Love Affair

"Ahhh!" Xiong Jingfei continued to scream at the top of her lungs, with her eyes shut tight. 

She doesn't want to go yet. If anything, she doesn't want to leave going this way. Her face will really be messed up in so many ways, that the rumors about her will become the truth.

"Stop Screaming!" 

She immediately closed her mouth as instructed by that dominating voice. Slowly, she opened open one eye and then the other one. Afraid that imagination hers will come true.

Instead of her body splattering all over the ground. It was held in mid-arm by a pair of strong arms, and they were the same pairs that caused her to fall too. Looking up, there he was, the fierce young man she was judging a moment ago.

"You..." The fierce young man mumbled in a deep low voice. 

She heard him. In a way, he was questioning where did she pop out from? Embarrassed, she acted like she didn't hear a single thing. It was hard to pretend she didn't since she was still in his arms.

"Y-you can-"

"Were you spying on me?" The fierce young man asked, looking even scarier than when he first appeared. 

His eyes became sharper, and his eyebrows scrunched up. It was like a hawk eyeing his prey attentively. He was just waiting for his victim to slip up before he attacks unexpectedly. 

Xiong Jingfei's mouth opened and closed. Unable to find the right words, but a simple "no" would have been sufficient. Sadly, that one word was currently not processing for her. 

Veil? Where is my veil! Those were the words screaming inside her head. 

She has never been this up close with another male stranger except with Yang Zheyan. He already saw her unveiled face on multiple occasions these past years, so there was nothing to hide.


"No..." Xiong Jingfei meekly replied with a ping of guilt. She was looking at him the whole time, but it wouldn't be considered spying, right? 

He obviously did not believe her. His grip around her got tighter with each passing second of silence. 

"Y-you can let go... Thank y-ahh!"

She didn't get a chance to finish her thanks before she was "unexpectedly" dropped.

"Hey!" Xiong Jingfei shouted, staring up at him from the ground. Getting up from the ground and dusting off the dirt. "It still hurts whether I fell from a high or low place!"

The fierce young man went quiet for a second before crossing his arms, and in a husky voice, he said, "You said to let go." 

He didn't show an ounce of remorse on his icicle face for doing that to a lady.

"You said to let go," Xiong Jingfei mimicked him like a child, forgetting her real identity and the fact that she was afraid of him. The moment he dropped her, those fears also dropped right out of her.

"Childish." The young man retorted, brushing off his sleeves like she left a disease on them.

Xiong Jingfei made a "hmph" at his comment.

She was still a child. Her coming of age ceremony will not be until two years later. In Lou Zhemin Capital, a young girl becomes a woman when she turns sixteen years old. That's why she has not tied the knot with Yang Zheyan yet. 

"My back is broken!" Xiong Jingfei cried out loud, rubbing her sore back. Then suddenly, she paused her mini back rub. "Huh? Were you crying?"

Instantly, the fierce young man's facial expression changed drastically. His nose flared up, and his glare at her became deadlier.

"Who said I was crying?" He was no longer muttering or mumbling. His voice was at full blast with power like a commander in charge.

He didn't wait for her to answer him. Without another word from him, he turned around and stormed away. Unfortunately for him, he didn't get very far from her to hear what she said next. 

"Your red eyes said it!" Xiong Jingfei removed her hands from covering her ears. She had them covered when he was using his tiger voice on her. "Ah! I know why you cried!"


The icicle man movements paused for a second, but again, ignoring her, he continued walking away.


"The bride was your lover~!" 

Xiong Jingfei held herself back from laughing out loud when he immediately stopped walking. His back stiffened up, and it was even straighter than it was earlier. His reaction was telling her that her wild guess is correct.

Surprisingly, someone as expressionless as him would cry in the name of love. Well, she wouldn't say he was expressionless... He has, she began counting her fingers, recalling how many expressions he has shown her.

It wasn't very much. She was able to count it all with one hand.

"What will it take for you to be quiet?" He hissed under his breath with a threatening tone. He was already in front of her face. 

"Ahem," Xiong Jingfei cleared her throat and pushed him back a little with her hand. 

Even though she is hiding her real identity. She was still a woman, and he was a man. They should not have close skin contact like this. 

"What do I want?" Xiong Jingfei tapped her chin as if she was thinking really hard.

He frowned, which was one of the expressions Xiong Jingfei had counted. He moved a few inches closer, "You know, I don't have to give you anything. I can end your life right here."

"Hold it! You don't get a say here," Xiong Jingfei grinned and gave him a haughty look. "Try anything, and I'll scream your secret. My lowly life means less than your love affair getting exposed. " 

He stopped his approach towards her, but he didn't stop his death glare. He stood where he was pushed to, waiting to hear what was it that she wanted from him. His family wasn't the most wealthy, but they can still afford to get her what she wants.  

This time it was Xiong Jingfei who made the first move to approach him first. Grabbing his wrist, she handed him the peeled almonds she risked her life for. Apparently, she still held onto them like her life depended on it.

She didn't want anything from him and will not say anything about his love for Zhao Fan. Today he was her savior.

"Take them," Xiong Jingfei brushed her hand against her outfit, cleaning off some of the almond shells sticking onto her skin.

He didn't have a reaction to the almonds or when she grabbed his hand. 

"No need to thank me," Xiong Jingfei waved him off. "Use this to mend your broken heart."

He frowned, again, "Unruly."

Then he walked away from her with her almonds still in his hand. Even after saying that, he didn't hand it back to her.

"I take it back! You should mend that frowning face of yours!" Xiong Jingfei shouted, not caring for her image. 

It wasn't like anyone knew who she was anyway. She made a "tsk" sound before walking away to find Xu Song, who is probably worried sick. She wasted enough time on this stranger. 

The young man turned back around to find Xiong Jingfei disappearing into the crowd. Putting one of her peeled almonds in his mouth, he muttered, "Tasteless."

However, his icicle face turned a degree softer, and the corner of his lips lifted a little.