The Shameless Duo : Part 1

The Bear was injured heavily after the restless attack but Hans doesn't let his guard down since he knows an injured trapped beast will become more dangerous than ever and just like what he guess the bear had become more desperate with its attack. It ignoring its injury and only focusing on attacking madly their monster that comes inside the barrier.

But even with it desperate struggle is unable to escape from the barrier and meet its demise inside the barrier after countless attack from Hans and Max 's monster. Its body lay inside the barrier motionless without any sight of life with countless injury from claw injury to injury from antler attack.

Hans gazes at the dead bear in front of him, "This guy did not drop a card and we spend a lot of time killing it too."

"Well at least we had killed it right, it was a peak stage Captain Tier the monster core will surely able to boost your dragon's growth. We should call it a day our monster also not in good shape to fight right now." Max caressed both his tiger and wolf, both of them had blood covered their body with plenty of scars decorating their body.

"Let's go back then, I will carve some meat from the bear and take its monster core first."

"Yeah, but be quick about it. We shouldn't be in an open place like this."

"Okay, No need to worry it will be a quick one."

Hans takes some meat and the monster core from the bear before depart toward their base of operation.


Resting inside the cave both of Hans and Max enjoyed the bear meat that they hunt today while discussing their plan for tomorrow.

"This bear sure taste good, maybe its because its a Captain Tier monster the meat is tastier because of it. Let's hunt more Captain Tier monster tomorrow." Putting his chin on his hand Hans examined the meat of the bear they hunt, it tastes more delicious and the meat also more tender than Soldier Tier monster.

"I guess that's true, I heard that many restaurants would buy high tier monster meat for a high price from the hunter. High tier had become a high-class delicacy in the world from what I heard? Well, I only heard it from people after all so I don't know for sure about it. Anyway, I never went to a restaurant before most of the time I would cook for my brother and sister."

Max smiled, from his smile Hans could see that this guy must think about his younger brother and sister.

Seems to realize something he faced Hans and said, "How you don't know something like this? Your parents should have brought you to some expensive restaurant right?"

Hans only shakes his head toward the question, both of his parents usually have breakfast and dinner together when they had time. the only place they had to eat outside together would be in the guild's restaurant. Its mostly because Hans doesn't want to be known by other people and when they eat in the guild the restaurant would be reserved for themselves.

"I guess you are different than the other young master. Gin the young master of Golden Lion would always flaunt his wealth and power to anyone especially our schoolmate, I heard that he is going to host a party to commemorate our survival after the accident. He said on the day of the accident and said that the time would be two weeks after that day, that means it will be held a week later."

"Not interested, having a party like that make me feel back for those students that died that day." Hans takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh. 'Something like that is disrespectful toward the dead.'


"Don't let it rest keep attacking."

Today both of them continue to hunt before they only hunt Soldier Tier monster but now they hunt Captain Tier one, they still hunt them using the same strategy as when they hunt the bear. The monster that meets them ended up miserably killed without much resistance, some hunter saw how they hunt and start to call them "The Shameless Duo" for their shameless tactic.

"You know the shameless duo?"

"I meet them when they hunt a monster near the outer area, I even feel bad for those monster that they hunt they simply torturing those monster to death."

The fame of both of them started to circulate through the forest and many more hunters start to know their name, some of them even extended their invitation to join their party but both of them politely refuse their invitation.

They keep refusing any invitation and who know that someone would start a bad rumor about them saying that they were arrogant brat that knows no manner, the rumor keeps circulating in the forest and they had no way to stop them from circulating.

People begin to gaze at them with unfriendly gaze whenever they see them in the forest, but both of them don't bother to clarify the news and instead focusing on their hunt.

Another week passed by, the forest still chaotic with a constant battle that happens almost every day in the forest, especially in the deep of the forest lot of battle, keep happening in the deep of the forest but still, no one knows why battle keeps happening in the forest. Most of the human never dare to venture deep inside the forest in fear of a strong monster that dwells deep inside.

It not affecting Hans and Max's hunting routine as both of them only hunt in the outskirt of the forest that far from the center of the forest where most of the battle happens.

The battle that happens in the forest piqued Hans' curiosity but still, he only curious and not do anything about it as it not even his problem to solve. What he needs to do right now is a hunt and get stronger.

The other thing that happens in the forest isn't his problem and it does not concern anything about him.