You are our Little sister and you will always be

Zi Peng knew that his words had startled Mo Jian. Usually she will respond with coldness when someone decides for her, But she had developed a enormous respect for Zi Peng in the short time she had interacted.

She became silent and there was war going inside her heart. Zi Peng understood the struggle she was having, hence he spoke again

"Xiao Jian?" When Mo Jian heard Zi Peng, She was astonished. She remembers the Similar voice in her childhood. Due to lots of things happened over a period of time, she forgot the sweet voice.

"Brother Peng, I remember this voice in lot of my dreams. one of the reason I started talking to you without any inhibitions is because I felt you are similar to The voice in my mind."

Zi Peng smiled and patted her head. He came closer to her and held her hands.

"Xiao Jian, I will share a Little secret with you dear"

Mo Jian eyes were already anticipating what might be the secret. Zi Peng noticed the eagerness and chuckled at his childishness. He continued

"Will you believe, if I say that I was the one who held you for the first time when you were born. I mean right after your mother gave birth to you. Before you, I was the one who held you in my hands. Do you how you looked? It's bundle of delicate Rose petals wrapped in a White cloth"

That piece of news jolted every cell in Mo Jian's face. it was unexpected.

As it is recently, on the personal front, Mo Jian was feeling low. she couldn't pin point it to one reason. She was even scared to analyse herself, hence she immersed herself in the work. Her childhood is very sensitive topic. For a long time,She wanted to get past her childhood memories. There were nights, she suffers from flashes of past in dreams or she feels like someone is speaking to her in dreams. She doesn't recollect what happened but she has a unknown trauma about her childhood.

Now forget about childhood, now Zi Peng is talking about her birth. Even her Parents Father Mo and Mother Mo never speaks about her childhood. She was always been pampered by then while her brother was brought up with strict rules.

Zi Peng looked at the rattled Mo Jian,

"Xiao Jian, were you not happy after hearing the secret. I thought it will make you love me more than your brother Mo Liuxian. Please look like this and make me worry about you."

Mo Jian gathered her strength and asked

"What? Mo Liuxian? But tell me the truth? Were you the one who really held me for the first time when I was born?"

"Yes it's true that Zi Peng held you for the first time when you were born" that was from the voice at the door.

Mo Jian looked at Zi Peng's eyes with the question 'did you ask him to come over a well."

Zi Peng didn't respond, he just smiled beautifully. Mo Jian thought of continuing the conversation with Zi Peng some other time. So she got up to leave the place.

Zi Peng held her hand and made her sit again in the Living area sofa,

"Mo Jian, please believe me the decisions we take being haste as well as decisions we take while we are emotional or vulnerable is not the best thing.

So I kindly request you to sit down and face your brother Mo Liuxian with courage.

Xiao Jian, Do not run away from difficulties because you don't know how to handle them."

Mo Jian relaxed after hearing him. She didn't oppose him because he did make sense to her. Zi Peng got up from the seat and said

"Okay, Both brother and sister are not going anywhere, My Sweet lovely wife is cooking, so you both are going to eat dinner and then only you can even think about leaving.

You both Carry on with your talk, I will go check on my wife."

Zi Peng left the two in the Living and rushed to his wife. When though it was just few minutes, Zi Peng was starting to miss her. He wanted to spend more and more time with his Nuna.

Mo Liuxian didn't start the conversation immediately, He was just staring at his sister.

"So how long are you planning to stare at me like this. if you don't have anything to talk to, please tell Brother Peng. I want to go home."

Mo Liuxian didn't wanna give in easily to her. he said

"You are not going home today. didn't your brother Peng tell you that.?" it came out in a teasing manner.

Mo Jian felt terribly angry. She believed Zi Peng will not put her in such position Without her permission. So she spoke bravely

"Stop your nonsense? I'm not going anywhere with you."

Mo Liuxian started laughing out loud, but Mo Jian felt defeated by his stupid laugh.

