
Hans' hair turned gray as he entered the [Death Lord Mode], the death energy around him seems to resonate with him and he also feels that he can control them at his will.

"Hmph, This feeling is so awesome." Hans controlled the undead to make a defensive formation to block the blood demon's advance, the undead followed his order without any hesitation even when facing the strong blood demon these undead show no fear, after all, they already dead what are there for them to fear now?

The undead quickly moves their skeletal feet and formed a defensive line, the blood demon arrived and swing its fist at the undead trying to make them out of his way. These skeletons should be easily by it so it thought.


The demon hit the undead but contrary to what it thought the skeleton in front were only pushed back slightly while the one behind it helps the one in front to be steady, the one that gets hit have some crack on their skeletal body but they keep maintain their formation without any faltering against the might of the attack just now.

"Vlad use [Vampirism]." Hans' voice echoed suddenly, a red shadow rushed silently toward the demon's back without it knowing. Hans had summoned Vlad when the demon attacks his undead and when it was surprised that its attack unable to fend off his undead. Hans ordered Vlad to silently approach before giving him the command to attack.

With the surprise the demon was caught off guard by the attack, Vlad's mouth opened and pair of vampiric fang embed on the demon's body.


The demon let out a painful shrike before trying to grab Vlad who latching on its body but how can Hans let him be, a dark beam shot up toward the demon's hand that tries to grab Vlad.


Diablo had unleashed [Death Energy Blast] to blast off the hand of the demon which try to grab Vlad, the demon let out another painful cry as its hand blasted off by the attack.

Hans smirked, "Advance surround that demon." Hans makes the undead surrounded the blood demon and restricted its movement, the demon looks hatefully at the undead who surrounding it.

Suddenly its eyes glow brightly as a tyrannical aura erupted from its body, the demon blasted more than 10 undead with a fast and deadly fist.

"Shit, what a fast attack." Hans sees that the undead that was blown away was cracked all over their body but the demon did not wait for him to digest what had just happened as it throws another fist. This time Hans activated the armament Khudgumir give to him and strengthen the undead's defense.

The undead was still blown away but in better condition than the undead from before, it throws another fist but this time toward Vlad that still latching his fang on its body, Hans, of course, tells Vlad to let the demon go and dodged the attack.

"It must be [Demonic Rampage] that make it stronger like this." Hans tries to gather his undead again but this time he focused them to protect him and his main attacking monster, the blood demon keeps attack as he tries to make another defensive line but he still succeeds in his attempt to make another defensive line.

The demon keeps on attacking anything it sees without caring about anything as it attacking the undead, Hans not falter from the vicious attack and commanded his monsters to attack it again. It keeps on going on its rampage while Vlad and Diablo unleashed their attack on it as if not feeling any pain the demon not bother to block it and take the attack head-on.

'This monster had become crazy must be the side effect of the skill." The skill seems to affect its mind and consumed its rationality instead there is only thought of destruction on its mind even as many attack land on its body the demon only let out a painful cry before continuing its rampage.

The skeleton is boosted by Hans Skill [Death Lord's Armor] and [Death Lord's Aura], they barely holding up to the attack of the rampaging blood demon. Hans controlled the undead to switch position to the one behind it if they were injured severely, the undead behind them will replace them to take the demon's attack.

Like a well-trained soldier the undead able to switched place in orderly manner and efficiently making them able to hold out again the blood demon, the undead able to mend their injury with the death energy around them along with [Death Lord's Aura] they were able to quickly regenerate their broken bone.

"Good if this keeps going on we will be able to defeat I easily." Hans smiled at the current situation, but as he becomes happy the blood demon stopped its attack. "It seems the skill had worn off now, it's a chance to attack Diablo use [Death Prison] to lock its movement."

Under the blood demon, gray mist surged out covering its body and formed a prison that locks it, the blood demon looks at the prison with a confused face but its face suddenly twitched and it clutching its body. The demon shows a face filled with pain and screams out loudly.


"The pain must come from the previous attack, the skill not only cause it to go on rampage and increased its power but also make it unable to feel any pain with the skill wears off. The pain now comes back like in a storm even a strong monster like it must be in deep pain now." Seeing the opportunity Hans bellowed, "Diablo [Death Mist] Vlad [Brutal Claw]."

Not only his two monsters the skeleton army unleashed their attack too on his command, numerous attack suddenly attacked the demon. Vlad is the fastest one to deal with the attack, he slashed his claw on the defenseless demon face.

As the death mist unleashed by Diablo, Vlad retreated avoiding getting affected by the mist. The demon tries to grab Vlad but unable to catch up to Vlad's speed. The mist completely engulfed the blood demon, the skeleton begins their attack to the blood demon slashing their bony claw toward the demon.

Numerous skeleton monsters with a different kind of skull attacked the weakened blood demon, the mist also started to corroded the demon's body as time goes.