Power 9s

[Author's Note: This chapter's perspective is Amber's]

"What's going on" Pierce was looking around

Hiroto's thinking 'Isn't he the one that called us here. Shouldn't he be here first?'

"I know right?" I whispered into Hiroto's ear

"You know someday I'm gonna read your mind"

"Good luck"

I mean it. Over your dead body will you ever read a mind such as mine.

"What are you two talking about?"

It's like Peirce is trying to be mighty and stuff I wanna laugh myself to death.

I tried to have a blank face, but broke and chuckled

"What are you laughing about?" Peirce had an overly serious face on top of him that made both Evelyn and I laugh out loud

"He's actually trying to be all 'I'm serious'. Hah!" I was crying tears of laughter

"I know right?" Evelyn was doing the same

"C' mon guys don't insult him too much" Amelia tried to calm everyone down

She's right... we here for a reason. But still, I'm gonna laugh inside

All the sudden Novem cleared his throat loudly

"Let's get started shall we?"

The room became silent and then everyone took their seat on the round table

"So Peirce, you're the one that called us here. So what's your point"

"Where's Misa?" Lucas's soft green eyes looked so innocent and light blue hair made him look even more like a little kid.

He has a big crush on Misa which I thinks is adorable, but it's not gonna last very long because Misa is so gonna lead Shin out of the prison. It's the perfect moment, can't blame her.

Aww, he's so cute trying to find his little crush. How sad. I think me and Hiroto are in the same position here. We know that Shin is going to escape. Hiroto doesn't know how, but I do. Even so, he's not gonna stop it. We're in this for survival, not justice or loyalty.

"I see her the most so I'll just give the info to her about this meeting" I offered. Might as well extend Misa's escape time. Means more time for me to not do much.

"Why isn't she coming to the meetings"

You just want to see her pretty face...

"Get to the point please," Hiroto started to get annoyed

He probably has something important to do after this. If I had to guess it'd be killing the king of Leon or something about the king. I don't know... just feels like it.

"Right... we're just here to see what we have to do for the monthly duties" Pierce said with a smirk

"Bet it's nothing again"

"Yeah... we're nothing but a factor to intimidate the enemies with"

"So nothing! No work!" Evelyn said, trying to piss off Pierce

So... that's why we were called? This is so useless

I looked directly at Hiroto then smirked as if to say "I know right?"

Hiroto looked back surprised and disturbed

He's thinking 'Are you reading my mind again?'

I smiled demonically almost laughing in the process

"Well, since you all already know... let's get to the second point" Pierce was a little salty no one told him about Amber

Way to kill the boredom! With one more boring thing!

Pierce started babbling, that was moment my mind started wandering off

Misa's probably trying to break or bend to bars for Shin right now. She's probably having more fun than me...

"Restroom!" I interrupted Pierce


"Yeah... I'll probably not come back to this room so just summarise it for me"

"But you have to tell Misa about the meeting!" Lucas stood up

"You can do it" I got out with a glance back, winking at Lucas. Sorry Misa, I'm too lazy to care about this meeting so extending your time won't happen.

"Fine" Lucas pouted while trying to hide his happiness

I then shut the door and ran to the prison in half a minute

Dang, I love being stupid fast!

I walked to the guards in front of the prison

Since they saw me in the morning they didn't ask for my ID again

They didn't even consider I could use illusion magic? I mean I can't, but still. After what's gonna happen I'll probably go in and pose in front of the stairs leading them out of the 4 doors section and think from there.

With one snap of fingers, the guard's head got cut and I made sure I didn't get any blood on me

I got to other guards guarding the 4 doors section

"Change of plans today ladies and gentlemen. I'm covering, all of you so get out of my sight alright?" I smiled made waved them goodbye.

"We know it's you General of Army, but we need to see your ID first ma'am"

This one's more cautious. He's better than the guards out there at least

They saw my ruby badge or 'ID' then they all walked out.

I'm not in the mood of killing too many people today so...

When they finally turned their back

"Effacer Viate" I whispered to my hand.

An almost invisible transmutation circle got on my hand and I swiftly tagged all of the soldiers and erased their memories of myself ever coming here and for them to not see the guards outside or their blood.

I usually can't use memory magic, but... forbidden magic can be quite helpful. I smirked at the thought.

Suddenly, I noticed the tip of my hair being light pink... weird. I swear it's getting lighter by the day... wonder why...

I waited in front of Shin's door for a while. I have no doubt in my mind that Misa was behind that door too and eventually... I heard footsteps.