After seeing his granddaughter returned from Australia after 10 year later . Andrew let out some tear of joy from his eyes after she is his most beloved granddaughter in every grandchild . he have seen how she suffer all this year. When he goes to Australia to meet his both grandchild that time he had seen how she wakes up from nightmare . in her nightmare she always soaked herself in sweat and rolled herself like a lifeless doll laying in bed. When she comes home few months she always stays in LIAM condo. Not in mansion .
When HARRY relies his sister condition he also try not to leave her alone and after starting her own business Andrew have not seen her for whole 2 years . see how much have she grown up and also become thin.
After Nathan dragged Ethan to the hospital in a ward after open Ethan eyes pop out from his socket " what the hell am I seeing things how can little treasure in hospital no wonder brother dragged me hare like stray dog I am finished OH JESUS PLEASE GOD BLESS ME" after seeing other side of the bed he found little treasure is not alone " fuck... fuck... fuck... what the hell why is Wilson house mistress and big mistress is here I am doomed to die today" not alone both lady husband sitting was also here who is glaring him to not only make there wife angry also to make there grandchild to admit in hospital.
After seeing him coming in the ward all elder start to went there anger on him and give ETHAN good green scolding ETHAN plead with his puppy eyes for save him but NATHAN neglect him and went to little treasure and stroke his hair gently .
WHAT R U SAYING EMILY LIAM DEATH IS NOT ACCIDENT BUT A MURDER older Andrew and Ally fell like there mind went blank and in other side of the bed certain someone who is lying in bed couldn't believe in his ears . tear rolled down from there eyes . the child who always care about there more than himself the child they watched grow up, the child who grow up in there love and there shed was brutally killed by someone there biological child was not die in accident but he is killed by someone .
After seeing there reaction EMILY try to calm them and show them a file in the file there some photos and some document .
I am going to tell u too something but u need to promise one thing . whatever happened here whatever u have seen here today u too not know anything about it . neither u have seen anything neither u hear any thing here today . there conversation that happened here today was never happened . and also the kidnapping is never happened either. U too r not allowed to say one thing to anyone nor our own family member either .
Why , why do we need to hide it from our family did u have any dout on someone did anyone from our family .
Elder Si not able to finish his word before EMILY interrupt him " Thats not that what u think I don't wants to tell family member because I don't want mom or Harry to be sad . and u know about dad after brother death he is merely able to hold the company till now I don't to give him more pressure" then EMILY remember something and said " u guys r very good in Australia I don't know anything about country if that day dad secretary haven't called me I will never know that what is actually happening in imperial what did u guys take me as huh".
After few second EMILY spoke again I am going to take over SI corporation from now on there is a spy in under our wings I need to find him . Tomorrow morning is a meeting I am hilding every shareholder is coming in meeting . in morning there is a show going to happen a show going to happen . wants to enjoy the show.
What u mean by show what r u really going to do , this time ald lady asked anxiously .
Nothing special laying a trap for a muse. What do u think.
Kevin never saw her daughter that side he wondered is she really his daughter who always hide herself in her room . no… no…. no….. its must be a imposter . right
But reality is always have been cruel he will soon relies about it in morning .
After hearing those green words ethan broked in cold seat and go to little treasure side but to his surprised he hear something that make is whole world upside down.
When know one in ward little treasure open his eyes and seeing ETHAN is sitting with him he said " how is my acting ucle do u like it"
Ethan froze on the spot after a while he said " little treasure u r awake wait, wait what did u said acting u mean u r acting till now is . but why I mean why did u did it and u know because of u everyone scold and beaten me why did u did it"
Ethan think that little treasure going to say sorry but to his instinct he chukled and cruelly said.
Stop playing dumb did u forget what I said to u, before daddy u r not allowed to marry . how dare u brought a girl in our home .and u also brake my handmade made vas with your girlfriend how did it feel uncle. Now dare to do that again I will have u expel from family will u dare.
Hallo reader I know u think that story is plane but don't worry after few chapter there is excitement for u and u will really like it . bealive me. And I know I am not giving u enough update , but I am a student I also need to study and also I am working in a green India, its our private team there is only 5 member in our team . we will always plants some plant in everywhere to keep nature healthy .WOW I like my team green love u all.
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Let meet in next chapter till then by