The Type of Person Anyone any Follow

Almost all the beasts were killed in one blow instantly, which surprised all the disciples around, having seen a scene like this the surrounding disciples could not look away from the slender boy in his presence.

So is this the man who had succeeded as the leader of our sect? Xu Can thought, surprised by Fang Cheng's brilliant combat ability.

"I, I am alive! mumble "Ye Qio relieved.

"Is this the power of the Far Paradise Pill?" wondered Su Mu. No even if I had reached the height of the 15 layer of condensation Qi, I couldn't kill all these Demonic beasts as if it were nothing, especially the saber tooth. Su Mu admired.

"Everyone pick up as many demonic cores as they can collect, and get ready to leave, probably more hordes of demonic beasts are coming," said Fang Cheng, who was looking a little pale.

"What more hordes of beasts?" ask Su Mu.

As Su Mu asked this question, he heard a few footsteps coming from the forest, and quickly the silhouette of Yan Ruyu and the other supervisors arrived.

Su Mu "…."

More what happened here? asked Yan Ruyu that he had just arrived and came across several 8 and 9 layer beast corpses and also the beast corpse in the 15 layer of condensation Qi.

Senior sister Yan! shout Su Yun Tian Surprised.

Yan Ruyu "…."

Finally did you arrive? Asked Fang Cheng

When Fang Cheng greeted them, the supervisors were surprised that obviously Fang Cheng imitated a stronger aura than theirs.

Yan Ruyu "…."

Oh Peak 15 Condensation Layer Qi? ask Wang Kai surprised.

More like? Obviously you were in the 5 Qi Condensation layer when you came here

This doesn't matter Xiao Wuji, the most important thing is to get out of here.

Seven Days in Paradise is not Fang Cheng? asked Yan Ruyu that since he had arrived, he had not asked Fang Cheng anything, because of the strange medicinal essence he emitted from intrigue.

"Fang Cheng, don´t me say you actually took the Long Paradise Pill?" Wang Kai asked agitatedly, as it was well known that the Long Paradise Pill was a rank-3 pill, designed to triple its users' realm

during 3 days and after these days his real would fall and your dantia would be


"It doesn't matter, but if we want to survive for the remaining 7 days we have to get out of this zone as soon as possible."

"More you?" Asked Wang Kai, who knew that someone who takes the distant paradise pill had no future as a cultivator.

"It's all right after all I am the next patriarch if one has to sacrifice himself, it is better to be me than the disciples of my sect," said Fang Cheng resolutely as if he were someone from the older generation.

Wang Kai "…."

After Fang Cheng soothes Wang Kai, all the disciples braced themselves and continued their journey some were sad as Xu Can who in this battle lost his friends while some were happy to be able to protect his family like Tang Yao and Su Mu plus What is clear to everyone was that in the world of cultivation only the strong survive, this is something that gets etched in everyone's mind.

After spending more than noon running all the disciples were already exhausted, but not one of them dared to complain because on their way here they found several beasts and most were 7 layer and 4 other beasts were in 13 and 14 layer, and who killed all these beasts were the overseers along with Yan Ruyu and Fang Cheng.

Senior sister Yan can we rest? Is it already getting dark and we are exhausted asked Tang Yao who could no longer stand running.

Yan Ruyu sighed and I look at Fang Cheng who's face is pale. She already knew that everyone was tired, but she also feared that they would be attacked by demonic beasts, because they didn't rest, but seeing her as everyone was tired she had no choice. "We'll rest well in that cave so it's easier to protect ourselves."

Having said Yan Ruyu they all went to the cave, and when they arrived at the cave, the first to enter were Yan Ruyu and the supervisors to see if there were Demonic beasts there, while Fang Cheng stayed out of the cave with the disciples so that if something if he could protect them.

After a few minutes Wang Kai came out of the cave and said. There is not even a beast inhabiting this cave.

When they entered the cave they came across a floating fireball that stood beside Yan Ruyu and An Xue which was still immobilized and with a seal in its mouth.

Soon Tang Yao and Tang Meng joined Yan Ruyu, while Ye Qio, Su Mu, Xu Can and the other boys were in the other corner of the cave, and at the exit of the cave were Wang Kai, Fang Cheng and Xiao Wuji the watchman

After a few hours Wang Kai look at Fang Cheng and notice that he seemed to be a little tired. Senior Brother Fang is better off going to rest, me and Xiao Wuji can control the cave entrance alone.

"Hum thanks".

Soon after saying goodbye to Wang Kai and Xiao Wuji, Fang Cheng quickly started walking towards the bottom of the cave that was very large probably the beast that was here was one of the largest of this place, so he noticed a small amount of light shining from inside the cave and noticed that Yan Ruyu was reading a little book while the other disciples had already fallen asleep.

At this moment Yan Ruyu became aware of Fang Cheng's presence and his beautiful eyes left hi books and fixed on Fang Cheng's pale face, and in the silence of the night a melodic soo voice. "Can you still stand?"

Fang Cheng "… .."

Quickly Yan Ruyu gets up stay and faces Fang Cheng. "You know that you can deceive others, but you do not deceive me, the Paradise Far Pill is a Rank-3 pill that triples the cultivation of its user, that is common knowledge of every cultivator on a theoretical basis, but what would happen if a cultivator in the Qi condensation state consumed a Rank-3 pill? "

"This question is easy, Junior Sister Ruyu," said Fang Cheng slowly, as a small amount of blood slowly began to drip from his mouth and nose. "The pressure that a drug of this level would inflict on the user's body would be such that his body would be destroyed from the inside out as I am happening right now."

"And even knowing that, you didn't hesitate to take the pill to save your juniors' lives! Initially I was wondering what kind of person would be the successor of Patriarch Chaos Blade, but knowing that someone who puts the life of his juniors on him I don't even know what to say. "

Fang Cheng "…."

"More as a person you are the kind of person anyone would not hesitate to follow.

This time Fang Cheng did not answer anything, after all he had been standing up since taking the Paradise pill Far, but now he was already at his limit and slowly he began to fall consciously forward.

"Hey! Watch out, "said Yan Ruyu as I support Fang Cheng in stopping him from falling to the ground.

"Ah! Finally I'll be able to sleep, "mutters Fang Cheng before completely losing consciousness.