More Chaotic

Samurai rose up and stand upright, the attack not left much damage it was reduced greatly by the armor on Samurai's body. Samurai look around the battlefield for the attacker, but the enemy still nowhere to be seen.

Samurai readying itself to fight, it may unable to see the enemy but it was able to sense their lifeforce the enemy emitted. One thing that Samurai know is that the enemy is not only one but instead there are many of them, previously Samurai had look around because many life forces were being emitted nearby.

Samurai suddenly move and make a grabbing motion there was no one there, but Samurai prove it wrong as the claw had grabbed something. A lizard figure comes out in front of Samurai, upon having its camouflage blown out the lizard tries to escape frantically.

The lizard is torn apart by Samurai who held the now torn lizard highly in the sky while look at the surrounding, Samurai give warning to the other lizard to not mess around or else they will have the same fate as their friend.


Samurai roared without any warning, some of the lizards shocked by the roar and accidentally dismissed their camouflage. Samurai jumped toward the nearest lizard and slashed it down not waiting for the lizard to stabilize themselves. Samurai slashed two nearest lizards before one of the lizards entered camouflage, Samurai locked down the lizard with [Soul Lock].

The lizard is unable to move for a few seconds because of the effect of the skill, using the opportunity Samurai held up the lizard on its throat before crushing it with brute force. All of the remaining lizards may have entered camouflage once more but trying to fight undead like Samurai is their biggest mistake.


In the other part of the battlefield, Vlad had sucked dry the elephant after spending sometimes sucking its blood. In its attempt to shake off Vlad from its body the elephant had trampled countless monsters and created a stampede.

The situation right now is getting more chaotic as the monsters keep pouring toward them, Diablo had become a hot potato that attracted the attention of most of the monsters in the mountain. Upon devouring the monster that undergone evolution a monster may undergo a transformation and become stronger in the process, the skill of an evolving monster may be obtained by the monster that eats it.

That's why its no wonder that all of these monsters keep pouring toward the battlefield, the attraction of strength gained from devouring the evolving monster is too strong for the monster to fight against.


Hans finished his work on Diablo's evolution, now he only needs to wait for the evolution to complete by itself. Turning his back he sensed many life forces outside of the death energy cyclone, he made his way toward the cyclone and pass through it.


His foot lands outside of the cyclone, blood and corpse could be seen scattered around the battlefield. The battle still continued to intensify as time goes, Hans raised his hand and following his hand numerous corpses rise up from the ground. The newly rise undead instantly pounce toward the hostile monsters without any order, upon the aid of the new undead the battle turn into Hans' favor.

"This should be enough for now, I can revive anymore undead now but the battle still goes in our favor if we keep this pace we should have no trouble in keeping them at bay," Hans said, there is no smile in his face as he knows that the situation may change any moment.

"[Death Lord's Aura]Let's push them all back!" Hans activated his skill and boosted all of his undead monsters, more monsters begin to fall down under Hans' undead. Everywhere in the battlefield monsters begin to drop down the ground and die, but there were some monsters that can hold back the attack of the undead.

A pack of Crimson colored wolf destroying some undead with ease, their number and coordination proved to be a bane for the undead. More than 5 wolves will work together to bring down an undead while they continue to press forward, the biggest wolf stays in the middle of the pack while the others fight the undead.

This of course not slip away from Hans' sight, he checked the biggest wolf information as he knows that it must be the Alpha wolf.

[Monster Name]: Wicked Blood Wolf

[Monster Level] : 40

[Monster Grade] : Silver

[Monster Condition] : Healthy

[Monster Potential] : 98

[Monster Weakness]: None

[Monster Type] : Beast

[Monster Element] : Blood

[Monster Skill] : [Bleed Claw Level 4] [Bloody Howl Level 3] [Blood Energy Blast Level 3] [Beastly Rage Level 4]

[Monster Ability] : [Pack Boost] [Beast Instinct]

[Monster Bloodline]: 98% Wicked Blood Wolf 2% Demonic Eye Wolf

[Monster Evolution Path]: Three Evolution Path

[Monster Description]: Wicked Blood Wolf live in pack and hunt in a pack, their leader is always the biggest and strongest in the group. The most terrifying aspect of these wolves is their intellect which makes them great at coordinated their attack when hunting their prey.

"No wonder they can hold my undead and even beat them, their ability increased their power greatly but their leader had the skill that can increase their power to another level." Hans creased his brow after taking a look at the wolf's information panel.

[Bloody Howl]

The skill gives allies 30 meters away from the user the ability to absorb blood near them to heal themselves and increased their attack and speed by 10%.

[Pack Boost]

The skill increases attribute according to the number of the monster in the pack.

-50 Monster: 10% Attack + 5% Defense + 5% Speed

-150 Monster : 15% Attack + 10% Defense + 10% Speed

- 250 Monster : 20% Attack + 10% Defense + 10% Speed

-500 Monster : 25% Attack + 15% Defense + 15% Speed + 25% Regeneration

"Luckily their number not reaching 500 or else my undead my get crushed, this should be taken care of quickly." Hans makes his way through the chaotic battlefield, He needs to take care of them personally before the problem goes out of control.