After hearing his brother word ETHAN froze on the spot and refine his mind what his brother said . And thinking for a moment he moved his eyesight to his brother and said." Br…..Brother …are u re…..really sending me to the old man..man…mansion, But w..w…why …..iii…know I did wrong but that big punishment . A u really my brother" cried ETHAN . the guards move forward to grab ETHAN but he take 2 step back . the rest of trio felt pity for his buddy .but what can they do who tell him to be badmouthing about little treasure.

Seeing ETHAN reaction NATHAN give his deadly glare to him and grabbed his collar and dragged him out of Bar And take him to Hospital VIP ward with him.

Meanwhile at the EMILY side...…..


In the hospital EMALI grandfather regain his sense he opened his eyes and seeing the white ceiling and slowly think about the accident one by one he regain whole story what happened before he passed out and start trembling with fear. Then he look around and found that he is in the hospital safe and sound . and his right side his son lying in another bad still unconscious but he is safe except his leg there is no injury both of there body . but how did they end up in hospital . did his wife Ally ANOUNECED that SI group is going to bankrupt thinking about it tear fall down on his cheek then he got up from the bed and took his IV drop out of his hand because of his force blood start to floe from his hand .. when old lady entered the room and saw the scene in front of her she run toward her husband Andrew and stop him then try to calm him.

Andrew shook her hand off from his shoulder and mumbled to himself " ITS OVER EVERYTHING IS OVER how am I going to show my face to my ancestor how can I face my family my eldest grandson who work hard in this company, my son who shed his blood and sweat to this company . now the company is gone what my family going is to do now FINISH EVERY THING IS FINISHED" just when old man in his own world old lady shrugged his shoulder and sigh after seeing his reaction.

The old lady lay him down in bad again and tell him everything in this 3 hour. After hearing everything from his wife Andrew have a sigh of relief in his mind .

And ask his wife with guilt written on his face " is it okay to ask her to come imperial city after that accident u know she is not able to come out of that accident and after hearing her brother death news she become more distant from everyone expect harry she never show her true side to anyone even her parents"

After what her husband said ally sighed and said to her husband " that lass is already grow up but that nightmare still hunting her when she never let anyone near her expect LIAM. only he know how he managed to let her out of her room she didn't even speak everyone to least 2 year. LIAM become her mother to help her when she needed him more than anyone else, even HARRY become jealous of LIAM he always think that LIAM his rival in his sister love . and always fought to him . like LIAM stole his girlfriend and when LIAM scolded to him he run for his mother and cried in her arms whole day . but what can we say he is only 9 year old child that time ."

Thinking of that did u forget when no one is around EMILY and EMILY is sleeping he always sneak in her room with his teddy without any sound and slept with her whole night . And when LIAM caught him sleeping with EMILY he always carry him out of her room without awaken him and put him on his bad"

Ha ha ha

How can I forget that HARRY started to believe that a ghost is in EMILY room who always try to take him away from his sister. Until one day he caught LIAM carry him out of EMILY room and HARRY caused whole house in uproar until morning . how naughty is this child when he is little well he isn't change one bit .in childhood LIAM always clear his meaa know EMALY clear his mess. Said Ally

Whatever happened that day at least after 2 year that night EMILY start to talk slowly slowly .

Yes u r right the thing no one able to do HARRY did it with his childish behavior . said ALLY

Yes I remember that day clearly how EMALY coax HARRY to not cry and promise him that from know she will always play with him

When she started to talk after 2 year LIAM is the first one to hug her and he even praise HARRY for that in first time in 2 year HARRY praised by LIAM not scolded. And as for HARRY he feel like he is in ninth cloud .said Andrew.

Yes how can I forget cherry how she cried like a child. We all nearly lost hope that this child is ever going to talk . both brother always dot on his sister . suddenly today I missed LIAM if he is here nothing would be like that know every one wants us to go down our family become our enemy I MISSED HIM . Suddenly ward door open and EMILY walked in with food in her hand and with her 2 bodyguard follow in with cloth and medicine there hand EMILY instruct them to place the things in table and took other bag from bodyguard hand the tell them to leave .finally Emily walked to the bed of old man and greeted him

Hello grandfather r u alright long time no see and walked to unpack the food.