A Powerful Fang Cheng

Group 10 Camp

Within the group 10 camp the situation had been out of control as they were all surrounded by 15 Demon Beasts who were lured there by the bait An Xue´er used, among the 15 Demon Beast 12 of them were in the 8 layer of the realm. Human, but the other 3 demon beasts were all in the 9 layer.

"Damn what's going on here," complained Ye Qio when he saw Mu Chen and Bai Feng being eaten by an 8-tiered Earth Dragon.

Ye Qio what are you doing complained Su Mu leap and a huge light was imitated from his sword that cut 3 demonic beasts from the 8 layer of the human realm as if nothing were.

Ye Qio "…."

Even though Su Mu tried to get Ye Qion's attention yet he didn't move, he was totally static from fear that he was even pathetic, the only thing Ye Qio did was perform his damn cloak technique that made him invisible, it was there. that Su Mu realized he couldn't count on him.

So Su Mu looks to the other disciples looking for someone to help him, but in this situation only Tang Yao was the only one who was fighting while protecting his sister, meanwhile Xu Can use a talisman to create a protective barrier for himself. .

Damn, we are fighting very apart from each other, if things go on like this we will all die, Su Mu thought as he faced two beasts of the 9th layer of the human realm.

"Don't be nervous if we hold on long enough until Senior Sister Yan and the supervisors arrive we will survive," Su Mu said as he fought off the claw of one of the earth dragons that attacked him.

As he defended from one of the Earth Dragon's claws the other Earth Dragon moved behind him to try to tear his head off, but before that happened. Su Mu injects even more Qi into his blade and his blade began to emit an even brighter white light that he used to cut the scaled dragon's claw, and before the other hit him he used that gave a great speed, and jump behind the dragon and pierced him in the heart.

Aaaaaah moaned the Earth Dragon before falling

"Ah! Uncle is so amazing! "

"Wow it's been 4 demon beasts!" Said surprised Xu Can.

"Xu Can, Mu Chen, Su Yun Tian and Tang Meng come together to create a defensive barrier so you can protect yourself as quickly as possible, and send a messenger bird to contact the supervisors, meanwhile Tang Yao, Ye Qio and I will hold the demonic beasts until the overseers return, "said Su Mu, who at this moment emitted a heroic aura with his long sword in his hand.

After Su Mu devised a plan of action, all disciples below the 7 Qi condensation layer who gathered at one point and used all their defensive talismans to create a barrier, after they set the barrier. Xu Can wrote a letter . Then he threw the paper into the air, and began to whisper a few words as he finished whispering his short words, the paper in the air burned and became a Spiritual Bird that began to fly towards Yan Ruyu.

When the Spirit Bird was flying toward Yan Ruyu a huge beast 1.60 meters high jump and ate the bird, this beast was similar to a black panther, but was much larger, and had two saber inbounds coming out of its mouth.

When the majestic saber-tooth arose Tang Yao was so startled by the aura that a 15-layer beast in the human realm dropped his sword.


"This is impossible if we are dead," said Ye Qio as he fell to his knees without hope.

Seeing such a scene happening in front of you Su Mu can only continue to fight believing that the supervisors would arrive, after all this is the only thing the weak could do.

When everyone was desperate for the emergence of Saber Tooth, a powerful old voice sounded. "Who dares disturbs this Senior's juniors."

We are saved, thought Ye Qio, who has done nothing since the beginning of the fight.

Finally the supervisors returned, Su Mu thought as I looked up at the sky and saw a figure Fang Cheng carrying a huge scythe in his right hand.

Is Fang Cheng at the Foundation Establishment? Tang Yao wondered when he noticed that Fang Cheng is flying without a special treasure like the Levitation sphere.

"Senior Brother Fang Cheng?" Shouted all the disciples who were wearing defensive talisman to create a barrier.

Seven people were just 7 people out of 9 people left? All because I was not strong enough to kill An Xue'er thought Fang Cheng when he dropped his spear in his hand, it began to float up and moved with great speed and relentlessly pierced a demonic beast centipede type that was in the 8 layer in the Human realm.

As he pierced the demonic beast, Sabers' tooth roared and purple thunder struck Fang Cheng, knocking him to the ground like a stray bird.

"Damn, I'm pretty weak, aren't you?" Fang Cheng wondered as he stood up and watched his comrades fight, and then noticed that the saber-barrel roared once more and several purple thunders struck Ye Qio, Tang Yao and Su. Mu and left them totally paralyzed with static.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Once again the saber tooth roared as it began to run towards Fang Cheng.

Drogaaaaaaaaaa roared Fang Cheng as he picked up his spear and jumped high. And with all his might he raised his spear to the sky and described a descending bow toward the head of the Saber Tooth.

The disciples who were witnessing this scene were mesmerized because this moment looked like a screen representing the wildest of beasts against the wildest of humans. Faster the face of all the disciples went black because the saber-sharpener was faster and more powerful, powerful to the point that Fang Cheng had no sore and his right shoulder was pierced by the great fangs of the Saber Tooth.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Fang Cheng's cry of pain as his body was pierced by the two teeth of the Saber Tooth, but the Saber Tooth doesn't tear his shoulder for long, for after punching Fang Cheng's shoulder he throws it into a corner.

Aaah aah ah was breathing hard at Fang Cheng as he looked at the Saber Tooth as it started toward its companions inside the barrier, so he began to think.

From his childhood Fang Cheng began to be rigorously instructed in the path of a scholar and a cultivator by his father, for a leader should possess knowledge and power. Initially Fang Cheng was dedicated as much as possible to live up to his father's expectation, the more he grew the more he understood his responsibilities and so he fled, he fled because he feared he was not strong enough, he fled because he feared not being wise enough, he ran away because he was a child.

And being in this situation he thinks why not run away? But he knew he wouldn't be able to know what kind of man he would be if he abandoned his companions.

Fang Cheng thought as he made his decision and took from his storage ring a Far Paradise pill that was a pill that had the ability to triple its user's cultivation, but was almost never used for the serious damage it caused to its dantian. user.

As he took the Long Paradise pill his hair and clothes began to move without wind, and some splinters of spiritual energy began to unleash from his healing body thanks to his cloak, and Fang Cheng's level of cultivation passed. to 6 Qi condensation layer, then 7 layer to 8 layer, 9 layer, 10 layer, 11 layer, 12 layer, 13 layer, 14 layer, and finally it reached up to 15 Qi condensation layer and I am when your energy reached the height of 15 Qi condensation she stopped.

This is...? Far Paradise Pill Su Mu thought that his body was still static.

From the moment Fang Cheng reached the half-step Foundation stage he said nothing simply stood in the midst of all that chaos and the beasts did too, it was as if they understood that they were in the presence of someone superior.

Now all die please soo Fang Cheng's voice like a heavenly decree when his spear moved at a shocking speed and killed all the beasts that were surrounding Ye Qio, Tang Yao, Su Mu and the disciples that were in the barrier , it only took 1 second for the head of all beasts in the 8th and 9th layer of the Human kingdom to take off as if it were nothing.

And as his spear went toward the sabers, he threw a purple thunder through his mouth that pushed his spear back.

Eeeeh! "Not bad," Fang Cheng said calmly as he drew his spear into his hand, and immediately afterwards he threw the spear toward the Saber-Tooth Tiger who again struck back with his shocking thunder attack. directly against the spear, but the spear this time contained much more Qi energy than in the previous attack and quickly pierced the thunder and head of the saber-toothed tiger.

Tang Yao "…."

Tang Meng "…."

Su Yun Tian "…."

Mu Chen "… .."