Battle againts Manarion : Part 2

'But, how can I win this fight? That's right I still have that power but I need to end this fast or else I wouldn't be able to bear the mental power consumption.' Hans knows that his only chance to win this fight is by using his newfound power and of course, this is a risky move since his power's mental power consumption is fastly depleting his mental power.

'Five minutes maybe less that's the time I have to beat this guy.' Hans communicated with Diablo to ask how many undead he had right now, Diablo told him that there is 21 Captain Tier undead under him right now that survived his Kamikaze Tactic a week ago.

'Diablo, summon your death slave.' Hans gives his order to Diablo. Gray fog formed on the ground and many bony hands come out of the fog not to long the owner of those bony hand revealed to everyone.

"Look, it's an undead monster."

"His monster can summon undead."

Every spectator burst in lively discussion as the 21 undead are summoned by Diablo. The undead monster only has bone left and no flesh anymore, the burning soul fire on their eye pocket give a chill to those who see it.

"You are getting serious then let's do this, [Howl of Terror]." Behind him a figure formed of darkness appeared, jet black body and crimson eyes it had a long hair with a figure of a woman but no one will dare to see it eye to eye as the figure had blood flowing down its eye!

"What the hell is that?" Hans is shocked seeing this figure as Shadow Behemoth only opened its mouth to use the same skill but this guy when he uses it summoned such a scary figure.


The figure opened its mouth widely and let out an ear-piercing scream, the scream causes the ground to shake and make the one who hears it shaking with fear.

"I can't move my body..." Hans try his best to move his body but his body won't listen to him as the fear caused by the scream still run through his body, he knows that there is only one thing to do right now.

'[Death Lord Mode]!' Hans clenched his teeth and activated his power to break through his predicament.

Gray fog surrounded his body and entered it, his hair turns grayish-white once more and his eyes turn into the same color as his hair. The fear he feels gone like a passing wind as his heart becomes calm and steady as a mountain.

'After you dead, there is nothing more to fear again, the worldly affair is nothing as you are already dead.'

Manarion eye widened seeing the change that happens to him but it changes into an excited one, "Good, now this is getting exciting [Palralyiss Touch] ."

A yellow glow appeared on the panther's body, it pounces toward Diablo once more to attack.

[Paralysis Touch] :

The Skill imbued monster with the ability to cause the enemy that attacked by the user to be paralyzed for 1 minute. This skill has 20% to happen and the time of paralysis can be shorter based on the enemy's resistance to Paralysis effect.

"Not gonna let you do what you want [Death Lord's Armor]." Hans calmly activated his skill, the whole monster under his control is protected by the armor. Not end yet Hans is able to control each and every undead with his mind like a puppet, undead under his control formed a defensive line in to protect his main monster.


Undead under his control received the panther's attack and pushed back a little bit with their combined might they able to handle the power and prevent them to be sent flying. They strengthen their defense once more by making a formation, all of them huddled together in the same place raising their hand as a shield.

But Hans not only makes them hurdle together to face the enemy attack, but he had also formed a plan to defeat the enemy with these undead monster.

"[Poison Touch]." Not faltering from the previous attack Manarion continue to give the command to his monster, he obviously enjoying the fight right now as he smiled continuously since the undead come out.

The purple glow comes out from the panther's body this time it poses the ability to poison the enemy. it bounces once more toward but this time it aimed at Vlad that had been stand by next to Diablo, it doesn't receive any command from Hans so it remains steady in place.

"Calm down, let it come to you." Hans feels that there is something wrong with this attack and just as the panther neared Vlad, it turn its body and go back to its own position once more.

'It's is a feint.' Hans sees that the attack this time to be a feint. 'Weird, that panther should be able to attack Vlad and run without anyone able to stop it yet it only uses its skill as a feint. Did he know that position is useless to Vlad? Hans let the panther nearing Vlad knowing that his monster wouldn't be poisoned by its attack after all Vlad poses high resistance to the position that makes him basically immune to poison.'

"Huh a feint, what happens are you scared?" Hans taunted him, this is something that he would do back on earth toward his opponent to make them lose their calm.

"I guess, I am scared." He replied calmly with a bright smile on his face and an obvious sign showing that his provocation isn't working to him.

"That human is too cocky!"

"Yeah, how can Manarion be scared of him."

Hans heard the spectator commenting about him most are female fans of Manarion who talking on his back, The other spectator also begins to comment about him.

It reminded him of the first time he participates in a game tournament where he also taunted his enemy like this, the crowd also commenting bad thing about him but he doesn't care about them!

He wins the tournament and shut those people mouth with his win and just like that tournament he will shut all of the spectators with his victory that's for sure.