Corpse Array

"Put those corpse over there and be quick with it, we don't have much time left," Hans ordering his undead in a field of corpses, there are too many corpses to count but one thing for sure is that these corpses should have exceeded 10000 corpses.

The undead under his control carry corpses from place to place according to his order, all of the corpses are piled up in 5 places. The corpse of monsters from his previous battle is also being carried over here, thick death energy begins to excluded by all of these corpses.

"The material needed for this evolution would leave me with only 2350 Soul Point huh. No matter what happens this evolution must succeed or else I don't know what would happen to us. Daisy, how far the mutated demon from us now?" Hans looks at his shoulder waiting for his answer, Daisy has accompanied him for sometimes now that they had become closer. Well even though they are closer now, she only gives her advice and not directly helps him in his ordeal.

"120 Km from us and stopped advancing, I don't think that it had given up chasing you though." Daisy Said, she looks confused too of why would the demon stopped chasing them.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Uneasiness rose upon his heart, he knows that the demon must be up to something right now. Before he continues to ponder the reason, a cold hand taps his shoulder from behind. he looks back to see Samurai looking at him, it seems to be telling him that the order had been carried successfully.

"Good, let's activated this Death Energy Array quickly." Hans controlled his undead to get out of the array of corpses and surrounded it instead, he planned them to protect the process of evolution so that others won't disturb the process.

"Come out, Diablo." Hans summoned Diablo in the center of the array of a corpse, the place he chooses had the thickest death energy in the area.

"Let's do this." Hans put one of his hand on the ground while the other put the material on the ground in front of him, death energy around him started to move as his hair and eyes turned gray. death energy around him started to move faster and ended up become a cyclone that surrounded the entire array, his hand that still touching the ground is lifted toward the sky.

Following his hand the materials rise and float up in the air, the corpses started to the excluded humongous amounts of death energy that flies straight toward Hans. The death energy begins to surround Diablo's body forming a cocoon of death energy, all of the materials go inside the cocoon and gone without a trace.

"I guess there is going to be another blood bath here, let's hope that the dragon won't be angry about it." Hans in his [Death Lord Mode] can see a large amount of life force coming toward his way, obviously, those were monsters that try to attack Diablo.

"Samurai, take care of them don't let them get closer. Vlad, you too go berserk and show them that we aren't someone to mess with." Hans summoned Vlad out to join the fight with all of his undead army here they should be able to fight this monster horde without trouble.

Hans focused his mind on Diablo's evolution and put his trust in his monsters to protect them.


Vlad burst out of the cyclone of death energy, it affected him slightly but it not worth mentioning. Samurai lead the undead charging toward the incoming monsters, numerous enemy had come to attack them this time the number is at least twice the previous fight with many strong monsters coming.

An elephant is charging with its blood-colored tusk sending all the undead in front of it flying and scattered around. A red flash flies from behind the undead crashing against the elephant forcing it to stop. Vlad headbutts the elephant with all of his strength, but his attack isn't over yet he uses his claw to slash the side of the elephant tearing its flesh.


The elephant let out a painful cry and lift its foot to stomp at its attacker. Vlad never plans to dodge the attack as he stops waiting for it to come toward him as the attack gets closer an armor formed around his body spike spurted out and stabbed the elephant's foot. [Spike Armor] can spurt the spike on the armor at the beginning of the skill activation.

With its food stabbed with a large spike, the elephant let out another painful cry which is louder than the previous one. Vlad jumped toward the top of the elephant and sink his vampiric fang deep to its neck. It tries to shake its body to make Vlad fall but it was unable to do it no matter how hard it tries as Vlad had stabbed his claw inside the elephant body to strengthen his hold.

Not knowing what to do now, the elephant runs toward the beast horde crashing through the horde without care of other beast's life. Many monsters were trampled on its charge, some of the monsters try to run resulting in a stampede which creates more casualty among the attacking monsters.

The undead has an easier time now that the elephant has gone but there are still many strong monsters that come toward them. Samurai is a slashing monster who tries to pass him, he was standing still on the battlefield but he was able to kill numerous amount of monsters alone.


Samurai is hit by something that pushes it back when it looks at the surrounding no monster is seen that hit it. Samurai look at the surrounding to no avail as the attacker is nowhere to be seen, but suddenly Samurai is send flying because of an attack.


Crashing at a boulder nearby, Samurai gets up and understands now what had happened. There is only one explanation and that is the enemy is invisible!