What is the surprise?

Two weeks went by casually, Zi Peng got back to his business, Xue Nuan started visiting the hospital thrice a week. She wasn't working full time since she wanted to have some time for her Zi Peng. Li Chao hasn't opened his eyes yet.He has been brought to Li Mansion. Li Quan decided to quit the entertainment industry and decided to study fashion design in France.

Zi Peng and Xue Nuan was back to Orange county Villa as per Xue Nuan request. She felt connected to Orange county Villa as her home and Zi Peng was happy to hear that.

It's was beautiful Friday evening, Zi Peng was sitting by garden deck and enjoying the tea from his wife's hands.

"Nuna, I have been trying to ask you. I heard from Zi Zexian that you declined to go for the weekend trips to the mountains. Is it true darling?"

Xue Nuan bit her pink lips and said

"Yes I did decline for both of us without asking you. I am sorry Ah Peng!."

Zi Peng pulled her closer into his embrace and fiddled her earrings which hanging In-between the flowing hair.

"Nuna, is it because you wanted to spend time alone with me. I know past few weeks was without any problems, but we were busy with so many things. Someone or other was always with us. You have made Li Chao stay at Villa till she goes to her France University. So you wanted to have'US' time, Am I guessing you right Darling?"

Xue Nuan wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and hugged him tightly. She didn't respond and her action was conveying her intensions very clearly.

Zi Peng was longing for quiet sometime, but he was waiting for his wife patiently, he never pushed her or expressed to rush. He was a complete gentleman. His patience had finally paid off. Now that she has taken initiative by herself, Zi Peng was pleased inside.

"Nuna, knowing you so well I have planned a big surprise for you the weekend. I hope that you'll like it."

Xue Nuan released from his embrace quickly and asked

"Oh really, What is the surprise? please tell me dear. You know I can't hold surprises?"

Zi Peng pinched her nose and got up

"If I tell you Nuna, what will be the meaning of surprise. Come get up, let get inside. Mo Jian is coming in few minutes."

Xue Nuan was surprised,

"Mo Jian, Why dear, did she figure out something?"

"I don't have clue Nuna, she insisted on talking in person. So I thought it's better to call her to home than office."

After few minutes, Mo Jian arrived Orange county Villa. When she entered the premises, she wondered whether the Zi couple is living in garden or Forest. The sight of the house was not visible from outside.

the entire Villa area was filled trees and securities.

The security guys did whole lot of check on her. She literally roles her eyes at them.

Zi Peng saw her reaction and laughed his heart out.

"Guys, leave her alone. she is like a family."

He turned to Mo Jian

"Welcome home little sister Jian. do you if your brother finds out I called you sister, he might get super jealous over me."

"Brother Peng, Ignore Brother Xian I got it under control."

He smiled and took her inside. Xue Nuan was waiting for her friend with wide open arms.

"Xiao Jian, what a pleasure to see you here at home. I was a for not to call you home before. Thanks to Ah Peng, you are finally home."

Xue Nuan made her friend sit comfortably and gave her something too drink with few snacks.

"Both of you, continue your conversation, Xiao Jian if going to stay for dinner. So I'm going to cook. call me when you guys need me."

Xue Nuan left after saying that.

"Is she always like this Little Jian. She never pokes herself into my business. She never bugs me for news. She understands me without even saying most of the time."

Mo Jian was not surprised to hear that. It's known factor about Xue Nuan. Because Xue Nuan is one of the very few Level headed person she has met.

"She is pure Angel living on Earth. You are lucky to have her as your wife."

Zi Peng already knows that Xue Nuan is a real Angel in his life.

"So Little sister, what's the matter that you want to discuss in person."

Mo Jian became serious and went straight to business.

" Yes, I just have few finding here and there. I just wanted to share it with you. If something is out of the place. We can do detailed investigation."

Zi Peng took a sip of hot tea and became attentive to Mo Jian.

"Brother Peng, ever since you told me that your father asked you stop Investigation because of your mother. I became extremely alert.

Later that week, you said Elder Li said the threat of Li's and your mother has been neutralized. But no one know how it happened.

So I started to doubt myself and went to back to initial attack of your car, then Li Chao, Li Quan and Threat to your Mother.

We were not wrong about the Mysterious underworld person or Gang from Europe. All the links are going back to one person only. The person may be solo or group we don't know. But all the attacks were hired attacks through Darknet.

Based on the research and interview of the people involved in Europe, I have assumed a profile of the Mysterious Person, The person we might be looking for is not a Man but a Woman. She should be in her mid or late twenties. She should have a strong computer skills like me and Long Tian."

Zi Peng was in deep thought, he was wondering about the gender of the person behind

"Are you sure it a woman? Hurting Zi and Li family is not an easy task."

"Yes Brother Peng, I am sure because the profile of the Mysterious leader seems like a woman, The local goons who tried attack your car spoke to woman in the phone once they didn't find you in the car.

The car incident is also not small, I need some more time to figure out the details."

"Little Jian, Take a break dear. Don't exhaust yourself in this. But I want to make sure whether the threat had been really neutralized. Not only Elder Li, Elder Zi and my Father also told me not to worry about it anymore."

"Yes Brother, that might be actually true, the threats which were in the Darknet disappeared. AND the things really seemed to be really normal."

Zi Peng was thinking again with the frown on his forehead.

"Brother, are you not convinced yet?"

"Yes dear, until unless I know how they solved this issue, I would like to keep searching for answers."

Mo Jian felt that Zi Peng was right, they need to find answers by themselves to be at peace.

"I'm anyways looking for it. Someone from government and in underworld blocking me from accessing data from the past. Let's see how it goes."

"Mo Jian, it's high time that you don't work alone, instead work with Long Tian. It's up to you if you want reveal your identity or not. But I don't want you to be alone."

Zi Peng's words didn't carry usual calmness, instead it felt like an order.

Mo Jian couldn't do anything but Nod her head in response.