My Super Boss is the Best!

Though it's not really harsh words to begin with, It did create a series of painful waves in Yi Ming's heart. He Chan noticed the changes in Yi Ming face complexion,She was looking very pale. He Chan immediately decided to get a cup of water to relax Yi Ming. She rushed towards her and said

" Mrs Li, Please have this cup of water. Your skin is looking little pale."

The truth is He Chan is indifferent towards Yi Ming emotionally. But today seeing her like this brought some sympathy to He Chan's stone heart . He Chan thought of making Yi Ming to sit on the nearest sofa, so she was looking at the seating behind.

Suddenly a loud bang on the floor heard. It was the glass from Yi Ming's hand.

He Chan got numb at the sight and couldn't really react faster, She came back to the senses after hearing the loud voice of Li Zedong.

Li Zedong was screaming and running towards Yi Ming.

"He Chan , hold the Mother from falling on the ground."

He Chan quickly dashed closer and slipped on the floor. She caught the falling Yi Ming at dead fraction of the second.

Li Zedong reached out and picked his mother swiftly in his arms. He looked at the He Chan on the floor

"Follow me quickly to the car, He Chan"

No one can ignore such an authoritative tone of Young Master Li. He Chan quickly picked up her belongings to follow her dream Man.

The two brothers of Yi Ming was also present there. they were also shocked by the outcome of Mother and son Quarrel, but Li Zedong didn't give opportunity for anyone to react, he took initiative to leave immediately. He didn't acknowledge anyone else after seeing his Mother collapse on the Floor.

The Young brother Yi Luoyang felt sad seeing his sister like that. He wanted to really beat the shit of his nephew Li Zedong for causing this chaos.

He asked his elder brother Yi Zheng, who was in deep thought

" Elder brother, shall we follow them to hospital. I m really worried about Yi Ming. she has been pampered quiet a lot since she was born, now seeing in this state. my heart aches for her."

Yi Zheng listened to his brothers stance and said

" I understand what you are feeling Yang. But I suggest that you shouldn't be going today. "

"Why Elder brother, I will just go see her and come back. my heart will not rest peacefully without seeing how she is doing."

Yi Zheng had a tiny bit pricking feeling in his heart after seeing the change in Li Zedong's behavior today. He didn't want to blindly come to conclusions just after one incident. But his intuition told him to be Alert in the future.

Yi Luoyang is not as smart as his brother, he didn't find anything wrong with Li Zedong since he is used to seeing him like this before, but the surprise for him also was Li Zedong's harsh behavior with his sister. Everyone knows that for Li Zedong protects his mother. But today was not normal interaction, that was for sure.

Yi Zheng looked at his lost younger brother. He couldn't resist further and said

"Yang, You have a look at the hospital. I will check with the doctors through phone, since anyway it's our hospital. But be on the Alert at all times. Li Zedong seems different today. So be careful. Ask He Chan to come and see me later discreetly."

"Okay Elder Brother, you are the best. I will take my leave." Yi Luoyang left the Yi Mansion swiftly.


Li Zedong got his mother to Long Sunshine Hospital, He Chan didn't understand why he had brought here when Yi Family also owns a hospital in the city. She was not allowed inside Long Sunshine Hospital . last time it was huge ruckus when she was here. Li Zedong was having a extremely dark and terrifying Aura. She doesn't have any authority to question why he is bringing his mother to this hospital of all the places. Suddenly the devil inside her woke up, Maybe she can use this chance to get inside and find out about the arrogant doctor she faced earlier today.

Li Zedong drove straight to the emergency area which allowed him to park the car closer to the entrance of the ward. He Chan thought she has escaped the surveillance of the security by quickly ducking herself below the seat, so that she will be invisible to spot from outside.

Li Zedong Quickly took his Mom to the Emergency section of the hospital. The Nurses quickly took over from him and started giving basic aid.

The Senior Nurse asked Li Zedong and He Chan to wait outside while they identify the cause of the situation.

Li Zedong was impatient and said

"Nurse, I want Doctor Madam Zi to treat my mother. Can you please call her."

"Sir, As per out hospital procedure, only emergency doctors will treat the patient brought to this ward. Don't worry about your mother, her vitals are normal and plus all our doctors in Long Sunshine Hospital are highly qualified."

The nurse didn't get intimidated by Cold and imposing aura of Li Zedong. She spoke responded calmly.

"Nurse, I am Li Zedong from CEO of Li ChangYe Corporation. Even though it is not a normal procedure, can you try contacting Madam Zi once and inform her That I m the one requesting her. it should not be a problem right to just ask her."

The Nurse couldn't refuse his request blindly, She didn't think there's any harm. so she said

"Sir, in that case please wait here. I will go the office and contact Doctor Madam Zi. There will be nurse in the meantime to monitor your mother's condition. Is that okay sir?".

Li Zedong just nodded okay in response.


The Nurse went to contact Madam Zi didn't have any luck. She got confirmation that Madam Zi is indeed in the Hospital, but she was not reachable by phone. The Nurse felt that persistent young man will not believe the truth if she is not able to connect with Madam Zi by phone. She decided to go see her in person at her floor.

When she came out of the Emergency section, She was dazed for a moment. This persistent young man is damn lucky.

Madame Zi finished her lunch and conversation with the young couple, Zi Peng had some urgent things to handle in the company. So Xue Nuan decided to accompany her mother in law for the rounds around the hospital like her assistant.

Assistant! Yes. Xue Nuan didn't want to be known as Zi family's daughter in law yet. with so many threats around, she wanted move around freely and Keep a low profile outside as much as possible.

Mother Zi who dotes on her daughter in law granted her wish and told everyone who knew at the hospital to mum about her identity till Xue Nuan reveals herself.

They both were engaged in the talks about further development of the hospital, The mid aged nurse rushed to them.

"Doctor Madam Zi, Sorry to bump into Like this. But this is urgent issue."

Madam Zi is not proud arrogant woman who imposes authority unnecessarily. She is down to earth and approachable Person.

"No probs, but you have to be quick. I m doing rounds , short of time infact. What's the matter?"

The Nurse wanted to fall in love with the woman opposite, how can middle aged woman be so beautiful, gentle and intelligent. She was lost in the thoughts non responding. Xue Nuan realized that and coughing sound.

The Nurse came back to the senses and said

"Doctor, there is an young Master Li Zedong in the emergency area, he has brought his mother for emergency care. He demands for only for you. that's why I m here."

Madam Zi did show any expression, just raised an expression for a fraction of the second. Xue Nuan understood the person by mentioning of the name Li Zedong.

Suddenly it struck the nurse that she is requesting strange thing for an unknown young man to Super Boss, not just Boss, God infact!.

The Nurse started to sweat inside, but to her relief Madam Zi said

"That should not be an issue, Go on I shall follow you."

The Nurse was floating in the air, My Super Boss is the best. She was chanting, Long live, Madam Zi!