Unexpected Accident and Awakening : Part 3

More students awakened their soul card, Hans had seen many kinds of monster come out from animal to plant most of them have a grade between blue to green the only person who hadn't awakened their soul card is only Hans. He soon handed a monster core from his teacher, the same light come out in front of him just like anybody else that participated in the awakening.

The light soon died out and in front of him a card floating silently, Hans grab the floating card in front of him. His heart is beating hard seeing the card because he actually gets a Purple Grade Card, it was the highest grade from every student that participates in the awakening procession.

[Monster Name]: Horned Curse Dragon

[Monster Level] : 1 (0/100)

[Monster Grade] : Purple

[Monster Potential] : 74

[Monster Weakness]: Light

[Monster Type] : Dragon

[Monster Element] : Dark

[Monster Skill] : [Cursed Javelin Level 1] [Brutal Claw Level 1] [Curse Resistance Level 1]

[Monster Ability] : [Curse Bringer]

[Monster Bloodline]: 50% Darkness Dragon 26% Horned Demonic Dragon 24% Ancient Curse Dragon

[Monster Evolution Path]: Three Possible Evolution Path

[Monster Description]: Curse Dragon the bringer of the curse within its body lay blood of Ancient Curse Dragon. The Curse Dragon rarely leaving its nest and more enjoying solitude, when enraged the dragon will make anyone that enrage it die a horrible death. It grows horn because of its other bloodline's effect.

When he examines the card he sees an image of a black scaled dragon with a twisted horn on its head, the body is protected with scale and the wing is made of a cloud of darkness. Hans heard that the monster that becomes soul card is the reflection of their self.

"So, I am a cruel-looking dragon-like this huh. Well, no point of thinking about it right now." Hans soon exited the room with many eyes staring at his back, he knows that since he had the power to fight that's mean it was already his responsibility to join the fight.

"Wow, that guy awakened a Purple Grade monster so cool."

"Right, I can't see clearly what his monster though."

"Let's see from the window."

When the two students look at the window's direction, they were astonished that it had already packed with people.

Meanwhile, Hans had arrived in the battlefield outside many monsters corpse littering the whole place. The other students had summoned their monster and help the teacher fight back the monster horde, luckily the monster not swarmed out in extremely large number so they can fight them back the monster that invades the school. Students that had awakened their soul card also participate in the fight helping the teacher on their fight for survival.

Without further ado Hans summoned his monster out, he had learned how to summon a monster from his parents so he knows what to do. Hans throws his card in front of him, a magic circle formed above the card who currently floating. From the magic circle dark cloud emerged it grow bigger until it reaches the size of a car, the cloud seems to grow smaller soon it revealed a scaly body and a dreadful figure.


The Horned Curse Dragon emerged revealing its figure the horned head and wing made of a cloud of darkness. When the dragon emerged Hans feel a connection with it, he doesn't affect by its dreadful aura.

All of the participants of the battle were shocked along with the spectator in the Teacher Room, Such a scary monster it what people thought when they see it. The monster horde halts their advance for a while before continuing their rampage.

"Weird, these monster throw their life without a second thought as if someone ordered them to." Hans realized that these monster acted strangely.

"First, I need to think about a name for you. I know from now on you will be known as Diablo." Hans remembered that there are many cool characters from the film using this name and decided that it was good to name for his dragon. Hans could feel that Diablo is feeling happy so he knows that it like its new name.

"Diablo, let's join the fight." He walked toward the battlefield seeing that the other students make a way for him, everyone followed their instinct to avoid him. Hans doesn't realize that the other students feel afraid of him and focus on joining the battle.

Five Rat, two frogs, and a lizard attacked a Mantis that the scythe is blazing with blue fire behind the mantis was some a male teacher that carry an injured student on his back.

The mantis is pushed back by the other monster, it obvious that the mantis is the teacher's monster. It fiercely fights back the monster to protect its master, the mantis is covered with injury insect juice flow out of its body. But no matter how hard the mantis tried to defend it still get injured in the end, its body's injury keeps increasing the movement of the mantis become more sluggish.

The attacking monster keeps sending attack one after another, even if the mantis is stronger than all of those monsters it can't fight back with its injury not only that it needs to protect its master from harm not giving its time to fight back.

Just as the teacher fall into despair a voice sounded near him, "Teacher, please go back I will take care of these monster." The teacher shocked that there was someone near him, he hadn't felt anything and only focusing on the battle.

"No, I am the teacher here. You will bring this boy back to safety I will get you enough time to run back."

The teacher shook his head, how can he left his student to fight this dangerous monster.

The student is Hans he had to reach the front of the battlefield with ease, Diablo only need to burn those monster with its dragon breath to kill them. "Don't worry these monsters aren't my monster's match." After saying that he jumped into the back of his dragon that comes from behind to the surprise of the teacher.

Before even the teacher retorted back he sees a dragon flying above the student that let out a breath of dark fire instantly kill those monster he faces, the teacher was speechless and shocked after a while he runs back to Teacher Room followed behind him was his mantis.

"The young will surpass the old." Muttered the teacher while running, with the appearance of the dragon that's easily kill those monster the teacher can escape the battlefield with the injured student on his back.