Are you even my Mother?

Zi Peng stopped eating and trying to process his mother's words. He didn't know how Xue Nuan will take this bizarre wish from his Mother. He looked towards his beautiful wife. She doesn't seemed to affected at all, she was continued to eat her food peacefully.

Mother Zi continued

"Xiao Nuan, What do say dear, will you fulfill my wish."

"Yes Mother, I will do it for you. Li Quan is not a complex person, she is simple minded. If you are asking me means that you might be having some difficulty with her. I m sure that you will have your own reasons. But I have a feeling that she is your daughter not your brothers. am I right"

Both Mother Zi and Zi Peng were shocked by her bluntness. they were in turn speechless. Xue Nuan continued

" Sorry Mother, forgive my bluntness. But when Li Quan stayed with us, I felt Li Quan actions and mannerisms are like Father and she looks like you mostly by appearance. mostly importantly when she smiles it gives away that she is like a mini version of you both. "

Mother Zi loved her daughter in law for this. She doesn't have to be worried about getting judged.

" Xiao Nuan, She is not our daughter, but every word of yours is right. Li Quan seems to be hating because of the family issues. she believes that her father suffered a lot because of me. whether she is my daughter or my brother's daughter, my heart is fond of her. When I heard someone tried to harm her and because of that, she is going away to abroad for good. I really wanted to kill those people with my own hands. My heart is filled with that much rage for them. At the end of the day, honestly I only hope that she is my daughter."

Now Zi Peng was the one to ask the question. But Mother, As much as I remember you were only pregnant twice. I don't recall seeing you carrying another one.

Xue Nuan hit her husband for his stupid question,

" if she was not pregnant, hope will she suspect that Li Quan is her daughter. What happened brainy husband."

Xue Nuan clearly took advantage of her mother-in-law presence and teased her husband. Everyone knows by now that Madam Zi dotes on her daughter in law more than her sons. Mother Zi decided to clarify his sons genuine question

"I was indeed pregnant and we had lot of threat to you kids, that's why your father decided to send you away from home. You were put in boarding school under your grandmother's guidance."

Zi Peng had so many questions in his mind, but he noticed the glare from his wife indicating him to stop. He just obeyed his wife wish like henpecked husband.

Xue Nuan secretly flew a kiss on the air for him. Mother Zi noticed their secret conversations, but chose to stay ignorant. She was glad to see them getting along well in the Marriage.


Li Zedong left to his office straight from the hospital. He made sure that his mother takes the cab and leaves the hospital.

But his Mother Yi Ming didn't go to her home, instead she went to her parents house.

On the way she called hey elder brother and informed him on her arrival.

After the call with her brother, She suddenly remembered her lovely assistant who got humiliated in the hospital. Thinking about that her blood began to boil. He Chan was not some lowly person, she was Yi Ming's friend daughter.

Yi Ming picked her phone from the expensive Limited edition Gucci bag and placed a call to He Chan.

Her car was heading towards her family Mansion


He Chan left the hospital and went to her favorite Cafe. She found a special private place for herself and made herself comfortable.

He Chan was not aware about who Xue Nuan is. But she wanted to find out who she is and want to carry out her revenge for today's humiliation. He Chan was filled with rage, her entire face was burning due to anger.

In that chaos in the hospital, He Chan decided to get picture of Xue Nuan since she had never seen her in the City before. But later she realized she can't enter the hospital premises.

She thought for a moment and called her friend.

"Hey it's me, I need a favor from you. it's pretty urgent, where are you right now."

The opposite person responded saying she is also in the same Cafe.

"Hey Chan, it's been long time we saw each other. i am currently sipping ice tea at or favorite Cafe."

"Oh that's great then, come on dear to my table. my usual place."

"Okay Chan, see you in a bit."

He Chan was looking outside with an anticipation. Her friend came towards her with the bright smile on her face.

She got up to greet her friend with a hug. Her friend gave her a warm hug, which was soothing for wounded heart for He Chan.

"Tingting, how much I missed you."

