Hunting Life Continue

With nothing to do in the campsite Hans bring Max to hunt in the nearby location, The two encountered many monsters in their hunt this time. With their teamwork, both of them able to take care of any monsters that come to them and they had the ability to run if something went wrong.

Time soon passed faster and two weeks had gone by without knowing, the scout that was sent out returned back to the campsite at this time some of them were injured but no one failed to come back. Looking at the condition of the scout anyone can see that the Core area of the forest is more dangerous than they think it was since most of the scout consisted of 3-star hunter with one 4-star hunter leading them.

Both of the guild leaders praise their work in front of everyone and reward them for their effort, it was common to see a guild leader rewarding their subordinate after successfully clearing the task that was given to them. It not only to show the leader's generosity but also to make the other member put more effort into their work.

The leader of the scouting party was called out to have a meeting with both leader in the main tent, every member was curious about what had happened inside the core area of the forest and asked the other member of the scouting party.

The member of the party tell them how there were many strong monsters in the Core area of the forest and how the monsters were split up into two parties, the first is Dark element monster with much effort the scout found out that the leader of this group is a wolf with dark element and the second is Light element monster with their leader who is also a wolf but with Light element.

They also described how the monsters were clashing with each other continuously in the Core area and how thing get more serious during the night time where both parties leader come out to fight each other.

They realized that both of the wolves were equal in power and that they will end their fight during the dawn and return to their own cave.

The Dark elemental wolf lives on a cave in the Dusk side of the forest, the cave was located above a hill with a lot of pines tree surrounding the cave. Its subordinate guarded the area for a trespasser and the scouting party doesn't dare to be reckless and not go near the cave only see it from far away.

The Light element wolf lives on a cave in the Dawn side of the forest, the cave was located near a pond with many ferns surrounding it. Unlike the other wolf, it doesn't have any monster surrounding the cave, but when they try to go near it they feel the dangerous sensation that their instinct tell them to stop and just go away.

"So the cause of the forest disturbance were those two wolf right."

"Yeah, the wolf is the main cause of the turmoil that happened in this place. With many strong monsters roaming the outskirt of the forest, this place is too dangerous for 2-star hunter or lower to hunt in this place"

The campsite is filled with discussion about the news regarding the two lord tier wolf in the forest, many were talking about the chaos those two wolves bring for the other hunter in the forest.

Meanwhile, Hans who is resting in his tent hear about the information that the scout bring.

[New Quest Available]

[Turmoil in the Forest]

The forest now currently engulfed by a chaotic period because of the two Lord Tier monster in the core area of the forest that brought war among the Light elemental monster and Dark elemental monster in the forest. The quest requires you to bring an end to the chaos in the forest and bring peace to it once more.


1.Kill the [Three-eyed Demonic Wolf]

Reward: 2000 Soul Point and [Demonic Bloodline]

2.Kill the [Radiant Crescent Moon Wolf]

Reward: 2000 Soul Point and [Radiant Bloodline]

3. Kill any direct subordinate of the two Lord Tier monster.

Reward: 1000 Each Subordinate Killed.

4. Ended the Chaos in the forest.

Reward: 1000 Soul Point

Seeing the detail of the quest and the objective given Hans could help to massage his temple, his monster, not even commander tier yet the system wants him to kill lord tier monster and Noble Tier monster, are you kidding me?

He drooled when he see the hefty reward it give to him even after clearing some Daily quest that the system that given to him the reward it gives is the higher the Soul point that was got after two weeks of daily quest, his monster had reach peak of Captain Tier so the daily quest changed and he needs to kill 1 Commander Tier monster to get 200 soul point, 5 Commander Tier monster to get 500 soul point and 1 Noble Tier to get 1000.

He knows that the quest given would change along with his monster growth, the stronger his monster the more difficult the quest will be. After two weeks he only gets 2800 Soul point before on the battlefield there is many Commander Tier one but now it's hard to find some in Outskirt of the forest.

The total amount of soul point that he had is 5600 Soul Point, he hadn't use any of it for anything except for buying antidote in the dungeon back then.

"I wonder what I should buy with all of these soul points."He turns his head slightly and said, "What do you think I should do?" Anyone that sees him would think that he was crazy because he talks to no one but the reality is that he was talking to Daisy that always sits on his shoulder. She had to keep staying on his shoulder since their dungeon adventure, no one can see her so she can freely stay on his shoulder.

Both of them could even speak with each other on Hans' mind since she was a part of the system, she had conversed with him whenever she sees that Hans had time to talk to her.

She cheerfully said."Master, your soul card had return back to Purple grade with the resource that your father gives to you and I think that you should evolve it into a stronger monster. Evolving your soul card will also strengthen your soul that means you can hit two bird with one stone doing it."

"Then it had been decided let's evolve Diablo first then."Hans petted her gently afraid of hurting her and said, "Thank you."

She gives him a thumb and smiled widely with her white teeth shown on her face.