Battle againts Manarion: Part 3

Self-confidence is important for everyone in the world only when you believe in yourself you will be able to achieve a great feat.

"[Crushing Bite].] Manarion send his panther to attack once more, Hans still not move and told his monster to be wary of the incoming attack.

But, the panther once more stopped its attack and return to its original position. Another feint had to be done once more.

Hans not say anything about it and only stare at it coldly with his ghastly eyes, it's only been 2-3 minute since the fight begins but the crowd of spectators still grow larger as times past.

"What are they doing?"

"It's getting boring."

Hans ignored the spectator and think about what's Manarion's plan, Create something from nothing. Hans had read about this proverb from some novel that he read back on earth, it makes him think that it was the enemy's plan.

You use the same feint twice. Having reacted to the first and often the second feint as well, the enemy will be hesitant to react to a third feint. Therefore the third feint is the actual attack catching your enemy with his guard down.

'The possibility is high, let's see who will win this fight.' Hans waits for the enemy to attack, he had thought a plan to counter his plan.

Manarion smirked, "[Shadow Claw]." The panther once more rushes toward Hans' monster, the spectator wouldn't surprised if it stopped attacking again but contrary to their expectation it suddenly uses [Shadow Leap] and passed the undead monsters.

It aimed its claw toward Diablo, the panther's claw has become sharper with the power of the shadow.

"[Mana Burn] [Mana Boost] [Shadow Rage.]" Manarion activated three skill simultaneously, the panther's power boosted to the max with all of those skills. Two of three skill have the same effect and that's to boost ally's power while [Mana Boost] increased his mental power for a short period of time.

"F*ck!" Hans cursed, he now knows that his enemy's planned to finish this fight in one blow. 'You shameless bastard!'

"Diablo activated the barrier." Hans had told Diablo to summon the javelin but the javelin's hidden on the gray mist no one sees its appearance.

The barrier formed into a wall instead of a room like before as he knows that it won't be able to withstand the power of this attack even in this form.


It destroyed by the panther with a single hit, the destructive power is too much for it to handle.

The panther looks for its target after destroying the barrier only to find that its target is missing, it looks up to see two of its target is flying above it.

"Hmph, now it's my turn [Death Lord's Aura] [Death Lord's Armor]." Hans cast his skill and boost every monster in his control, "Diablo [Death Fog] [Death Prison]."

Diablo flap its wing and send out gray fog down the ground aimed at the panther, it tries to avoid the fog but some undead under Hans' control blocked its path of retreat.

"Open away, [Dark Burst]." Manarion quickly gives a command to his monster, he had thought that he would be able to catch the enemy off guard by using his tactic but from what he sees the enemy had seen through his plan and now he is in a dangerous situation.

The panther opened its mouth and dark beam come out hitting the undead to make a way for it to escape but as the dark beam hit the undead it only push them back a little even though the panther's power is boosted with the effect of Hans' skill combined with the fact that the undead isn't affected much by dark element attack.

The undead is able to take the blow from the panther without much harm but still, the one that gets hit had its bone broken and cracked showing the dreadful power of the panther currently has.

'Its [Shadow Leap] still in cooldown there is no skill it owns that can be used to escape.' Hans had planned carefully to defeat it, how can he let it escape.

Diablo also use [Death Prison] to confine the panther only to be destroyed by it yet it still slow it down for sometimes so Hans doesn't think it was a waste to use.

The gray fog had affected the panther and cause its body to slowly decay, pain is shown on its face as the gray fog slowly damaging its body. Undead under Hans' control also attacked the panther inside the fog they are undead so the fog isn't affected them but still, their skeletal body is also shown to be slowly decaying.

Locked in the fight with the undead the panther now is surrounded by them and no longer able to run anywhere, it tries to jump out of the encirclement only to be hit by Vlad who quickly sweeps it down with its speed and power.

Hans knows that once its [Shadow Leap] cooldown is over it would be able to escape that's why he is going to attack with full power.

"Diablo use [Death Energy Blast]." Diablo opened its mouth and let out a gray beam down the ground where the panther is located at.


A loud explosion happens after it hit the panther, thick dust formed in the air hiding the result of the attack.

"Hmph, that human is so shameless."

"That's right, to think that he would be ganging on our Manarion's monster like that."

Hans is speechless hearing some of the elf girl saying those word even some male elf also look at them speechless just like Hans.

'These girl is so hopeless.' That's what all of them though, it obvious that the shameless one should be Manarion yet these girls said that Hans is the shameless one. Hans shakes his head and focused on the battlefield to see the result when there are a handsome boy and a not so handsome boy the girl would fight for the handsome one. He had grown accustomed to this fact so it doesn't bother him much when these elf girl supporting Manarion like this.