Evolution : Part 2

Diablo's body soon shrouded with gray cloud and when it completely engulf its body the cloud becomes look like a cocoon of a butterfly.

"Master, the blood awakening will be completed soon this is the final process, "Daisy told him that the process of blood awakening will end soon.

"That's good news."He nodded at her and turn his gaze back at the gray cocoon in front of him.

The member of Dragon's Roar was exhausted after 6 hours-long battle with the monsters that come to attack Hans, only with Samantha's leadership that the group can easily defeat the monsters that come attacking. The monster crazily attacks them from many sides under the leadership of Samantha the team makes a formation with the center is where Hans is standing.

She uses her monster to freeze the enemy with its ability to fly the hawk could control the flow of the battlefield, her monster even though it was a Noble Tier monster unable to hold back all the monster with its aura. It could be seen how desperate the monster want to eat a monster that undergone bloodline awakening, from Daisy's word a monster that eats a monster that undergone a bloodline awakening will be able to steal the bloodline that was awakened by it.

In the wilderness monsters had fought each other to become stronger, no matter the price they will try their best to become stronger it was something that comes from themselves it maybe comes from their instinct or something deep in their heart.

The cocoon suddenly glows brightly and caught the attention of all living being in the area, the light soon fades away leaving a 4 m tall being with a wing made of gray cloud and two scaly arms with a sharp claw on each arm. Diablo's horn becomes smaller but its's covered with black flame now and the tail behind its also covered with black flame, the scale on its body now become gray and give people ghastly feeling when seeing it.

"Succeed." Only one word but it makes Hans happier than ever, he feels that his soul had become stronger than before after Diablo break out of the cocoon showing how much it had grown stronger after bloodline awakening.

[Monster Name]: Cursed Death Wing Dragon

[Monster Level] : 21 (0/7000)

[Monster Grade] : Purple

[Monster Condition]: Healthy

[Monster Potential] : 80

[Monster Weakness]: Light

[Monster Type] : Dragon

[Monster Element] : Dark/Death

[Monster Skill] : [Cursed Javelin Level 2] [Death Claw Level 1] [Curse Resistance Level 2][Necromancy Level 1][Death Energy Blast Level 1] [Death Prison Level 1] [Death Fog Level 1]

[Monster Ability] : [Curse Lord]

[Monster Bloodline]: 80% Death Lord Dragon 20% Ancient Curse Dragon

[Monster Evolution Path]: Five Possible Evolution Path

[Monster Description]: Cursed Death Wing Dragon is a dragon that evolved from the cursed dragon with its strong ancient curse dragon bloodline, it retains the ability of a cursed dragon coupled with its strong death power. The dragon had become even deadlier than before, but retain its likeness of solitude.

The monsters know that the thing that they had come for had just disappeared and all of the monsters were running away from the area knowing that they may die if they stay before there was a reason for them to fight for but now they don't have any reason to stay.

"You had become stronger now, that's good news." When Hans was still examining the new information about Diablo, Samantha congratulates him even though she said it with a cold attitude of her.

Hans smiled and thanks to her. "Thank you." he bowed at her and the other member that comes to help him, without their help he wouldn't be able to fight against the whole monsters that come to attack him.

All of the members smiled at him and said that it was their job so he doesn't need to thanks them.

Samantha leads them back to the campsite while Hans remains in the area when Samantha ask his reason he said. "I will test my monster's newfound power first before going back." she nodded after hearing his word and lead the team back while carrying some of the monsters while leaving the useless one.

[Necromancy Level 1] (0/1000)

The Mastery of death energy to turn a corpse into an undead monster that still retains some of its ability before its death and turns it into death slave of the user, the resurrected monster will always loyal to the user.

Number of Death Slave that can be owned: (0/10)

"Let's start with [Necromancy] first then." Hans turns his gaze at a monster corpse that wasn't picked up by the guild member, he pointed at it and said. "Use [Necromancy] on it.

Hearing it's master's order, Diablo look at the monster corpse that he pointed and gray hue start to shine from him. Gray cloud surrounded the corpse and from it rise a deformed figure of the monster, the monster's head had been smashed and it leaves its brain in open. The monster is a Monkey type monster that lives near the foot of Sky Piercing Mountain, some of the monkeys also live in the Dusk Dawn forest.

[Monster Name]: Undead Fruit Seeking Monkey (Death Slave)

[Monster Level] : 11

[Monster Grade] : White

[Monster Condition] : Death

[Monster Potential] : 10

[Monster Weakness]: Light

[Monster Type] : Undead/Beast

[Monster Element] : Earth/Death

[Monster Skill] : [Kong Punch Level 1] [Death Breath Level 1]

[Monster Ability] : [Death Slave]

[Monster Bloodline]: 100% Fruit Seeking Monkey

[Monster Evolution Path]: Two Possible Evolution Path

[Monster Description]: Fruit Seeking Monkey that comes back from dead after exposure to death energy, now it was an undead it may death but it still likes eating fruit.

"Trash monster but still it can be used in some way so it's fine I guess." Seeing the monster's information Hans couldn't help but to grumble a little. "This kind of monster also try to join the fight too, what a stupid monkey. I guess all of the monsters had gone crazy because the enticement of blood awakening, luckily it does not reach the core area."

Hans spends some time to understand his monster before going back to the campsite to rest.