The Arrival of the Heavenly Maiden


"Still," said the demon lord Wang Zhuo as his soul floated over Fang Cheng.

"Already?" I ask Fang Cheng again bored.

"Still a young master."

"Ah! Just to remind you if this doesn't work out, or if this is a scheme to get away from me ku ku ku is better not to speak, after all a demon lord like you must have noticed how valuable my gourd is, isn't it? "I ask Fang Cheng while laughing.

"Of course, young master," replied Wang Zhuo humbly, but in his heart he was cursing the goddamn child.

"Master from what I can see you have a treacherous and cautious personality, in short the master has a personality like the sun that illuminates everyone intensely, but to achieve the harmonious state it is necessary for the master to be as serene as the sea. and as tranquil as the moon, that its light illuminates the night in a quiet and serene manner. "

"Ah! I see, "said Fang Cheng when I close my eyes and begin to circulate his cultivation technique, initially he could not concentrate because of the lament of souls, these were very special because they were created by the sect's ancestors to interfere directly with the people doing so that the disciples could not concentrate themselves to cultivate, and Fang Cheng could not circulate his technique after all cultivation was a tedious and tedious process where as much concentration as possible was needed.

But after 3 hours of persisting Fang Cheng's mind seemed to start to empty as if nothing in the world existed and slowly his dantian's Qi began to circulate through his meridians and a small vortex that absorbed the surrounding particles if it formed.

Oh! It seems that my eyes did not deceive, this child is really talented, with just a few tips I gave him he already understood, if I can train him well maybe 200 years from now I can be able to rebuild my body I think Wang Zhuo while floated beside Fang Cheng.

While in the Throne of the Cloud Sect a luxury ship had just arrived in the territory of the Sect, this ship had the symbol of a phoenix which was the insignia of the Heavenly Gate, in the heavenly gate the only ones allowed to drive this ship were Patriarch Liu's daughter who was also the princess of the Xia dynasty or the patriarch himself and his wife Xia Yuning.

"Please stop, no one is allowed to enter the territory of the Throne of the Cloud sect without first presenting themselves or stating the reason for your visit."

Hao Ren said he was the south bank master of the Throne of the Cloud sect.

"I am Zhang Fei one of the Protector of the Heavenly Gate Sect and I am here today with young Master Liu to have an audience with your Patriarch," Zhang Fei said as I flew off the ship.

"This Zhang Fei is just one of the protectors of the Heavenly Gate sect, but already an expert who was half a step from the Rising Soul kingdom, the difference between our sect and the heavenly gate sect is so great!" Hao Ren thought he was also a mid-step expert on the Rising Soul.

All right then please come with me to the South Bank Arrivals area, there you can make an appointment with our Patriarch and if you are allowed in then after some formalities you can see the Patriarch.

Excuse me Lord of the South Rim, but who is in front of you is Liu Bingyu the only daughter and successor of the Celestial Gate do not really think that someone of your level is worthy of a for is not it? I ask Zhang Fei annoyed by the lack of respect shown by a miserable Core Formation to his lady who rarely left his sect.

For Zhang Fei don't be arrogant, that's why I didn't want to be accompanied by anyone, soo a woman's voice in Zhang Fei's ears, when the sound transmission reached her ear Zhang Fei couldn't do but nothing if not follow your master's will and apologize.

"Sorry Lord Hao I was too arrogant please show us the way we will follow you" said Zhang Fei humbly.

"So please follow me"

He politely asked Hao Ren as he showed them the way to the south bank of Throne of the Cloud, after they reached Lord Hao Ren to arrange for the Patriarch to receive them, and strangely even though the patriarch had gone into seclusion. Some time ago he still sent Liu Bingyu into the Semi-Dao mountain that was his personal residence instead of the sect conference room where his clone was located.

When permission was granted for a beautiful golden-haired woman who appeared to be a fairy out of a fairy tale I leave the ship, her body was all covered, her face was veiled, but her manner already said that The girl was a heavenly maiden.

So this is Liu Bingyu I think Zhang Fei after all even though he doesn't have a low status in the Heavenly Gate sect, this was still the first time he has had a chance to see Liu Bingyu.

"Zhang Fei doesn't need your escort from here, you can stay here waiting for me," Liu Bingyu said as I flew at a steady, steady speed toward the Semi Dao hill that floated in the center of the Cloud Throne Sect.

When she finally arrived at Mount Semi Dao she noticed that nothing was muted, it was all like the last year she had been here, the land was completely surrounded by greenery and flowers the house was majestic and large, and as always up here not There was no one, this place was totally different from her home which was full of extravagant decor and employing I think Liu Bingyu while heading home in the center of the flying island, as she finally walked home he saw someone familiar she was a beautiful woman who looked to be in her 25s.

"Auntie!" Said Liu Bingyu when she gets close enough and bows to greet her.


Bingyu´er has grown so big that Aunt hardly recognized you, but you have really become a beautiful woman, I compliment Mu Qinqwu when I notice how elegant she looks around Liu Bingyu.

"Oh! Aunt doesn't need me to compliment so much I speak Liu Bingyu in a cut way and devoid of arrogance. "

"Okay, so let's go in, although Cheng'er and your uncle aren't here yet. Can you join me for tea, are you?"

"Of course I did, Aunty," said Liu Bingyu when I started following Qinqwu to her house.

When they entered the house they went straight to the room which was very simple there the two women sat down and Qinqwu make tea for both of them, the way Qinqwu herself behaved was simple she didn't even look like a cultivator but a housewife normal.

"Aunt where is Fang Cheng? I ask Liu Bingyu after taking his tea to his mouth ".

Excuse me Mei´er I know Cheng'er must have caused you a lot of trouble, Qinqwu answered truthfully, after all she knew how important marriage was to a woman, but even so Fang Cheng dared to flee when his escort was attacked by demonic beasts.

Never mind Aunt the final he just ran away from a date and not from marriage.

Yes I know, but what he did not go unpunished was why his father grounded him for the next two years in the wailing forest, for sure that when he leaves I will send him to the Heavenly Gate myself to properly present to your parents.

Thank you aunt, but it is not necessary to be very hard with Fang Cheng after all that child would not run away from a bride who is 5 years older than her? Liu Bingyu asked in a sad voice.

Oh! Mei´er don't say idiocy, my Cheng'er is very lucky to have a bride like you after all the cultivators live long, and such a small difference is nothing.

Yes, she answered in a sad voice.

Qinqwu was a weak-hearted woman and knew that Liu Bingyu was only this way because she didn't want to go back to the Heavenly Gate, after all in the Liu clan women were very rare so when in her clan a woman is born she is kept until the wedding day without a single man seeing his face with the exception of his family, this is a tradition that the Liu clan has been passing from the ancient heavens as a symbol of luck and prosperity, and so after much thought Qinqwu opened his mouth.

Can Bingyu´er stay here to keep company for her aunt?

Yes! Of course Aunt Liu Bingyu replied happily, this I remember when she came here 9 years ago just enough she behaves the same way as her aunt for the first time released from her family and



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