Can We Start Over? (1/3)

Feng Huan cleared his throat, seeing as Xiong Jingfei was not going to stop staring at him. It was as if she was looking at him, but not at him either. He asked, "Are you alright now?" 

Xiong Jingfei did not answer him or gave him a nod, but her stomach did. It couldn't hold back its true nature, smelling the aromatic coming from the soup next to her. She instantly covers her belly in embarrassment. 

Feng Huan smirked, holding himself back from laughing at her cuteness. Lifting the tray from the nightstand, he put it on her lap. "Here, have something to eat. You must be hungry." 

She looked at the bowl of soup but refused to give it a try. She didn't want to take anything from her ex. Recalling how Feng Huan betrayed and treated her so coldly on that day. A part of her still wanted to slap his icicle face off. 

Zhao Fan and Xiong Jingfei never got along from the very first meeting. They met through Feng Huan because she was his childhood friend. On the first greeting, there was already animosity. The moment they spoke to each other, they knew they hated one another.

Yet, Feng Huan eventually came to learn of this when he dated Xiong Jingfei. Still, he ended up sleeping with Zhao Fan. 

Which to the now Xiong Jingfei, who had time to think things over. She wasn't angry at him anymore for having a thing with Zhao Fan. Except, she wasn't okay with him going behind her back like that. If he wanted to get together with his childhood friend, all he needed to do was tell her and break things off cleanly. A word wouldn't hurt as much as having to walk in on them together. 

The moment she was going to shake her head in refusal. Her stomach decided to have a mind of its own again and refused her refusal. Unwilling to cooperate with her, it growled louder than ever. Literally screaming, feed me already! 

"Here," Feng Huan couldn't stop smiling. If he did, it might turn into laughter. Happy laughs, of course. 

He hasn't felt this way in a long time since Xiong Jingfei left him. Scooping up a little of the broth with the spoon, he blew on it to cool it down. Once he felt it was cool, he brought it closer to Xiong Jingfei's mouth. 

"I promise my cooking won't kill you," Feng Huan already lost the frostiness from his face, and urged her to give his cooking a try. 

It smelled rather good... Now that it was closer to her nose. 

She snatched the spoon from him. She may be unable to talk, but she still has hands to feed herself. As she was about to have a taste, she paused, it felt awkward to have someone watch her eat. With one hand holding the spoon, she used the other one to shoo him away from looking. 

"I can't do that. If I do, how do I know the taster likes my cooking or not?" Feng Huan dropped his smile, but the humor was bright in his eyes. 

Xiong Jingfei ignored him. She wasn't going to starve herself because someone wouldn't look away. She took a small sip of the broth.

It was tasty! Amazingly, his cooking definitely improved a lot! The last time it almost sent her to the hospital. Recalling the unforgettable taste, she cringed. 

"Did it taste good?" Feng Huan asked. His arm resting on top of his nightstand, with his head resting in his hand. 

Did it taste good? Xiong Jingfei glimpsed down at the empty bowl of soup. There was nothing left... She didn't realize she was this hungry, so she ended up eating all of it! To save her face, she shrugged her shoulder and did a 'so-so' with her hand. 

She already went against her "principle" of not taking anything from her ex. There was no way she was going to give him a compliment on top of it. 

"Liar!" Feng Huan laughed, reaching for the bowl and tipped it over. He shook it as if gold will start dropping out of it. "Not even a drop left." 

Xiong Jingfei averted her eyes to the other side to avoid him. What happened to the cold, emotionless, and untalkative Feng Huan she used to know? He is even laughing out loud too? Is her hearing still good?

"W-what is it?" Feng Huan stood up at the same time Xiong Jingfei threw the blanket off her and rushed off his bed. 

Xiong Jingfei pointed to the window while putting on her shoes. Her shoes was left at the end of his bed. He must have taken it off when he laid her down. He also left the rest of her stuff there, as well. 

Feng Huan looked outside the window, but couldn't tell what she was trying to say. 

How long did I knock out for? Xiong Jingfei gathered up her items to leave. When she arrived back at An Jing University, it was still pretty early in the morning. Right now, it was pitch black outside that the stars were showing themselves.

"Let me take you back," Feng Huan grabbed his keys, and he wasn't going to take no for an answer. Even without her talking, it wasn't hard to tell that she planned to leave.

She waved her hand, rejecting him on the spot. He may not take no for an answer, but it wasn't like he could force her into his car. Unlike that 'Lu Weisheng,' she somehow got in the car with him.


Feng Huan took ahold of her waving hand. It was his turn to look at her. His eyes weren't filled with curiosity like hers, but with anticipation. In a softer tone, he called out her name again, "Feifei..." 

Xiong Jingfei didn't pull back her hand right away. She should have a few seconds to spare to hear what he has to say. He did after all help her, or else she might be lying at the front gate for who knows how long.

"Feifei, can we start over again?" Feng Huan stared straight into his eyes. "I'm sorry. I made a horrible mistake..." 

With his hands in hers, Xiong Jingfei could feel the nervousness shooting through him as he asked her this question. Ever since she lost her voice, it was like the rest of her senses amplify! If you took a look at Feng Huan, you wouldn't even know he was nervous! 

"I don't mind if you're engaged. I am willing to wait for you!" Feng Huan took a step closer and held onto her hands tighter. "I love-"

Xiong Jingfei smiled. Removing her hands from his before he could finish that part of his sentence. She never knew that the confident and cold Feng Huan could become this nervous. 

What she did not know was that he was just as nervous when he first asked her out. At this moment, it felt ten times more intense for him. Because, he came to realize how much he loved her once he lost her. Seeing her again at the museum, brought all those feelings back and more. 

Xiong Jingfei picked up her bags. When she finally found a small ounce of happiness. He wants to come back into her life? He left her when she was at her lowest. Feng Huan betraying her brought her down on another level of low. Never will she go back to that same place. 

She swore she will find her own happiness, but it will not be with Feng Huan. The most they can become is just friends. 
