Vicious Cycle Of Blind Dates (1/2)

A day passed by and along came the second day since Yang Zheyan last interaction with Xiong Jingfei. He was going to wait it out at least a week for her. Except only two days have passed since then, and it was already slowly killing him. He was expecting some sort of phone call or message from her soon about meeting up. Not as "Lu Weisheng" but to officially introduce himself as Yang Zheyan. 

Unfortunately for him, he hasn't heard a thing. Plus, his impatient has got to him multiple times. Having to dial her number only to erase it.

"Control... Control..." Yang Zheyan chanted quietly to himself. Throwing his phone to the side. Only to quickly pick it back up to make sure it wasn't the phone itself having an issue. You never know! "This is bad... I need to leave!"

Yang Zheyan grabbed his keys and rushed down the stairs.

"Young master, where are you going?" Nanny Liu asked, chasing after Yang Zheyan, who rushed out the door.

"Finding a distraction. No need to wait for me to come back." Yang Zheyan answered, finding a place to divert him away from his phone and her. 

"Huh?" Nanny Liu was at a loss. It was the first time she heard Yang Zheyan needed to find a distraction, but for what? 


Sitting inside his office, every so often, he will glance down at his phone filled with eagerness. Patiently waiting for his phone to flash her name, but it still never did.

Meanwhile, in the same room, there was another person. Whose eyes were following Yang Zheyan every time he looked down at his phone. The person loudly sighed, trying to snatch Yang Zheyan's attention, "Zheyan, let's go out to play!"

Yang Zheyan hands came to an abrupt stop from his drawings. He almost forgot this person was still here. This person squeezed his way in when Yang Zheyan's opened the doors to his office.

"Go home already. Are you still a kid?" Yang Zheyan replied, directing his attention back onto his art piece.

"No! I refuse to go back home! I'll be forced to go on blind dates one after another, in replacement of my brother!" Lu Weisheng plopped down on Yang Zheyan's couch and shuddered at what awaits him at home. Grabbing a magazine off the table, he laid down and flipped through the pages. 

Yang Zheyan found it hard to disagree with Lu Weisheng's reasoning for refusing to return home. If he was in Lu Weisheng's situation, even he wouldn't return either. 

Lu Weisheng's parents weren't like others when it comes to blind dates. They were really forcing this whole "marriage" onto him. Also, of course, not without telling him to hurry up and give them grandbabies. He tried escaping by making excuses about not liking the blind date. Such as they weren't his type. He didn't like their personality, face, etc. Sadly, those sorry excuses did not work on them. They already have another person on stand by for him at that very moment! 

Yang Zheyan had lost count of how many times Lu Weisheng went on blind dates. He stopped counting at around... Thirty? 

Yang Zheyan wasn't sure to consider himself lucky to be engaged or not. At least, he didn't have to deal with this ordeal. He was fortunate that his fiancee never once bothered to show her face in front of him. Then he realized that was only the case because neither one of them was aware of the prior agreement between both families.

On the other hand, he was currently dealing with a spoiled runaway child who was lying on his couch... Making a mess. Actually, a twenty-six-year-old runaway! If Lu Weisheng really wanted to escape from his parents' grasp, he should have flown overseas until maybe this marriage phase of theirs pass by. Though he highly doubts that'll be the case. 

Instead, Lu Weisheng chose to reside at Yang Zheyan's residence. Which was not the greatest hiding spot as they were related! Lu Weisheng's parents may not know where their second son is hiding. Still, their oldest son should be more than capable of finding his younger brother. Including to dragging him back and continue on with the blind dates. It seems like Lu Weisheng's older brother must have felt sorry, so he is giving his younger brother a small break. 

At every other page flipped, you could hear Lu Weisheng's amused laughter. Yang Zheyan couldn't understand what was so funny about an art magazine. Shaking his head, he mouthed, "Crazy." 

Lu Weisheng's laughter instantly died. If his ears did not deceive him, Yang Zheyan just bad mouthed him. He followed Yang Zheyan's eyes, and it landed on the tiny crumbs on the floor. Sliding off the couch, he picked up the snack crumbs and nervously chuckled, "I got it! No worries. I'm already cleaning it up..."

"Don't you have a job or someone else to bother?" Yang Zheyan leaned back in his chair and took another glance at his phone. Unexpectedly Lu Weisheng was being a big distraction help. 

Lu Weisheng, hearing an opportunity of fun opening up. He quickly got rid of the crumbs and skipped up to Yang Zheyan's desk. Clearing his throat, "As a matter of fact, I do not have anything to do! Free as a bird!"

Yang Zheyan scowled. Is that something to be proud of? 

"You're right, everything is always being taken care of by your older brother." Yang Zheyan's eyes drew back to his drawing and continued where he left off. It wasn't hard to see through Lu Weisheng's mischievous plan of slacking off, and he wasn't planning on doing it alone. 

"Hey! Only sometimes..." Lu Weisheng denied. Despite being unable to find facts to back up his argument. It wasn't a lie either that his older brother was the person who fixed all his mistakes and took care of his troublemaking. Trying to change the topic, he leaned in and whispered, "Who are you anxiously waiting for?"