Unexpected Accident and Awakening : Part 2

More teacher showed up to protect the students despite the increase of the number of the teacher, the monster keeps swarming toward them Hans even sees few monsters with Level higher than 10 that means there are more stronger monsters in the sewer.

Every 10 levels mean a different level of strength for the monsters, from level 1-10 is called Soldier Tier. The next tier is known as Captain Tier they have the strength of several Soldier Tier monsters, the strongest monster humanity ever faced is Noble Tier monster.

Hans hopes that there isn't monster in Noble Tier since Monster Card Master that own a Noble Tier Monster is rare, but he knows that his father owns monster "Razor" is already at Noble Tier despite it has been 20 years since the world change not many strong monsters had been seen.

Both of them successfully reach the Teacher Room without any accident, Hans sees that some student helping the teacher tend to another injured student. Some of them had claw mark on their body while few of them had an emotional scar in their heart, the experience of danger is something that the students had forgotten. They thought that after the long peace, there wouldn't be any danger in the city.

Hans and Viona take a rest in the Teacher Room, both of them had run with all their might and now they were really exhausted. A slender figure with a beautiful face and curvy body entered the room instantly caught the attention of all of the people in the room, everyone inside the room knows her as Devilish Teacher despite her beautiful face she more famous for her strictness. Her name is Eva, angelic beauty with the heart of a devil that how all the student that was thought by her think about her.

Now, she comes inside the room with a box behind him some students also bringing some box just like her. Without any instruction the students place the box inside the room, teacher Eva says a few words to the teacher inside the room before leaving the room.

Hans looks outside from the window to see her joining the other teacher to protect the building they in, she called a card and summoned her monster a fiery figure emerged in front of her with fur covered with the flame a wolf was summoned by her.

[Monster Name]: Burning Ashes Wolf

[Monster Level] : 16

[Monster Grade] : Purple

[Monster Potential] : 84

[Monster Weakness]: Water/Light

[Monster Type] : Beast

[Monster Element] : Fire/Dark

[Monster Skill] : [Corrupted Bite Level 2] [Burning Claw Level 2] [Fire Tornado Level 1]

[Monster Ability] : [Burning Fur]

[Monster Bloodline]: 60% Fire Wolf 16% Disaster Wolf 4% Darkness Wolf

[Monster Evolution Path]: Four Possible Evolution Path

[Monster Description]: The Burning Ashes Wolf had a fiery temper if someone dares to incite their wrath the wolf will burn them down to ashes. Brutality is the trademark of this wolf when you meet one prepare yourself for the worst possibility.

The wolf leaps forward and summoned a tornado of fire, many monsters are caught inside the tornado but the monster never to be seen again only some ashes left from them. The wolf not finished yet and continue to brutally attack the incoming monsters, it stomps its feet on smaller monster's head and burns to chirps the bigger monster.

"Shit, it's so brutal. That wolf is freaking insane, it should be named insanity wolf instead of Burning Ashes Wolf." Exclaimed Hans, he keeps watching the fight until someone touches his shoulder.

"Hans, the teacher asked students that had become 16 years old to gather over there." Viona pointed toward the crowd in front, many students had gathered all of the students had no idea what's going on.

"Don't say that the teacher wants to ask the students to fight too." What Hans had thought become reality, the teacher plan to "awakening" the students that already 16 years old.

The students were shocked by what the teacher said and asked they can just ask help to the outside right? The teacher revealed that the city had been invaded with monsters just like the school so there will probably no one come to save them all.

When the teacher tells them the truth all of them fell silent and downcast, one of the students walked forward.

"Teacher, let me be the first then." The student is someone from Hans' class, his name is Max the class's smartest student. His reputation in the school is good that almost all of them know him, unlike Gin who have strong background Max's parents passed away 8 years ago killed by monsters. Both his parents are a hunter when they went for a hunt, they never come back later search them was sent to locate them only to find bloodied clothes of his parents.

The teacher gives him a monster core and Max takes it politely from the teacher's hand when he held it light come out of his body making the crowd blinded by the light for a while. When the light disappeared a card was floating in front of him, he had successfully awakened his Soul Card.

[Monster Name] : Virtuous Tiger

[Monster Level] : 1

[Monster Grade] : Green

[Monster Potential] : 72

[Monster Weakness]: Dark

[Monster Type] : Beast

[Monster Element] : Light

[Monster Skill] : [Tiger's Roar Level 1] [Holy Blast Level 1] [Blessing of the Virtuous]

[Monster Ability] : [Beastly Strength]

[Monster Bloodline]: 70% Holy Tiger 18% Divine Tiger 12% World Shaking Tiger

[Monster Evolution Path] : Four Possible Evolution Path

[Monster Description]: A tiger with the bloodline of Divine tiger had to a chance to evolve to the legendary divine tiger. It poses a strong body and sharp claw that could crush a big boulder easily.

Max handshaking for a while before he bows to the teacher and gets out of the room to join the battle, Hans always respected Max not only because he is smart but also because of his good heart. From his action just now could be seen that he wasn't someone who would flaunt their possession instead he remains calm and doesn't forget over the responsibility that he had.

Seeing that Max had successfully awakened a soul card the room instantly lit up, many students come forward wanting to become the second to awaken the soul card.