Where is Xue Nuan?

It was slightly snowing in the country A. it was beautiful to see a white city. Zi Peng will be done with his work a day early, He was prepared to leave after a meeting that evening.

However after reaching the hotel for lunch, he had the sudden urgent urge to speak to Xue Nuan. While it's lunch in Country A, it's evening in City B.

He came to his suite in the hotel and tried calling her. But he couldn't reach her. Her phone was just ringing, yet no response. He thought maybe she was busy with something. Generally he would receive a one or two text during the day. today it was none. something didn't feel right. he called Gong Bai to enquire immediately.


Mother Zi reached home later in the night. Elder Zi and Father Zi were sipping their tea.

"Father, where are your granddaughter in laws, House seems too quiet today." Mother Zi asked Elder Zi.

Elder Zi was surprised to hear that

"I thought of asking you, they haven't come back from hospital yet.i did try reaching them on phone."

Father Zi didn't think much about it but now starting to get worked up, he asked mother Zi

"Where is Zi Zexian, call him and find out. wait! let me call him myself."

He called and he couldn't reach Zexian as well. Mother Zi didn't want to trouble them, she wanted to handle it herself. so she said

"Actually Zi Zexian might be in Surgery right now. Liu Huang was shifting to her new place today, Xue Nuan was planning to help arrange her new apartment. so you guys don't worry."

Father Zi said

" Okay Darling, as long as you are able to check on the status with them, We are fine with it."

"Actually I think I will have to go back after dinner since I few urgent work to handle." Mother Zi said and went to refresh.

She wanted to go back without worrying the two men in the house.

Zi Zexian made sure the news of accident and his treatment not leaked out to any media. Li Zedong also did the same thing, since he was worried about the shares price of Li Corporation falling down.

When Mother Zi reached the hospital again. it was as usual. she went straight to Zi Zexian office. Since he wasn't there, she went towards level 4 as per his assistant's words.

On the way, she was feeling like someone is playing a hide and seek game. Zi Peng called her at that time breaking her thoughts.

"Xiao Peng, how are you dear? How's your work going?"

"Mother, I am doing well. Since morning I m trying to speak to Xiao Nuan, but not able to reach her. can you please ask her to speak to me."

Mother Zi didn't know what to respond. She was silent for a minute. Her silence was troubling him inside. He felt something wrong for sure.

"Xiao Peng, after meeting today Zexian was with them, I have also sent some one to check on Liu Huang new apartment since we are also trying to contact them." Mother Zi knew her son very well, she can't fool him.

"Mother, what are you saying.i will come right away"

"Xiao Peng, just relax. I heard from security that they haven't left the hospital permises. I m on the way to check with Zexian, if I still didn't find them. I will take help from Long Tian to check out the CCTV footage in and outside hospital. Okay, don't you trust me?"

"Okay, Mother. please call me as soon as you find her.i will be waiting for you."

Yan Yang who staring at Zi Zexian and Li Quan heard the lift door opening behind. She saw it was madam Zi, she immediately went to other side quickly.

Mother Zi saw Zi Zexian is sitting with some girl and feeding her food. She was taken back for a minute.

She called out for him. "Zi Zexian"

He was shocked for a second. and Li Quan bowed at her in respect. Without delaying any second, She asked

"Xiao Zexian, do you know where is Xue Nuan and Liu Huang. everyone is trying to reach them. last time I saw them with you."

"Yes Mother, they are here in the hospital only. Sister in law is conducting a complicated surgery and Liu Huang is assisting with her."

Mother Zi sat down in the seat. she felt like life came back to her. she can't handle if anything happens to any of her kids. She sent a text immediately to Zi Peng

{Xue Nuan is performing a complicated surgery. When she gets back, I will ask her to call you.}

Instantly she got a response { Love you Mama Bear}

She looked at the girl and asked Zi Zexian

"And this is ...?"

Li Quan answered her

" I m Li Quan, my father got into terrible accident and he is in Surgery."

Mother Zi felt like huge headache coming after hearing the surname Li. Zi Zexian didn't want to delay further. he took her to the empty room nearby and explained everything to her.

"I'm sorry mother for not telling you sooner. I was worried that how you will take it."

Zi Zexian hugged her son and said

"I am really proud of you Xiao Zexian. it's not easy to manage everything, especially the Li's. Did you inform Elder Li."

Zexian felt like flying in the air after hearing his mother's complement.

"No Mother, I didn't inform him. i thought their family will do that"

suddenly a loud voice came from outside. Someone was banging the floor with walking stick.

Both Mother Zi and her son rushed towards them.

It was Elder Li who was arguing with the duty doctors. Li Quan was trying hard to cool him down.

Zi Zexian went forward and sent the doctors away.

"Young man, I m trying to find out the status of my son. why are you sending those doctors away."

Mother was behind Elder Li and said

"Father, please cool down"

Elder Li turned back to where the voice came from

"Li Nuan, you?"