Enraged Demon


The demon roared loudly different than before the roar more stronger and demonic aura spread out from its body as it roared, the roar not affected the undead much they only pushed back a little because of it. Since he was quite far from the demon, its roar not affected Hans much but still he felt his mind tremble sightly because of it.

"Luckily I was far from that demon, its roar able to harm the mind of its opponent. The undead isn't affected much since they don't have a mind of their own after their death, let's finish this quickly."

Hans once more uses all of his monsters to attack the blood demon once more yet as his monsters pounce toward the demon, crimson aura surged out from the blood demon and a crimson armor formed around its body.

"No! It uses [Blood Rage] and [Blood Armor]." Hans understands that the demon had gotten serious now, he sees the demon opened its mouth and a sucking force suddenly spread out toward the undead near it.

'[Soul Devouring]!' Hans sees the soul of the undead under his control getting pulled one by one and flies toward the demon, his mind spinning quickly before he attempts to control the undead's souls and prevent them to be sucked out.

Bead of sweat rolled down his head as he continued fighting the sucking power of the demon, "Diablo, blast that demon with [Death Energy Blast]."

Diablo gathered the energy and sent out a death energy blast toward the demon, the demon sees the attack coming toward it but the attack was too sudden and it don't have any time to react toward to it.


The energy blast exploded inside its mouth canceling the [Soul Devouring] Skill, Hans smiled for a while before turning serious. The skill had a cooldown before it can be used again, he needs to finish this now.

"You are strong I admit that but defeating you ain't impossible, Diablo [Death Javelin]!" A single javelin formed above the dragon's head, following his master's order Diablo had only formed only one javelin with concentrated power of many javelin.

"Fire!" Hans shouted.

The javelin was flying straight to the blood demon, the demon still wearing the blood armor but there is some part of its body that wasn't covered and it was its neck where the javelin is aimed at. The blood demon still in pain as the previous attack had hit its inside instead of its outside part where the defense is strong, it unable to dodge the attack or block it as it pierces its neck.

The size of the javelin is around 4 meter in length while its wide is the same size of a human's arm and now the javelin is stabbed to the demon's neck, blood spurted out from its body the ability it had to regenerate using blood seems to unable to active using its own blood.


Agony filled scream was heard from the demon's mouth, it tries to pull the javelin out of its neck but Hans did not let it do it and keep attacking it. The demon continued with its struggle but soon it remain motionlessly and soon it crashed down the ground.

Hans checked the demon's status to see if it was dead or just pretending to be dead when he sees that the information show that it had already dead, Hans landed his butt on the ground while panting roughly. The battle had been won but a hard one that make him become exhausted.

'Hmm...' Something caught his eyes, an object is flowing above the demon body and he had already familiar with this kind of object. It was a card!

"Lucky." Hans dragged his worn-out body toward the card but as he comes closer he realizes that the card wasn't a monster card he usually see but a skill card, on the card an image of a crimson red armor is shown and the card had words written on it [Blood Armor].

"Woah, this is my first time getting a skill card. I never heard anyone ever got one or its only me that can get one, but my brother must have used a skill card with those skills he has." Hans scratched his head wondering about the answer.

"You are not the only one who can get a skill card master." Out of nowhere, Daisy shows up on his shoulder, the little fairy still look the same with its small white dress and wing.

Hans seems to have grow accustomed to her showing up suddenly, he had told her that she can come out whenever she wanted. She had come out and follow him but she will go back if she was bored.

"So the reason why there is no news about skill card must happen because people hide it from the public which means the government also hides the truth from the people, you really can't trust the government huh." Hans sighed at the conclusion he has, no matter which world he was people especially the government will try to hide some stuff that will affect their interest.

"Skill Card is rare one master only those strong monsters could possibly drop it, the weak one is impossible to drop it. The stronger the monster you face, the higher the drop rate of the card." Daisy explained.

"I see so it was like that, this card obviously goes to you, Vlad. But how do I use it anyway?" Hans looks at Daisy as he waiting for the answer from the little fairy.

"Just let the card touch the monster head and it will learn the skill immediately this also goes for the skill card for human too," Daisy answered with a bright smile, she seems to be happy doing her job as a fairy guide.

Hans smiled at her before turning his head toward Vlad, he let the card touch his head and the card disintegrated and slowly seep on to Vlad's head. Hans is shocked at what happened before he checks Vlad's information, he sees that the skill had been added up which makes him relived.

'Honey Badger with an armor huh? That's awesome."