
Amber looked at Shin powerless, he has never seen her like this before... his hand slowly lets go of her...

"All you wanted was someone to stop you wasn't it?" I whispered. She couldn't see my face, but I think she knew I was concerned.

"I... I need a break. I h-haven't felt this weak in... a while... and I h-hate it..." She stuttered then fainted and fell right into my arms.

"So was it all for your little girlfriend?" Shin asked with a slight but noticeable bitterness to his voice.

"No, it's for survival and not that Amber needs defending, but even if we didn't choose the path of justice... did we really have a choice? If we didn't we'd be in your shoes right now... going as low as petty insults."

"I'm sure that whatever level I've stood in, you've gone lower"

"Heh... your right. I was born in the light but raise in darkness. I've grown to despise the light itself. I think there is no one who's ever seen only the pure light without a small bit of tainted darkness, not even you" As I spoke that I walked away holding Amber and for a moment, I glance back.

Shin was only able to see my mouth and nothing higher... I was smiling, right?

Little does he know smiling was the only thing I could do to distract myself from the pain of guilt.

I wasn't planning on leaving you here Shin... but my priority is set in stone now. Survive, no matter who I have to step on along the way... whatever it takes.

"Once I get out of here, you'll be my first target!" Shin shouted with pure and utter hatred for me in his voice.

I went silent, not knowing how to reply. The only thing Shin could hear from me was my footsteps that got fainter and fainter every step.

I walked back to the castle, having to sneak in, not wanting any sort of rumour to spread about me poisoning Amber or something.

I guess I'll just walk to the meeting room. After that, if Amber is still asleep I'll take her to her room go to mine then crash for the night. Tomorrow I'll assassinate the king. Sounds easy. Hope it's as easy as it sounds...

I walked into the room. Inside was a round table in the middle with ten seats and a nice dark red sofa on the right side with a black-haired lady sleeping on it.

"Evelyn, look Ignis's here and also Crimson. You shouldn't sleep in the meeting room." The purpled hair girl from across the room yelled.

"Would you not bother me for one second? You're so annoying. Right Crimson?" Evelyn replied with her eyes closed.

"She is currently unconscious, General Evelyn," I said as formally as I could make it.

"Ignis? I didn't know you were here" she opened her eyes, she looks like she's seen better days... probably took a few shots.

"Geez... you don't listen to me at all do you?" Amelia pouted while playing with her purple hair.

"Sorry for my interruption General Amelia, but who called us to the meeting?" I spoke gently, he was polite and played the part as a sort of a respectful man.

This is so annoying, calling them General sounds like they're in a higher position than me... even though I'm just as high as them... why did I do this to myself?!

"As polite as always huh?" Evelyn said with her face still looking half drunk.

"Anyways, I heard Pierce called us. Probably a little check up on what's going on with everyone" Amelia was trying to push Evelyn to sit up but she keeps going back to laying down

"Right... I kind of expected that of General Pierce"

"While your here. Tell me Ignis, what's your real name?" Evelyn asked she had this deadly curious look to her, so scary... she's learnt a lot from Amber huh?

"It's Ignis why?"

"I know that's not your real name," Evelyn glared at me with doubt.

"I think I would know what name is General."

"Crimson told us it's not you're real name. I only had to slip some alcohol into her water to get her to spill it~. She's just the cutest when she's drunk!" Evelyn grinned.

What a pain... General Hiroto? That sounds terrible and drunk Amber?! Maybe... cute, but also... terrifying.

"What. A. Pain," At that moment I stopped being so polite, it got old real fast... I'm tired of the act.

"I never thought I'd hear that from you!" Evelyn's sarcasm was as if she saw through my act... or drunk Amber told her... the latter somehow seems more believable

"Now your just acting like Amber... speaking of which, do you know how heavy she is? I hate it when she makes me carry her"

I'll try to change the subject... she's actually pretty light, but my mage stats can't support anything more than a little kid...

I then laid Amber down on the couch next to Evelyn.

"This is a change of attitude... is Amber like you? I'd love to see her switch her personally to the opposite, can you imagine her saying something like 'Your the best!'. It'd be heaven" Evelyn chuckled.

Just the thought of her saying that makes me wanna raise an eyebrow... or ask her who she was and if she was sick.

"Anyways I actually wanna know your name, Ignis" Amelia asked out of pure curiosity.

Damn it Amelia didn't forget... ugh... fine!

"It's Hiroto Terumi, happy?"

"So your name is Terumi? I heard that names like these the last name are in the front right?"

"No, it's Hiroto."

I'm too used to just using my nickname first. Although being an otaku with a Japanese introduction and name is cool as hell.

"Oh. I guess I was wrong" Amelia pouted, "So... what happened to Crimson?"



"Undersleep? I have no idea what this girl's up to these days. She's too unpredictable" I said with an annoyed face.

I do know... but I hope my lying skills won't fail me now!

The door then creaked opened and Damon, Lucas, Novem and Em walked in

"What's going on here?"

"Don't worry about it, where's Pierce? You know the genius that called us here? Not to mention making us wait for his grand entrance"

"Also where's Misa?"

Oh yeah! Where is she? She's usually on time...