Vicious Cycle Of Blind Dates (2/2)

"No one," Yang Zheyan didn't hesitate to answer but happen to make a minor mistake on his sketch. 

"There is!" It didn't go unnoticed by Lu Weisheng. Tsk, who does Zheyan think he was trying to trick? He propped his arms up on Yang Zheyan's desk, and with dreamy eyes, he smiled, "So tell me, who is it? To seize your entire mind? Unless! This person already took your body too!"

Yang Zheyan's one look at Lu Weisheng labeled him crazy. While his eyes unconsciously darted towards his phone. Just in case he missed that flash of light with Lu Weisheng's continuous teasing. 

Lu Weisheng frown, "Oh! Please don't tell me you're waiting for a client's call! What a disappointment!" 

Yang Zheyan threw one of his erasers at him, "Noisy!" 

What happened to the person reminding him that he had a fiancee? To suddenly change into someone who was hoping for some juicy affair. 

Lu Weisheng caught the eraser with his hand. He was expecting something to be thrown at him sooner or later. Yet, he didn't let it go without voicing a mini complaint. 

"How can you mistreat your only friend? What happened to that 'angelic' face of yours? Ahhh! No, you demon! Leave the saint Yang Zheyan alone!" Lu Weisheng exclaimed while practically laughing. He couldn't even keep a straight face when it comes to teasing Yang Zheyan rumored self.

Yang Zheyan couldn't even laugh at the joke Lu Weisheng was putting on display. Grabbing his phone, he began to dial a phone number. "Hi, aunty Lu-"

Lu Weisheng never knew his hands could fly so fast to grab someone's phone and pressed the end button. "I was wrong! Forgive me! If I get drag back, I'll nmeet the vicious cycle of blind dates."

Yang Zheyan took his phone back from him. "Tell me. Why is aunty Lu finding you a marriage partner but not your older brother? It makes more sense for him to be married before you."

"I keep saying that too! But..." Lu Weisheng tried finding the right words to put together for an explanation. Unfortunately, nothing will make logical sense to any normal person. "My older brother, who is on the list of top ten eligible husband. Despite his cold outer appearance. Fell in love with a woman in a picture!"

"What?" Yang Zheyan found it to be preposterous at what Lu Weisheng was saying. 

"Truthfully, a picture is the wrong word to use. It's just a drawing in an old scroll!" Lu Weisheng was saying as if it was his first time hearing it too. "Unbelievable, right?"

It was. This greatly piqued Yang Zheyan's interest, "And have you ever seen this drawing of the lady in the scroll?"

Lu Weisheng shook his head, "I wish, but my brother refused to let anyone near it." 

Yang Zheyan was disappointed but wanted to see it even more. Who could be so fascinating to have caught Lu Weisheng's cold-hearted older brother's love? 

Lu Weisheng being Lu Weisheng, was easily distracted. He pinched the corner of a piece a paper peeking at the edge of one of Yang Zheyan's book. Unfolding the paper, it revealed a rather detailed drawing of a hairpin. 

"Don't touch that," Yang Zheyan snatched it out of Lu Weisheng's hand and folded it nicely back to the way it was. 

"A new project of yours?" 

"No, and it's not mine." Yang Zheyan almost forgot he "stole" the drawing from Xiong Jingfei. Somehow he'll have to return it without her knowing he took it. 

Lu Weisheng mumbled quietly to himself, "I feel like I've seen that drawing before..." 

Yang Zheyan didn't catch what Lu Weisheng was mumbling about, but he didn't bother to ask him to repeat it. Probably talking to himself again. Instead, he made a suggestion to get Lu Weisheng off his back, "Go play with those girls you always meet at the club."

"It gets boring," Lu Weisheng sighed. It was fun while it lasted.

To him, it was unfulfilling as those girls were only around for his money. He was debating if he should go out to eat, but didn't want to go by himself either. Then there was Yang Zheyan, the workaholic. He will work from sun up till sundown, and only leave his office when meeting up with a client. 

"Why do you bother to work so hard? It's not like your family's wealth will suffer majorly in the next ten generation." Lu Weisheng asked a serious question that has been there all along. He didn't understand this side of Yang Zheyan. 

Yang Zheyan was born into a family filled with unending wealth that could last the next ten generation and more. Additionally, he was related to a family who did not shy in the least in comparison. Which his family was him, Lu Weisheng. But here is Yang Zheyan, working as if his life depended on it. Lately, it became more like he was working hard to find something more than trying to gain money. 

Lu Weisheng was a bit jealous of Yang Zheyan's talent for being good at anything without trying. Then there was a little despise that those talents were going to waste. As Yang Zheyan was someone who drops whatever it is once he becomes good at it or obtains it. What surprised him the most was when Yang Zheyan chose to pursue the art field. 

Let's see, it started a while back when they had gone on an exploration in the abandoned palace. It was called the abandoned palace up until recent research. They came to learn it used to be called Zemin Palace. Though they suspected that was not the full name, as half of the carving of the name was missing. 

Anyway, the palace was not located too far away from Sinwang City. It happened to be on land that belonged to the Yang and Lu family. Thank goodness! Allowing them to have full control over what happens around there. 

At first, they all thought it was just a piece of empty land that belonged to both families. Until one day, Lu Weisheng and Yang Zheyan happen to find there was a lost kingdom all along on that land!

If you venture further into the area, you'll find it wasn't a huge kingdom but a small one. Most of the city has been destroyed and corroded with time. The only building that was partially intact was the palace.