He noticed her red checks in anger. he came closer to her and said

"For my age, I shouldn't have acted so rashly. I m really sorry for hurting you in the past. Please don't be far away from me. You are my only Little sister. I can't lose you."

While back, he was teasing her. but right now he was completely serious with words. it's did seem genuine.

" Brother Xian, I know that you were worried about my safely when I joined as a officer in special forces. it's natural for any brother to send their Little sister to dangerous work field. But I wasn't angry towards you for that."

Mo Jian was an athletic from childhood. She wanted to become doctor like her friends. But fate changed away everything. She got trained and went into Secret special forces. Mo Liuxian found out due to his connections.

This caused the fight between these two at home. Both were not ready to compromise, even Elder Mo tried to speak with Mo Jian to withdraw from dangerous job. However she never listened to any of his family and stayed strong in her decision.

Mo Jian couldn't handle anymore, she left Mo Mansion and started living separately. She even stopped talking to her family.

Mo Liuxian looked at her silence and said

"It's been four years Little Jian, please forgive me. I respected your decision even though I feared for your safety. I never disturbed you all these years, but I can't go on forever without talking you. please understand dear."

Tears started rolling down on her cheeks like a water falls. Mo Jian is someone who never cried as a baby. His heart broke into million pieces.

Zi Peng was bringing fresh snacks from the oven for them. He saw the tears on Mo Jian and felt shattered

"Mo Liuxian, I just left you for few minutes and you made her cry. if you are insensitive like this, how on Earth you will get a wife?"

Zi Peng's absurd comment brought smile to Mo Jian. She went and hugged Zi Peng. He patted on her shoulder and pacified her. He glared at his friend in anger. Mo Liuxian felt helpless around these two. he said

"Enough of your pampering, My parents spoiled by extreme pampering now it's you. I just said sorry and asked her to speak to me. even I don't know why she is crying."

Zi Peng knew already how much his friend Mo Jian cherishes his Little sister. But he got carried away by her sudden tears.

Zi Peng brought Mo Jian next to Mo Liuxian on Sofa, and then he squatted and say on the floor.

"Okay, Mo Liuxian is a good brother any girl can dream off, tell me now why are you crying dear? what is stopping you from being normal with him?"

"Brother Peng, the truth is I love Brother Xian the most than father and mother."

Zi Peng felt that moment, the problem between them was not the Mo Jian's job as Mo Liuxian predicted. He didn't want to push her for more information since she was looking weak and fragile at the moment. He never imagined seeing her like this. The Mo Jian,he knew is a tomboy with carefree attitude and doesn't have single ounce of fear in her eyes, but now she is just the opposite.

"Xiao Jian, be strong and tell me what's the issue. I will help you whatever you with you want."

Mo Jian wiped her tears and said

"I used to have lot of nightmares in sleep right from my childhood. Whenever I have nightmares I used to run to Brother Xian. He always told me it's just bad dream. Even he helped me treated and helped me divert my brain to different activities. It stopped that time. During my high school, I went to do internship at forensic science department.

For a fun, I did DNA test between me, Father, Mother and brother xian. the result shattered me completely. it turned I wasn't his sister afterall, I tried testing with multiple labs to verify. It turned out that only brother is my parents son and not me.

i asked so many times about my nightmares but he never told me about my parents or the real identity of me. That's why I decided to leave the house and family by joining Special forces."

After saying this, she started crying even more, Mo Liuxian hugged tightly and brushed her back and said

"Stupid, you are my sister? Who said you are not a Mo. You are real heiress for The entire Mo family."

Mo Jian looked at Mo Liuxian at astonishment. He wiped her tears and said

"Little Xian, You're my first Uncle's daughter. When you were little, your parents were killed infront of your eyes. Zi Peng only saved you from the attack and he brought you safely to us. whenever you heard or see Zi Peng, you used to have nightmares about your that terrible accident. So he stayed away from you in order to help become normal and happy.

You are our Little sister and you will always be. "

Mo Jian didn't expect this at all. she researched for long time, she never found anything. But she was very happy at the moment. She hugged both her brothers immediately.