"I missed you too, I was busy due to lot of things happening at home. how about you? how are things going on at your end?"

He Chan sighed loudly and thought about her pathetic state.

"It was all well, till morning, but everything changed now. Right now I am really angry on one headstrong doctor in Long Sunshine Hospital.She caused a huge pain"

"Long Sunshine Hospital belongs to Zi Family right. Is the doctor is Zi?"

" Yes it's Zi Family Hospital, But I m not sure that doctor is a Zi. You have Contacts with few private investigators right. Can you help me find details of this doctor."

"Don't worry Chan, I will definitely help you out on that.

Chan dear, forget the serious stuff. tell me who is interesting now The boss or his assistant."saying that Tingting winked at her friend.

He Chan lightened after the question,

" I really don't know what to answer at the moment. The boss is at unachievable height and his assistant don't even want to breath the same air with me in a room. So Tingting which one should I Chase after?"

Both of them laughed at these hard to get men. Tingting knows He Chan get any men she wants because she is one of a kind of beauty. She had lot of suiters right from school, but she chose to wait for the right person.

"Chan dear, I know very well that your heart beats for Master Li Zedong. But I m really curious to meet there assistant. "

"Tingting, life is interesting to watch the two unattainable apples infront of eyes. But what to do both the apples have the capacity to stir your heart"

Hahhahaa hahaha, that was noise heard on the tables. Both the friends started talking about the men and mood got got lightened completely for He Chan.

While she was happily passing the time, He Chan phone rang and it was Mrs Li. She got up and told her friend

"Tingting, have some tea, let me attend this work call. it seems urgent."

"No probs, carry on Chan dear".

He Chan found a quiet spot and picked up the phone after several rings.

As soon as she picked, one could hear Yi Ming's voice

"He Chan, where are you now."

"Yes, Mrs. Li what can I do for you. I am having few work, so I m out."

"Oh, I wanted you to accompany me to Yi Mansion actually."

"But Mrs Li, I thought you don't want to work for you after the hospital incident." He Chan acted like a simple good girl.

"Stupid girl, why will I let you go. Sorry for the trouble and misunderstanding at the hospital. Can you please join me Yi Mansion."

"Okay, Mrs Li, I will be there in 30 minutes?"

He Chan quickly ended the call and rushed towards her friend.

"Tingting dear, I got to leave urgently due to work. we will definitely meet up some other time for sure."

"No probs Chan, if you want me to investigate, I need the person's detail. "

"Ahhhh Tingting, I really don't know her details at all. I just saw once in the hospital. don't worry I will send you her details soon."

He Chan acted so pitiful to Mrs Li, but in truth He Chan knew that Mrs Li also got humiliated in the hospital. She herself witnessed that Li Zedong was not backing her in the hospital. That was very unusual of Li Zedong, Since he always stick up to her in the past whether she is right or wrong. So she understood Why Mrs Li will be going to Yi Mansion. Yi family is the only support Mrs. Li hold apart from her only son. He Chan doesn't want to miss anything happening in Li family. Whatever means she wanted to get married to Li Zedong, for that she needed to stuck up to Yi Ming for some more time."

He Chan got the cab as soon as she can, but she was getting delayed due to traffic. She had to cross the business district to reach the Yi Mansion.

She reached after an hour, when she heard Mrs Li speaking loud voice, almost in crying tone

"What are you speaking? Do you realize the meaning of your words? Is this how a Son speaks to his Mother?

Yi Ming started Sobbing loudly after hearing only son's words infront of her brothers.

Her crying kind of hurt the brothers, but the son was standing unaffected. The brothers were surprised to see unaffected Li Zedong.

Li Zedong felt all of this as unwanted drama of some kind, He said

" I don't regret saying anything. Now that I'm thinking, please tell me 'Are you even my Mother'"

Those words were like thousand needless pricking her heart for Yi Ming.

Yi Ming never expected her son to hurt her. But the irony is the person who we love the most is only one is capable to hurting you more.