Thomas : hey how come your nephew let u come today aren't u going to become his nanny today.

Hugo: he he he u r right well where is our party angel is he not coming today .

Felix : if u don,t know he is coming or not then how can we know .

Hugo: I am his assistant not his girlfriend how can I know where is he . after office we go our separate way. why don't, u ask him .

After saying that every one move there gazes toward ETHAN .

Ethan :Fuck why r u all staring at me like that. let me tell u last night when I arrives house with my girl she accidently knock the table and fall to the sofa . or accidently broke the vase from there then.

Before ETHAN can continue Thomas cut him off and said. Then what his brother kick him out of the house with his girlfriend .

Felix : but why would he be this angry for a mere vas.

Hugo: he is not angry for a mere vas he is angry for that vas by made by little treasure himself. Am I right.

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck BLOODY HELL how can I forget these now that little devil is going to kill me. How about I will replace that with exact looking vas said Ethan .

Felix : Don't be happy, Until know he already know that vas is broken you r doomed to die tonight.

Hah ha ha ha ha ha

What r u all laughing at a voice was hear from behind the table. Everyone turn around to see the person who is standing there . Both of his hand tucked inside his pant pocket his dark blue eyes and sharp nose, his red hot lips is looking like inviting everyone to kiss them .

After hearing that voice Ethan run in lightning speed and pounce on NATHAN body.

Everyone started to laugh seeing them like that. Ethan started to kiss Nathan cheek and start to crying.

Bro my dear bro please save me from MOMMY. If she know I couse little devil after seeing Nathan cold glare he start to trembled and said COUGH .....COUGH ...COUGH….. Who is little devil .

And turn around to his friend and scolded loudly "who is little devil my nephew is little treasure my little sweat bun if any dares to call him devil then I will skin u alive" after hearing him everyone dumbfound and stared him as if saying that " you r dead meat tonight" everyone know how much NATHAN LOVES LITTLE TREASURE . after his twin cousin brother and his wife death NATHAN brought him with himself. That time little treasure is only 3 month old .and take care of him like his own son .

Say if anyone to say bad about little treasure isn't it mean digging our own grave from our own hand. and this brat try to slender them say how they want to tear them apart.

hugo yelled at ETHAN and say "u bastard u r try to slender us nothing happened to all of u

but I need to work with these devil day and night. U know when I accidently piss off little treasure u know what that iceberg did to me . He send me to north America In that desert area u know I nearly died there . And after coming back from there in 3 month I get to know that my girlfriend cheat on me . NO, NO, NO I can't imagine if my current girlfriend cheat on me then I will attempt sucide and write your name on sucide note ."

after hearing him everyone felt pity for him and think about there own life.

Are u done then shut your mouth yelled Nathan and glare them then move his gaze toward Ethan and instruct guards to take him old mension.