Can We Start Over? (2/3)

Feng Huan's bedroom door slammed open and hit against the wall. Standing in the doorway was the person who is always following Feng Huan every step. Her red-colored nails were pressed against his wooden door, and her curled hairs danced like venomous snakes. Her pretty phoneix eyes burning with rage. 

Xiong Jingfei wouldn't be surprised if fangs were to show once Zhao Fan opened her mouth. She thank herself for being smart by removing her hand away from Feng Huan's grip. Things could get ugly quickly if Zhao Fan were to have seen that. 

Truth be told, she was expecting for Zhao Fan to make an entrance any time now. And, Zhao Fan did not end up disappointing her in the slightest. 

"Huan! How can you do this to me?" Zhao Fan's eyes turned from rage into bitterness as she cried. She charged straight for Xiong Jingfei with her claws out to get her. "Slut! Why are you seducing my boyfriend!" 

"Zhao Fan!" Feng Huan roared, pulling Xiong Jingfei behind him. He grabbed Zhao Fan by the arm to stop her from proceeding any further. "Have you gone mad?"

"No! It's you who have gone made by this vixen!" Zhao Fan screamed, attempting to get her arms free from Feng Huan. The moment she gets loose, she will head straight for Xiong Jingfei, who had Feng Huan's full protection. "Let go of me!" 

Xiong Jingfei scoffed. He wants to get back together, but another woman still has access to his condo? 

As she watches how enraged Zhao Fan was getting. It brought on a deja vu of, this had happened before. She can't remember where and when...

Though this was the second time, she saw Zhao Fan go off at Feng Huan because of her. She vaguely recalls that night at the club, but other than that. Zhao Fan always tried to be the sweet, caring childhood friend and never showed Feng Huan this side of her. 

It wasn't what happened at the bar that is causing her to feel like this. Xiong Jingfei tried really hard to recall where she saw this Zhao Fan before. Unfortunately, nothing was coming registering through her head. 

"You, are you laughing at me?" Zhao Fan became even more infuriated that she ended up screaming at her. Although it was more directed towards Feng Huan. "I'll tear that smile off your face!" 

"Stop it, Zhao Fan!" Feng Huan's cold, freezing tone finally showed itself. 

Oddly, this was to Xiong Jingfei's liking more than his warm, sweet tone. It didn't fit him... Like it was reserved for someone else already.

Feng Huan's voice brought chills down Zhao Fan's body. He was never this towards her! For the last ten years plus of knowing him! For Xiong Jingfei... For her, he was willing to act like this towards her! It was unforgivable! 

Even Feng Huan's able to freeze everything voice cannot cool down Zhao Fan's jealousy temper. Instead, it urges her fire to be lit hotter and brighter. 

"Let go! Let go! If I don't get her today, I will not be satisfied!" Zhao Fan stomped her foot, and never once did she take her eyes off Xiong Jingfei. 

Seeing Feng Huan holding Zhao Fan tightly in place, it was safe for her to make her escape. She didn't have time to deal with Zhao Fan today, maybe next time. Xiong Jingfei jumped on Feng Huan's bed, and out the door, she went. However, she didn't leave without flashing Zhao Fan a quick smile. 

"Ahhh!" Zhao Fan screamed. Turning around to chase after Xiong Jingfei, but couldn't even break free from Feng Huan. "Huan! She made fun of me! I have to take revenge!" 

"I already said, stop it!" Feng Huan threw her on his bed, before looking down at her with no emotions in his eyes. "Calm yourself down and leave!" 

Then he took off after Xiong Jingfei, leaving Zhao Fan inside his room. She threw his very expensive ceramic vase at the wall and screamed, "Feng Huan! Xiong Jingfei!" 

Zhao Fan didn't expect when screaming out their name. One out of the two will magically reappear back at the door. The one who appeared wasn't the kind and laughing Feng Huan, but the ice king. One who ruled all the frozen parts of the world. In his eyes, he held nothing but disgust towards her.

She didn't hold back her tears, but let them come bursting out. They were real this time around.

How was Xiong Jingfei better than her? Why couldn't Feng Huan, the person she loves, show her the side he showed to Xiong Jingfei? Why does it have to be Xiong Jingfei? Why couldn't it be her! She loved him first! She met him first! She knew him first!

It was as if whatever she does will never make him happy. Never come to love her. Why?

This was the main question she kept asking herself but dared not to ask the actual person directly. She didn't want to hear the answer, if anything, not right now.