The power of a Doctor (1)

It's a surreal belief that doctors are next to God, who has the ability to cure the bodily Pain. Though Xue Nuan took up medicine due to her mother's wish, over a period of time, she understood that being a doctor for needful and it's a pure service to fellow humans. She literally abhors anyone who abuses the power of being a doctor.

She followed the young girl and went inside the emergency ward. She rushed immediately to the person who was fighting for his life. Without any hesitation, she started looking at his scan reports which was there in one of the doctors hands.

"Lady, I don't know who you are. But whatever you are doing is a punishable offense." Doctor Yan Yang said to Xue Nuan.

Xue Nuan didn't bother to answer her questions. She looked them and said

"I want to know, what are all the medicines you have given him, after he has arrived." said with the calm and collected voice ignoring the Yan Yang.

Yan Yang was the Senior Doctor in emergency ward. she was the duty in charge for that day. she couldn't tolerate Xue Nuan's behavior.

"Are you dumb, you didn't understand what I said before. you need to leave the hospital premises immediately or I will have to ask the cops to take you away."

Miss Li who was crying all these while looked at the commotion and came closer to Xue Nuan.

"Sister, you were the one who admitted my Father here right? Why are you asking for the details, is there anything wrong with work or the way my father was getting treated. They are telling me that my father will not come back. By any chance, are you doctor? Please save my father! Please, Please!."

It was heart breaking for everyone to see Young Miss Li shattered like this. She is a raising supermodel and she is always known as talented, stubborn, strong and Extremely Beautiful. Xue Nuan is not aware about her background or profession. She just a saw a young woman who is trying to see if she can get her father back.

"Yes dear, I am a doctor. like they say survival rate is very bad. there are some external wounds and some severe blood clots as well in his head. The chance of survival without operations is Nil. But there is a 5% chance that he might survive after the surgery. however even if he is survived, we can't be sure that he will be cured hundred percent. we will be able to evaluate only post operation."

Xue Nuan's words were like honey flowing in the ears for Miss Li. She got a Ray of Hope for Xue Nuan.

" Sister, then please go on with the Surgery right away."

Before Xue Nuan could respond, Doctor Yan Yang came in between.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you giving hope to this poor woman unnecessarily. "

and she turned to Miss Li

"Miss Li, please don't listen to her. we don't know who she is. our expert doctors already checked and said they can't do anything."

Suddenly the nurse came running,

"Doctor Yan Yang, The patient is moving like, he is having fits. His stats are not normal and his pulse is fluctuating rapidly. we don't know what to do."

Xue Nuan didn't wait for anyone, She ran inside and asked for a xxx injection to the nurse placed there. The nurse was very quick and she gave Xue Nuan exact amount she asked for.

After the injection, his pulse and everything became little stable.

Doctor Yan Yang couldn't stop Xue Nuan in time and Miss Li saw everything through the glass doors and her belief in Xue Nuan increased by mountains.

There was huge commotion after that. Doctor Yan Yang called the police. Xue Nuan realized she didn't have more time, since he needed to operated immediately.

She sent a text to someone quickly and Spoke on top of her voice

" Stop it everyone. Is this really a hospital or corporate company. you guys are not bothered about the dying patient. All of you are not willing to take a risk by thinking about after consequences. what he had right now is seizure, before it occurs again I need operate him."

Doctor Yan Yang wanted to do something to this new person who refuses to leave. She was scared before the rest of the Li Family Members come, this troublesome person should be thrown away. So she called police emergency line.

To everyone's surprise, Zi Zexian entered with the team of nurses. the entire room became pin drop silent. Xue Nuan noticed that.

"Doctor Xue Nuan, Sorry for the delay, I have arranged the Operation theatre as per your request, these nurses will transfer the patient after getting confirmation of consent from the patient family. " Zi Zexian spoke to Xue Nuan in a respectable manner like how he address his Senior.

Miss Li to saw this and said

"Please start the operation immediately, I will sign the consent papers right away."

Xue Nuan looked at the fragile woman and said

"Be strong and hope for the best.i will see you soon."

She left after that straight to the operation theatre. She started her surgery quickly, since the more the time she waits, the more risk is.

Zi Zexian arranged for a special team, which consists of two experienced nurses and two young doctors as per Xue Nuan's request.

Zi Zexian was amazed by his sister in law. she knows what is doing. the message from is Crystal clear of what she wants. He wanted to learn so much from her.

Xue Nuan was completely a different person during surgery. she forgot about everything except the patient on the operation table. She was happy with the team Zi Zexian had arranged for her.

Miss Li seated outside the operation theatre. She was praying all the gods in the world to give her father back to his old self.

Zi Zexian handled the messy issues in the emergency ward and came to the operation theatre. he saw through the view window how his sister in law was working. Since he had a surgery himself after 2 hours, he left and came outside.

He saw the shattered Miss Li outside. He could understand her state without any explanation needed.

He sat next to her and said

"Li Quan, Do you want to drink something, you look very pale. you need to take care of your Father after Surgery."

Li Quan hugged Zi Zexian tightly after hearing his words and started crying badly.

He hugged her back to console.

Few people were walking towards them. Zi Zexian could identify the two police guys due to their uniforms.

Zi Zexian released himself from Li Quan to handle the situation.

The police came closer to him

"Sir, someone complained from the hospital. That's why we came over."

Zi Zexian took him and cleared the misunderstanding. However Li Family landed there. Zi Zexian was expecting them, but not so soon.

Mid aged lady came with rage towards them

"So how long you had planned to take this revenge. is this how Zi family is."

Zi Zexian didn't want to respond to her nonsense words. But he can't run away

"It's not what you think, before you speak anything, think through." He said in indifferent tone.

She turned to police and said

"Police Man, please arrest the Zi Family for hurting my husband. It is your duty to punish the people who wronged and stop the surgery. God knows what they are doing in the name of Surgery."

"Madame Li, you need to be patient. we are not your servants. If you create a unnecessary commotion, we may need to remove you from here. We advise you behave accordingly."

Madam Li wanted to respond, but he was stopped by her son. he came forward and said

"Sorry officer, my mother is in shock. we will take care of it."

The police left after giving a warning again.

Zi Zexian already felt a huge headache coming over.

Yan Yang saw the entire thing from far and came to Zi Zexian who was walking back to his room.

"Doctor Zi Zexian, I am so sorry to see you in trouble. this is the reason why I was fighting before."

Zi Zexian stopped his steps to look at her.

She was happy to see him responding to her.

But she was stunned by his words instead.