The Shameless Duo : Part 2

When both Hans and Max were hunting they meet a party that just newly arrived in the forest, they see a familiar figure among them. It was their beauty but Devilish teacher Eva she wears a tight jean that shows her curvy back and wears a hoodie jacket.

"Sister Eva over here." Hans waved at her and shouted her name continuously, she turns her head to look for the person who calls her but when she sees the one who calls her.

Her eyes widened and shouted. " Hans, what the hell are you doing here? You too Max even if the school is temporary closed it not mean that you guys can play here. This place is dangerous you know." She pointed her finger at both of them and yelled at them for being in a dangerous place.

"Calm down sis. lets me explain it first." Hans explained why they were there and how both of them had spent two weeks in the forest. A fist struck both of their head, his word makes her even angrier.

Not many know who she is really is but Hans know her better than anyone else in the school, she was the daughter of Eternal Rain's Guild Master Kyle Drake who owns Cloud Rain Dragon as his soul card. Unlike Gin Hyde both the children of the other two guild master's identity isn't well known in the public, it may be classified as a secret.

Hans had met the Eternal Rain's Guild Master who is an old man at his fifty already, he only had one son and one daughter. Felix Drake and Eva Drake with Felix Drake who will become the next leader, Eva can stay low and hide her identity leading to no one know her background.

Dragon's Roar and Eternal Rain had had a close relationship with each other, the two guilds have done much collaboration together. The two leaders of the guild also had shared a strong friendship despite their difference of age.

His father always takes him along to have dinner together in the Drake family's residence. It could be said that his relationship with the Drake and the Eternal Rain Guild is close like a family.

"I still surprised that your father allowed you to come here, I am pretty sure that he arranged someone to protect you in secret."

"I know that as well, you don't need to tell me something like that ."

She walks toward him and pinches his ear. "Even though we are not in school you better give me some respect, after all, I am still your teacher."

"Ouch, Fine I understand." Hans can only do whatever see want seeing that there is no other option.

In the end, she made then join her party to venture deeper into the forest. They directly went deeper the party's goal is to help Eva increase her monster's level.

As someone who is easy going Max easily befriend the other member of the party, while Hans is someone who not like to talk Stanger he still wise enough to exchange a few words with them. His position as the son of one of the strongest guild master in the city pushes him to maintain a good image.

He also knows that he will make his parents disappointed if he ignores them as people will start to think that he was an arrogant brat.

The party meets many kinds of monster some of them could be handled while some other monsters are unable to be handled.

With his sharp observation, Hans could see that the Eternal Rain had sent more than 5 three-star hunter to protect their young miss. The other hunter consists of a combination of the one-star hunter and two-star hunter.

The Hunter is ranked by their Soul Card Tier that means Hans should be ranked as a two-star hunter, many people had reached this position while the hunter that had reach higher rank is even rarer. Most of the high ranked hunter is a leader of a hunter guild or a big family with high influence in the world since raising a monster level required many resources when reaching higher-level monster core won't help much in raising the monster level. Instead, the natural resource will be the one that will help high ranked hunter raising their monster level.

The party hunts some monster in the inner area of the forest in the day, they encounter many monsters but with the experienced hunter in the group, they can avoid fighting the monster in the large group. When the day is going dark the party decided to back off from the inner area since it already well-known information that the place will become chaotic when the night comes.

Hans leads the party toward their headquarter in the outskirt area of the forest, the party member makes camp outside the cave while Eva will be the one to stay inside the cave. Both of Hans and Max also make a tent that they bring, it never been used before since they ended up living in the cave for two weeks.

The other hunter makes a fence made from the tree around the cave to surrounded the campsite, their monster help with the construction of the fence. Unsupriesy many monsters try to attack them during the construction, but the 3-star hunter fends them off easily with their monster.

While the other busy with their task, Hans meets with his guard who had followed him since he goes outside the city. Knowing his father he knows that he will secretly send someone to guard him and he had felt someone following him since the beginning thanks to his sensitivity toward other people just a stare would make his scalp tingling.

The hunter that was sent to protect him is numbered in two but Hans knows that this guy is his father's trusted subordinate if he not wrong these two come from Black Dragon Squadron that answers directly to his father. He sure about it since all of Black Dragon squad member have black dragon tattoo in their body, one of the hunters has short hair with small build he was shorter than him but he could feel that he was older than him, the other is black-haired man with scar in his face he had robust body different from the red-haired man with his small body.

"Young master." Both of them bowed to him.

Hans nod at them and said, "You guys can stop guard me in the dark and follow me instead." Hans turns his back and walks back to the campsite but he paused and stare at the two. "Next time when you guys were sent to protect me don't stare at my scalp it was annoying."

"We are sorry young master."

Later Hans knows that the red-haired is known as Jean while the black-haired one is Marco, both of them make a tent beside his for protection. Hans could feel that these two were a 3-star hunter from their soul strength.