The Fierce Young Man

Once the road began to clear up, and the people finished fighting over the gold coins. Some went on with their day, and some still searching around the premises. In case there were still other gold coins lying around somewhere.

Sitting on a tree branch, Xiong Jingfei received a nice open view of the area. Making it quicker to spot Xu Song. Who was wandering up and down the stalls that were opened back up. She was about to jump down but stopped herself when she heard a tree branch break sound coming from underneath her.

Appearing downward, a young man who didn't seem much older than Yang Zheyan walked out from behind her tree. He had a sharp face, fierce eyebrows, and eyes of a young warrior. Based on the few steps he took, it was clear he was a person with a lot of pride and someone to be afraid of.


Xiong Jingfei stopped swinging her legs but didn't take her eyes off him. She smiled a little, her judgment on others has never once betrayed her. She has a keen eye on a person's character. Being raised in a general household, it was natural for a general's daughter to have the same senses.


This was one of the many reasons why Xiong Guozhi favored her over her two younger sisters.


The young man stood still underneath the tree and continued to look into the distance where the bride's carriage disappeared. Xiong Jingfei chewed on another almond. Even though he was a prideful person, it did not hide the fact that he was also brave.


His two hands that are tightly balled up looks exactly like her father's hand. Rough and not delicate like a scholar, but clean, unlike a farmer. At the very least, he's from a well off family without having to worry about hunger. His hair was combed neatly back into a clean ponytail with a purple ribbon holding it in place. His black robe did not have any tears or signs of being worn out. Although he was dressed plainly, it did not diminish his overbearing aura in the slightest.


"Hmm..." Xiong Jingfei crossed her legs and put the remaining almonds neatly in her lap. She delicately peels another almond and another one.


Meanwhile, her eyes couldn't help but continued to stare at him. She knows it is rude and un-ladylike. If only others were to see her right now, she would feel ashamed for staring too long at another man.


However, she found it interesting how she found Yang Zheyan's opposite. Comparing Yang Zheyan to the fierce young man below the tree was like day and night.


Yang Zheyan was one to always be dressed in silk clothes unless he was roaming the streets undercover. Although that didn't stop heads from turning his way. Who will blame him for dressing "well-off" when he belonged to a prominent family. 

Xiong Jingfei was no different from him, except her family status is below his. It is all about reputation and keeping up appearances.


His every stride brought others comfort and not fear. He did have a sharp face, but his eyebrows were soft and gave others a sense of trust. Making them feel at ease when approaching him. His hair was never entirely tied up unless he was attending court duties in the palace.


He was in training to take over his father's position when the time comes. Even with Yang Zheyan's immortal aura and face, it didn't fool anyone who played the palace game for a long time. Except, Yang Zheyan was one of the best at this game. He was terrific at hiding what he truly wants versus what is coming out from his mouth.


There was a secret, but it wasn't one at the same time. Everyone knows Yang Zheyan may have a gentle smile, but his heart was cold as ice. There is no such thing as mercy to those who crossed him. He is and will become someone fit to be the next Right Prime Minister. 


There have been whispers among the nobles that Yang Zheyan will be the one who brings their country to prosperity. Then there were the others who were against him ascending to the position. It will mean more power in his hands. Especially when he already has a lot of authority for his age.


It wasn't because he was the Right Prime Minister's son, who was third in command if something were to happen to the Emperor. It was that Yang Zheyan was the blood nephew of the Emperor, and his mother was the Emperor's favorite younger sister. The only one who did not get traded off to another place for a peace treaty.

Yang Zheyan was also the oldest son in his family, and so far, the sole heir. Because he was the Emperor's favorite sister's son, he was doted on by the imperial family. Making one of the many reasons why no one dared to voice their opinions against him becoming the next Right Prime Minister. Unless you want a death sentence.


"Damn!" The fierce young man cursed, punching the tree she was sitting on.


That fist of his was powerful enough to shake the tree and her. The almonds she just finished peeling shook along with the tree and descended downwards from her lap. To not let good ripe almonds be wasted away, she attempted to catch them with her hands. Right away, she regretted her actions because she became a falling almond too.  


"Ahhh!" Xiong Jingfei screamed, falling headfirst towards the fierce young man standing below her. "Move out of the way! No, wait! Catch me!"
