Seeing the Surface once more

"Mmh... what happens?" Hans opened his eyes slowly, his sight still blurry but soon he raises his body. He sees that he was seated on a chair and had slept while leaning on the table in front of him.

"That's right, Khudghumir and I ended up having drinking competition last night. I don't remember what had happened after that though." Hans looked at his surrounding, he still inside the Khudghumir's smithy but he doesn't see anyone here only he remains inside the smithy.


The smithy's door opened, it was Eydris the girl still look cold as always. She opened her mouth and said, "If you already awake come with me, I'll take you to where you can take a bath. We will soon depart."

Although his mind still slightly fuzzy Hans understand that the other must-have prepared to set out and the only who still not ready is only him.


"Good, I'll take you there to follow me." She nodded and beckoned him to follow him.

She takes Hans to a bathing house, the water used by the elves come from an underground river that flows near their settlement. Hans takes a quick bath in the bathing house, he can't help but be uncomfortable since the water is too cold for him.

Hans exited the bathing house, there are many elves visiting the bathing house it seems like not many elves have access to water for bathing in their house. He finds Eydris who leaning on a wall, she looks at him and said, "Let's go the other is waiting for us."

"You will go along with us too? I thought you were a member of special elf guard, aren't you supposed to protect your people here?" Hans asked.

"There are many guards here and my sisters also here for protecting my people. The prince had given an order for me to follow the group that been send out to follow your people." She said.

"I see."


She leads him toward the path to the surface which is located in the middle of three elf settlement, many elf soldiers garrisoned to protect the place from any possible danger. They need to take a stair which leads them toward the surface when they arrived there Hans see a big gate with two elf soldier guarding it.

"We need to go outside, I was ordered to bring this human and join the group which will go to an expedition outside. Here is my badge." She handed a silver badge to the guard, the guard take it and check it out any before giving it back to her.

"Open the gate!" The soldier shouted, the gate suddenly opened by itself slowly.

Hans looks at the door to see a mechanism that opened the door, there was a big bear pulling a chain which makes the door move.

'That's animal cruelty for sure, but who am I to judge as I also use monster to fight.' Hans looks at the bear with a pity.

An elf brings a slice of meat toward the bear and gives it the meat, the bear seems to be rewarded each time it opened the door.

'That's good.'

"Don't space out, remember the other is waiting for us." Eydris wake him from his thought, she goes pass through the door which Hans followed her into.

In the other side of the door was a cave which seems to be used to hide the gate leading toward the elf home, Hans followed behind Eydris and exited the cave.

"The sunshine is so comfortable." Hans stretched his hand toward the sky as he exited the cave, the feeling of sunlight touching his skin is so comfortable right now. Under the ground, there is only coldness and darkness which make him miss the warmth of the surface.

Hans looks at the surrounding to see many elves working on fields, any kinds of plant-filled the fields which is taken care of by the elves. Watering the plant, Giving fertilizer and hoeing the land, Hans sees many of the elves doing those chore right now.

"So the food of the elves come from here huh." Hans still looking at the surroundings while breathing the fresh air of the surface.

"Yeah, our food comes from these fields. Our number is too many to rely on the plant though, most of my people would eat meat every day as it was the only one which can be obtained in a short time. Food from the plant is precious for us, my mother said that the elf back on my homeworld can support more than million people without a problem but now we have difficulty to support a smaller number of people." She looks at the field, her eyes look cold but on her eyes moist become visible.

"This place is not a good place to grow plants after all, not to mention the danger and difficulty to open farmland. This place must have a problem growing plant in this as this place seems to be no fertile enough to become farmland." Hans speaks what on his mind, he noticed the plant that was planted in this place most of them had turned yellow and dry.

"That's why my people need to move out of this place, let's go we need to go now." She leaves Hans after saying those word, she takes a fast stride forward she seems to be motivated to the max right now.

"That shorty appears cold but she cares about others more than anyone in this place." Hans followed behind her while smiling.


Soon Hans sees a large number of people crowing in front of a wooden gate, the gate is connected with a wooden wall which stretches out surrounding the whole fields the elf must be made this to protect their farmland.

"Look that's the young master."

Hans waved his hand toward his guild member all of their team that was sent out together had been gathered again after the battle against the Grave Keeper, now it's time to go back.