notice this, but they were too far to reach them in time and stop the zombie. A loud bang sound was heard that startled everyone and caused the birds to fly out of the tree branches, and before the group knew what had happened, the zombie fell backward with a hole penetrated through its forehead. The group turned their attention to a figure from a distance and saw a man holding a tan color object in both his hands, the marine soldier sighs to himself in relief and place his M18 pistol in his holster.

"Whew, I made it in time..."