The Passing of Time and the 4 Successors.

It has been a year and a half since Fang Cheng has been cultivating in the wailing forest, at this time when he was grounded. Liu Bingyu had spent every day on Semi-Dao Mountain near Qinqwu until a dynamic decree sent by Patriarch of the Celestial Gate who ordered her to return to the sect immediately.

Meanwhile, the number of specialists they found in the Cloud Throne sect today was much higher than a year ago, because all the young people who were in the Foundation Establishment kingdom who had left the Cloud Throne Sect in 3 years ago towards the tomb of the Xue Dynasty in search of the essence of the earth have returned.

Among the 500 Foundation Establishments that were sent for this mission, there were 3 of them who were surrounded by a large number of disciples, these had a totally different aura and charisma from the others, these 3 were 3 of the 4 disciples of Succession from the margins of the Sect. Cloud throne.

"Brother Du Zhan Tian, ​​Brother Chun Wushang and Sister Yan Ruyu the masters are calling us, please come with me to the Illusory Mount," Xia Yu called them as I began to fly towards the Illusory Mount, and soon their companions. disciples.

After they reached Mount Illusory they went straight to the sect leader's meeting room where Hao Ren was waiting for them along with the other masters of the 4 banks of the Cloud Throne Sect, when they greeted the masters and then sat down.

The mood in the room was extremely serious and suffocating, all the masters were standing in front of the succession disciples, but not one said anything, until the sect leader Lu Qinghou came in the door and everyone rose to greet him.

"This is not necessary," Lu Qinghou said hurriedly as he raised his hand.

"Today I called you here to formally announce to you disciples of succession that the Cult Patriarch has already elected your successor, and contrary to what we all think the successor would be one of you but it was not so because the successor of the patriarch is Fang Cheng. "

Du Zhan Tian "…."

Chun Wushang "…."

Yan Ruyu "…."

"What?" I ask exalted Xiao Yu who on this trip to Emperor Qin's tomb managed to reach the middle level of the foundation establishment kingdom at just 29 years old.

"Calm down Yu but whatever you are against this is a decision of the Patriarch and no one can change, I organized this meeting to inform you before the disciples who stayed in the sect start gossip, and also to ask you to help the young man patriarch like yours as a companion, "said Lu Qinghou.

"Sect Leader I didn't know that among the cultivators of our sect there is a brother named Feng Cheng who is so prominent, from what margin did he come?" I ask Chun Wushang.

"As for his origin I don't even know, he just came out of nowhere, and now he must be 15 years old, even at the time he was elected successor I searched the Cloud Throne sect's last 20 records to see if I met any disciple named Fang Cheng but neither of them matched the description of this boy, this leads me to believe that the person who changes this boy for sect is the patriarch Chaos Blade himself. "

"Oh! This is very good after all it is the first time in hundreds of years that our sect has chosen a young patriarch, after the blood descendants of the founding patriarch die, this only shows that the young man must have a lot of talent and maybe within 600 we have "Next Soul Half-Step Expert," Chun Wushang said calmly.

"Yes this is also a way of looking at things but Wushang this does not mean to say that the sect's expectation for you has diminished, but on the contrary, we expect the emergence of a new generation leader to encourage you get better, "said Ouyang Yi who was the North Rim Master.

"Brother Yi is absolutely right, now each of you will go to your respective margin to stabilize your cultivation especially Xiao Yu, who has advanced to the middle stage of the Foundation Establishment," said Mo Yu, ending the conversation.

"Yes teacher," answered all the disciples harmoniously, and immediately left the room.

"But what is the Patriarch really planning to choose a successor so hastily?" I ask Yan Shishi to Lu Qinghou.

"I also think the patriarch's decision was hasty, but at present the boy is in the wailing forest, if he comes back from there then there will be no doubt that he has the ability to lead the sect."

"Yes, the sect leader is right if the young Fang Cheng really gets into the harmonic state with only the 3rd layer of condensation Qi, then will he prove to be one of the greatest genius of this era?" Asked Hao Ren.

"Now most importantly, within half a year the trip to the secret realm will take place for all external disciples in the 6th layer of Qi condensation to the 9th layer, the problem is which bank masters could be responsible for this event." Lu Qinghou said as he looked suggestively at Mo Yu.

"I am very sorry Qinghou but goodness knows that it is impossible after all Xiao Yu just got back and he can make a breakthrough so I will be busy guiding him."

Lu Qinghou I do not say anything after all he already knew that it would not be easy to find someone to be responsible for this event, because this event needs a group of at least 10 foundation establishment kingdom to open the door of the secret kingdom, and also need They used a large number of elite external disciples to serve as guides and guardians.

Not having found a nice answer from Mo Yu he looks at Hao Ren. "I can't either, Qinghou didn't forget that I'm in charge of managing the Hall of Justice for the next 100 years, right?"

Lu Qinghou "…."

"Then I count on you Yan Shishi," Lu Qinghou said when he realized that asking the others would only drag the problems further.

"Yes sect leader" answered Yan Shishi who knew that everything would eventually fall on his shoulders.

"But from what I could see the number of participants this year will be very high, so I would like the other shore masters to send at least 4 elite outer disciples from each shore to help control the regular disciples."

"Uh! I see no problem with that after all it will be the West Bank experts who opened the secret kingdom, and everyone knows that after this time it will take 1 year to regain their Origin energy, if sending 12 elite outside disciples will lighten the load. "Yan Shishi's so I see no problem," said Hao Ren.

"Yes, I don't object either," said Mo Yu.

"I don't object either" said Ouyang Yi

So since everything has been discussed I count on Hao Ren's help to strengthen the safety of the sect, the rest of the masters are dismissed and can return to their regular duties.