
Daphne and Ezra had been looking at each other for about five minutes now. Ezra's gaze just got more and more intense the more he noticed Daphne blushing and being shy.

Daphne had reasoned with herself that he was the best man to accomplish her desires with, and the way he was looking at her made her feel amazingly flattered. She lost herself in his golden globes. His body in a suit was a work of art and his overall intensity made her feel like she was melting. His body was leaned over, his hands being cupped with his elbows placed on his thighs.

His whole demeanor was undeniably seductive.

This result of this discussion was not what she had been expecting when she decided to have a conversation with him, but somewhere in her heart, she did wish she did not have to divorce, to argue with her family, to disappoint his family, and more.

Daphne knew it was unfair to most of them for her to take such drastic measures just because she wanted to feel loved as a woman. But she had reached a point where she wanted to be selfish and no longer wanted to play things safe. What was the point anyway? It wasn't making her happy.

A pang of possessiveness over Ezra got birthed in Daphne's heart. And before she could stop herself, she asked him,

"So, you agree to be mine, then?"

Ezra audibly gulped and answered in a sultry tone that was making Daphne feel butterflies in her stomach, at the way it sounded.

"If you agree to be mine, than I am all yours?" Ezra spoke. A hint of confusion could be heard from his tone. He had answered the question on impulse, as he was not truly expecting her random, but pointed question… but nonetheless, after the words left his mouth, he did not want to take them back.

At that moment, it was like a switch had been flipped in Daphne.

She got up, and with unforeseen courage and excitement, she sat on the coffee table. Her legs almost trapped between his legs. Ezra had to lean back a bit in order to allow her to sit down. He remained that way as he had never been the one to make the decisions when it came to her. He would always try to mold his way into her life, and it would ultimately be her choice if she accepted him. The only time his plans had actually worked was when they got married, and that was only because she was willing.

After some hesitation, Daphne glided her fingers to Ezra's neck and then, slowly, to his face.

With a sweet, intoxicating tone, she asked,

"Really? Can I believe in you?"

Ezra had closed his eyes in order to better feel her touch and when she asked her question, he took her hand and pressed it strongly against his face while his face also moved to be better cupped by her hand.

To feel her body heat was an intoxicating experience for Ezra. To smell her flagrance from so close was incredible.

He was scared of touching her, scared of hurting her, scared of not being enough for her. As such, he was extremely grateful that she had been the one to initiate this moment of intimacy.

Even if this was all she ever wanted to do with him, he was happy.

Suddenly, Ezra felt Daphne sit on his lap, straddling him. Ezra's action of cupping the hand she used to caress him made Daphne incredibly brave.

Her other hand came to cup his face and Ezra could not help but open his eyes and look at her.

She was staring intensely at his face, her breathing had become rugged and her dress had risen to her upper thighs in order to accommodate her position.

Since Daphne had come this far, Ezra finally got the courage to reach out for her. With his left hand cupping her right hand to his face, he embraced her waist with his right and pulled her closer to him.