Evolution : Part 1

[Monster Name]: Horned Curse Dragon

[Monster Level] : 20 (5960/6000)

[Monster Grade] : Purple

[Monster Condition]: Healthy

[Monster Potential] : 100

[Monster Weakness]: Light

[Monster Type] : Dragon

[Monster Element] : Dark

[Monster Skill] : [Cursed Javelin Level 2] [Brutal Claw Level 3] [Curse Resistance Level 1]

[Monster Ability] : [Curse Bringer]

[Monster Bloodline]: 50% Darkness Dragon 26% Horned Demonic Dragon 24% Ancient Curse Dragon

[Monster Evolution Path]: Three Possible Evolution Path

[Monster Description]: Curse Dragon the bringer of the curse within its body lay blood of Ancient Curse Dragon. The Curse Dragon rarely leaving its nest and more enjoying solitude, when enraged the dragon will make anyone that enrage it die a horrible death. It grows horn because of its other bloodline's effect.

"But still its evolution path seems to be lacking a little, what can I do to make more evolution path available for it?" Still dissatisfied with the evolution path that available, he couldn't help but ask if there is a way to add more evolution path.

Daisy fluttering in front of him and said, "If a monster absorbs a bloodline there is a chance that more evolution path will be available."

"Should I use the [Corrupted Bloodline]? Let's check the shop for more bloodline first." Not wanting to make mistake by using the bloodline, he checks the system shop for more bloodline.

The same panel appeared revealing many kinds of a bloodline that available to be bought by him.

[Monster Bloodline]

[Ancient Bloodline](10.000 Soul Point)

The Ancient Bloodline will give the monster that uses its power of the ancient monster.

[Demonic Bloodline](5.000 Soul Point]

The Demonic Bloodline will give the monster that uses it the power of the demonic monster.

[Royal Bloodline](15.000 Soul Point)

The Royal Bloodline will give the monster that uses it the power of Royal monster.

[Radiant Bloodline](5.000 Soul Point)

The Radiant Bloodline will give the monster that uses it the power of Radiant monster.

More bloodline was available in the shop when his eyes looking at all of the bloodlines that were sold in the shop his eyes were flickered seeing something that makes him interested.

[Undead Bloodline] (2.000 Soul Point)

The Undead Bloodline will give the monster that uses it the power of the Undead monster.

"This one then." In his brain he had thought of something interesting seeing the bloodline, he already knows what evolution path Diablo should go through.

3.800 Soul Point were left when he bought the [Undead Bloodline] a ball shrouded with ghastly looking gas dropped in front of him, when he examined it he know that it was the bloodline he just bought from the shop, he looked at Daisy and said."So how should I use this thing?"

"Feed it to the monster of course."She looks at him with the isn't that obvious face.

"How should I know that?" Hans gets up after saying that leaving the campsite after seeing that he had gone far enough, he summoned his card and call out Diablo. The dragon materializes in front of him as always, the dragon had grown bigger along with its strength.

"Eat this thing," Hans ordered it to eat the bloodline, the dragon opens its mouth and devoured the bloodline in one gulp, it suddenly closes its eyes and slumped down the ground seeming to fall asleep.

[Your [Horned Curse Dragon] had undergone bloodline awakening]

[The monster will be in deep slumber for 6 hours]

[Beware of another monster that may try to eat it during the awakening]

Hans' eyes were opened widely hearing the system's announcement, the system rarely gives him announcement like that. Knowing that the awakening will take some time, he summoned [Radiant Moose] to protect both of them.

He had thought that there would be no problem with the awakening but he doesn't know that a bloodline awakening will entice another monster on his surrounding to try to eat the monster that had its bloodline awakened.

Bloodline Awakening could happen to any monster in the world naturally without the help of human most of the time the monster that had its bloodline awakened will try to find a secluded place to undergone their awakening fearing another monster.

Of course, Hans doesn't know anything about that and why the system gives the announcement it was to warn him of the danger in the process bloodline awakening. Preparation is needed to ensure the safety of the monster that undergone bloodline awakening.

"Master, it dangerous to have to have a bloodline awakening here." Of course, as a competent Guide Fairy how can Daisy let his master make such a mistake, she hurriedly told him about the danger in bloodline awakening.

"You should have told me earlier." Hans hurriedly call his father for help, he doesn't want to bother his father since his father is currently focussed on his job that was given by the government but his situation is dire right now.

His father picks up the call and he tells him about his situation right now, his father laughs and said, "Don't worry about it I will send some of the members of the guild to protect you, just wait there patiently." Then he closes the call after telling him to be careful.

Soon some of the member of the guild lead by Samantha comes to his aid and protect him and his monster during the bloodline awakening procced, monster start to appear and attack them but the member under Samantha lead can easily kill all of them without a problem.

Without knowing 6 hours had gone pass by without anyone realizing, unlike before the surrounding of the place where Diablo underwent bloodline awakening had littered with many monster corpse from all size, Hans see that some of the monsters from the deeper part of the forest actually come to attack them too.

"It should be done soon." Just as he said that he sees that Diablo's wing that previously filled with dark cloud now slowly turned into gray cloud even its body also slowly turn gray too, the previously existed horn starts to become smaller and the gone without a trace.

Hans knows what this means, 'The Bloodline Awakening is succeeded."