
The dust covering the arena slowly disappeared revealing an injured panther, the whole body had been affected by decay effect of [Death Fog] also there is numerous wound caused by the undead on its body.

Hans thought he will still need to fight but the panther suddenly turned into a light and shot toward Manarion, he had recalled his monster into a card.

"You won this fight, it's a good fight let's do this again if there is a chance to do so." The card on his hand disappeared as he walks toward Hans, he stretches his hand toward Hans while wearing a satisfied smile on his face.

"Sure, but next time you may not get a chance to fight back." Hans smiled and not refuse the handshake.

"What's your plan now?" He asked.

"I don't have any probably going to sightseeing a little." Hans raised his shoulder a little.

"That's good if you want you can follow me to meet someone I know."


"A Dwarf named Khughumir Hardhelm, he lives on elven kingdom when my original world is destroyed. He lives along with his grandpa who works as a Blacksmith there, his grandpa sacrificed himself along with the others though." He gives Hans some information about the dwarf, seeing that there seems to be no problem in visiting the dwarf he agrees to follow him to meet the dwarf.

Hans approached the other and tell them about his plan to visit the dwarf.

"It's fine I guess."

"This one shall follow the young master whenever you go."

"I was tasked to show you around if you want to go then let's just go."

His two companion and his guide agree to visit the dwarf, Manarion guided them to their destination even though Eydris also know where the dwarf lives.

They go toward the settlement of the elf, the human in the group is surprised by how the elf could make a home deep underground like this without any modern technology. There is three settlement:

Wood Elf Settlement, Dark Elf Settlement, and Spirit Elf Settlement, with the biggest settlement being the wood one.

Hans sees that the settlement has housing with apartment-style building, each household has one place for themselves to call home. Hans sees some elf dressed in armor patrolling the settlement and some were patrolling through some tunnel, the elf he meets mostly consisted of 3-star Card Master where the strongest he sees is a 4-star Card Master.

The elf live on by hunting and farming to sustain their life here, the able-bodied elf will go hunt and farm for their family while some elf that was talented in alchemy work in a facility that the elf made most of the potion will go to the army instead of the public while a small number of the potion still go to the public's hand.

"So, how can someone be an alchemist?" Hans asked Manarion who currently leading them.

"As long someone had the talent they would be able to become one, those that have the talent will pose the ability to manipulate fire and refining the ingredient."

'Talent huh? Just like [Death Lord] it must have some skill that follows the talent.'

Since talent is the deciding factor to be an Alchemist, Hans wants to know how the elf know if they had the talent or not. Hans asked, "How someone can know if they had the talent or not?"

"There is a special way to do so, it required a flame orb if someone has the talent to be an alchemist or a blacksmith touch it the orb will shine brightly. the orb will let out yellow shine if they had the talent to become an alchemist and red for Blacksmith" Manarion explained.

"What if someone had the talent of both Alchemist and Blacksmith?" Hans curiously asked.

"The orb will shine brighter than when someone with only one talent touches it and it will be shining in golden color, not many people can become a blacksmith or an alchemist. Having two talent is even rarer, the chance is low for someone to have that two talent at the same time."

"I see."

They arrived in the settlement after some times passed, the place is filled with many elves going around. The settlement is separated into Residental, Market, and Guard area.

The Residental area is the place where the elves live, Market area is where the elves trade with each other most of the time they do barter for their life necessity, Guard area is where the elven army who guarded the settlement stationed themselves.

Living underground isn't that safe as some monster live under the ground and have the ability to dig the ground, the guards have a responsibility to protect the elves living in the settlement from those monster and other danger around the place.

'Living under the ground like this no good, this place is too dark and damp even if they light up torch and candle the place is too dark to live on. The one that can only live under the ground will lack sunlight, the elves that can go to the surface would be fine if they live under the ground but those that can't protect themselves is in a bad position.'

Sunlight is crucial for living being the elves must be the same, the sunlight is even more crucial for those who still growing up like the children. Hans sees that there are many elf kids playing in the residential area, trapped in a dark place like this aren't something that anyone wants to feel.

Not only, Hans who think so, Prince Lotis obviously had seen the problem they facing right now and seeking a way for his people to be able to live on the surface once more.

Manarion takes them toward the Market area of the settlement where many elves do trade here, the street is filled with peddler selling their goods. They arrived in front of a shop that seems to be a smithy, in the Market area some people live here mostly craftsman the one they want to meet live in this place.