Ally won't last forever

"You still not tell me about the other Myth Grade Armaments." Hans still curious about the owner of Myth Grade Armament, he looks at Khudghumir waiting for him to tell him.

"One of them owned by Orc Chieftain "Crornim Rageaxe" and the other is owned by a Mermaid Queen, these two race is among the strongest back on my world. The Orc like to battle and challenging strong opponent while the Merfolk is the master of the sea no one would want to fight them near the body of water if not necessary they would avoid confrontation with them.

"The Myth Grade Armament owned by the Orc Chieftain is called "Baleful Blood Axe" it poses the power to lower the enemy power and affected their mind if someone doesn't have strong mind the baleful aura let out by it will break their mind instantly. The Orc had used it to go on war multiple time bringing along destruction to their enemy, but they are unlucky as the elf obstructed them on their path of conquest.

"I don't know much about the Mermaid Queen's Armament they live under the sea and rarely make contact with land dweller, but I recall that her Armament known as "Limitless Sea Trident" from what I heard the trident poses the ability to control the weather and increase water elemental control for the

user's monster."

Khudghumir pours some liquor to his cup and drinks it, he looks at Hans and said. " Actually there is more Myth Armament that had been created but most of the owner would not leak their ownership of such treasure, no one wants to invite a disaster for themselves after all."

"That's true, what about your people, the Dwarf? They must have too right." Hans curiously asked.

"Of course, we had Myth Grade Armament but not even I know about it as my father and I are an only normal civilian. Only those big shot in the Dwarf Kingdom would know about it, they hide the armament and not use it if not necessary." Answered Khudghumir.

Hans take a sip from the cup and said, "I see, Do all of the dwarfs can become Blacksmith?"

"Not all of them can become one, but my people had the highest chance to become one compared to other race. My people are known for their craftsmanship and liquor brewing ability, even if a dwarf not born to be blacksmith they still talented enough to become craftsman ranging from woodworking to metalworking."

"The other power in the world must have tried to conquer the Dwarf Kingdom."

With their skill as a craftsman, the dwarf must have attracted other power in their world, they are juicy meat for the other power but they must have strong power to conquer as The Dwarf must have the strong military power to protect themselves.

"Many times the other power in the world tried to take over the Dwarf Kingdom but we have an elite troop to protect the kingdom from danger. There is Burning Golem Legion, Mountain Crushing Cavalry, Steel Guard Legion and Savage Boar Rider. These elite troop had stopped numerous enemy trying to attack the kingdom, their name is well-known through the world as the most well-equipped troop.

"The soldier and their monster are equipped with Armament, Armament that a monster can be used by a monster is only 3. Defensive Armament, Weapon Armament, and Accessories Armament if someone tries to make their monster wear more than three Armament the stronger Armament is the only one that can be used the weaker wouldn't have any effect and the skill can't be used.

"A Card Master can wear 5 Armament though, that means they will get 5 more skill making them can use 15 skill if they have better Armament they would have more. An Armament can decide the result of a fight, the more skill you can use the more you can control the battle."

A Fight is a battle of skill, power, and strategy where someone needs to control the flow of the battle to their favor and beat their enemy in term of skill, power or strategy.

"That's a piece of valuable information, anyway the elf must have strong troop at their disposal right? Can you tell me about them if you know?"

Even though the elf seems to be friendly, it not make Hans forget that an ally can be enemy whenever they want. It was better to know the enemy first hand, seeing that Khudghumir doesn't seem to have any loyalty to the elf he wouldn't refuse this kind of question from him.

"Hahaha, you sure are careful kid aren't you but that's good no one can be sure that there won't be any conflict between the humans and elves, I don't know too many but I will tell you all I know about them."

Khudgunmir laughed before he turns serious and said, "The Wood-elves have a troop that specialized on fighting inside a forest called Sacred Forest Hunter and Ancient Tree Squadron, the Sacred Forest Hunter is equipped with Bow and given [Paralysis Touch] Skill card for each of them. They can not only give the skill effect to their monster but also their bow and arrow, they are specialized in ambushing the enemy. Ancient Tree Squadron consists of Elf with Plant type monster, they will form a defensive line in the front while the Sacred Forest Hunter does their job. There is more army owned by them but I have limited knowledge about them, you may want to ask Manarion about it.

"Dark Elf these dark-skinned elves poses elite army which specialized in fighting in dark place, I know only one of their it is known as Mighty Vulture Squadron these guys more known for their assassination and infiltration ability. Not many places can stop their move, you better beware of them if you ever facing them as they had been trained since young to be assassins. That's all I know, the other hide their army pretty well and I don't actually care much about military back on my world it makes me have limited knowledge about each power's army."

"Thank you, it enough to let me know that the elves are strong." Hans smiled but behind his poker face is a troubled face, humanity will have huge problems to fight the elves if they have not started their own elite army development. Hans looks at the cup on his hand, the liquor is red which make him feel like he sees the future of this world which is filled with bloodshed.

'I hope everything will be alright.' Gulped down the entire cup, Hans shake off his thought clearing his mind from unnecessary thought. The future won't go anywhere and it is decided by the action of everyone in the world. The only thing Hans know is that he needs to become stronger, the stronger he was the more he be able to his own fate.