Tagging Along

Returning to the campsite Hans sees that the scout that was sent to the core area this week had returned, unlike the first scout group the new group that was sent to scout the core area had already learned the danger of the core is making them wary while heightening their sensitivity in the process. The new scout group hadn't received much damage from their scouting, at least the damage done to them is lower than the first one.

The two guilds had sent scout group each week to check on the situation in the core area, from the scout that was sent toward the core area they learn that both Lord Tier monster still locked in a stalemate with each other.

Now, they waiting for the newest information from the scout. Just like before the leader of the scout get inside the main tent to give the information to both guild leader, but everyone can see that the scout leader's serious face. Everyone can see that the information that the scout leader bring is extremely important.

"What do you think to happen now?

"Did one of Lord Tier monster had killed the other Lord Tier monster?"

"That's good news right?"


The whole campsite falls into a lively discussion regarding the newest scout information, they guessed what had happened inside the Core area. Just as the other member of the guild plan to ask the scout member, someone come out of the main tent it was the scout leader soon another person come out, in the end, everyone inside come out.

Standing in front were the two guild leader of Dragon's Roar and Eternal Rain Guild, both of them scanned over the crowd in front of them before looking at each other's eyes and nodded at each other.

Felix the guild leader of Eternal Rain Guild opened his mouth and said, "From the information that the new squad group had brought we learn that the Noble Tier monster that works under the Lord Tier monster in this forest had gone toward the surrounding place seems like they recruiting more forces to fight in the battle for supremacy in this forest."

"Such a thing could happen?"

"If the leader said son then it must really happen."

"It going to be more dangerous now."

The crowd bustling with people that talk to each other.

"Be quiet and listen to me!" Bellowed Felix, the crowd fall silent once more and return their gaze back to him no more sound was heard from the crowd.

"Both of us had discussed a plan to kill all of those Noble Tier monsters. There will be four teams made from all of you the first team will be lead by Hendrik, the second will be lead by me personally, the third will be under Eva and the other will be lead by this young man Ryouma." Pointing at Ryouma that was beside him he closed his mouth, signaling the end of his speech and everyone can see that it was the final order and can't be changed anymore.

The two leaders separated the member into four different groups each group will take each direction from east to west and south to north. From the information, they get the underling of the Lord Tier monster had even left the forest itself in search of a new addition to their forces.

Hans still standing on his place while seeing the other member was organized into the four groups even Max already join the group under his father's lead.

"What's going on?" Hans was confused about what happened right now, there is no strong reason for my father to not allowing me to join in this operation.


His back was slapped hard by someone just as he thinks about the reason why he not assigned yet. Turning his body to see the culprit, Hans sees the handsome face of Ryouma who smiling widely at him right now.

"Don't do that again. Someone who trained in the military actually uses his skill that he gets from the military training on a young man who is just 16 years old. Do you want to be a laughingstock brother?" Hans' eyebrow tighten and stare at him with an annoyed face, he still thinks about his problem and he comes and annoys him when he was troubled. How can he be not upset!

He just smiled merrily and said. "Calm down...Calm down no need to show such scary face to me right?."

"Just tell me already no need to waste our time like this you know." Hans understands him better than anybody else and he knows that he will be serious when it was time to be serious.

But now he obviously not treating the matter that seriously from his attitude right now, he guesses that the Noble Tier monster isn't a treat for the current him making him feel confident with this operation that he even treats it lightly.

He raised his shoulder and said, "When I ask your father about which team that you will be assigned he said 'just let him tagging along with you if he wants to." and the boss finished the meeting."

"Do you want to go on an adventure with your big brother? Don't worry I will guarantee your safety." Giving a thumb up sign at him, he assured Hans that nothing will go wrong.

"Tell me the truth. Did you ask my father to let me into your team? I know you better than anyone and I know my father the best you know. He will make sure I was in his team there are only a few reasons that make him change his mind. One of them is you, big bro."

"Yeah, you're right about it. I ask your father to let you on my team." He slumped down and become downcast seeing he was seen through by a young man like him.

Hans sighed and said "Next time, just tell me directly. Anyway, when we will depart leader?" .

Ryouma's eyes flickering with seriousness. "Soon we will depart probably a few hours from now." Even if he does not treat the matter too seriously, when he does his job he will use all of his ability this was his way of soldier.