The Escape

A while later...

I heard a faint talking voice echoing from the distance "It's gonna be okay... I'll just tell the guards that the king ordered me to move you"

It was Misa's voice and as soon as that door opened she walked passed me barely noticing my presence at the corner of her eye. Suddenly when she did realize I was there, she jumped back behind the door. Misa, carrying an injured Shin, couldn't move as far as she would've liked.

"Hello... you missed the meeting, Misa. I guess since your here my prediction was correct" I walked to guard the exit

"How did yo-"

"Know? Well everyone has an area that they need to guard in a specific time except us so we can literally be anywhere at any time and that's dangerous for you because we're unpredictable and we're more powerful than you. So this would be a perfect time for you to make an escape"

"You know for someone very smart how can you be so stupid that you'd join the wrong side"

"Well, that's the thing. I'm smart enough to not be on any sides. I'm too valuable to kill for the demon king and I'm your precious friend, can you really stab me without feeling a thing?"

"I wouldn't if you don't stand in my way. The demons will never win. You know more than I do about anime so you should know that the hero's enemy never wins in the end. We might lose the battle, but we haven't lost the war"

"I know... but you forgot two things. First of all, I'm stronger than you. To be more precise, I'm stronger than both of you combined. Even with Shin's full power and 2nd, I said I'm not in any sides, but still I might be punished if I let you leave freely"

"So you won't let us go..."

"That's the part I'm struggling with. I don't want to kill you, but I also don't want to betray more people, not today at least"

I'll let her do her best in talking me out of it and I'll see if I changed my mind or not

"You could escape with us... you don't have to stay," she said desperately

"And bam! I'm forgiven? I'm not stupid and you know that. Plus I have... something I need to do before I even consider switching sides again"

"If you help us escape then everyone would forgive you"

"You're lying" I smiled playfully

"I guess there's no way to avoid you then"

I shouldn't let her leave... I guess she's right, she can't avoid me.

I stopped smiling, replacing the smile with a blank face

Misa laid Shin down and got into a fighting position

"Bloodsucker," I said with a monotoned voice a small red light appeared, but it disappeared before Misa could even tell it's a transmutation circle

Then my many scars started to return to its unhealed state and bled uncontrollably, covering me in my own blood.

She's thinking that it'll slow me down, but it doesn't hurt... I've gone numb to this...

At that moment, I remembered those chambers

Compared to what I'm been through this is nothing, and she's letting me use this new move I didn't get to try out

I bit her tongue to taste her own blood

Disgusting, why didn't I just drink the blood from my hand? Wait... no that's more disgusting

"I offer my blood as a sacrifice for your great power, great god" I paused thinking that I don't believe such a figure existed and continued, "give me the thing I desire for this sacrifice. Now! Eternal gravity!"

"What the he-!"

"Language~. I believe this is what people call forbidden magic. Although I'm using the weakest kind, without anything in exchange I can't perform it. Fascinating don't you think?"

Then it was as if the gravity had multiplied by 3000 for Misa. She couldn't move off the ground

She screamed out in pain

"S-Stop i-i-it... please" she whispered barely being able to put words out of her mouth

"Forge" A sword started forming form my hand

I raised her sword aiming for Misa's head

But she smiled

"I'll be remembered as a hero," Misa said in a soft voice

"Stop smiling, no one will remember you... Shin's gonna die soon... we both know that"

Why... why can't I just kill her? Why am I hesitating?

Misa kept on smiling making me remember

She was my first friend. That damn smile was the same as the first day they've ever met.


"DAMMIT" I raised the sword even higher and swung!

Towards myself...

Why? Why? Was it because of gratitude? I was a lonely kid until Misa started talking to me and then I started talking to others and got Hiroto. I think I would get away with letting them go... but why? It serves me no gain if I let them go.

"I've killed so much... I killed Jullie... I killed Ein... so why? Why can't I kill you too?" I asked herself. I didn't directly kill them, but I knew I let them die without a fight

As blood comes out of my mouth I said "Just go alright? I won't di-" I coughed up blood... but reassured her with a smile "the p-plot needs me alive" instantly I collapsed onto the ground

As I did my spell on Misa disappeared

Crap... I made this sword too strong

Misa kept hesitating if she could leave me there

"Go before I change my mind. You know... I can still beat you guys like this..."

Misa continued helping Shin to safety and glanced back in grief once more then walked out

About an hour later guards came to take their switch with the other soldiers

"Who's that?" one of the guards asked

"General of Army Crimson reporting for duty," she said while showing her ID while bloodied up.

"Huh? What happened to you general?"

A sword stabbed on the side of my stomach genius, can't you tell?

"Can you call General Ignis... p-please" I remained my strong composure, but I was honestly tired from the blood loss and my use of forbidden magic...

I can't get up... damn am I too good at forging...

"Right... I believe he's in his room go get him" one guard said to another

A while later...

Hiroto and Damon came running


"It hurts to move... help me Hiroto" I ignored Damon

"Uhh... sure" Hiroto picked her up

You know... stabbing myself may not be that bad of an idea