Identity Revealed (4)

When Captain Hu walked in, Xiong Jingfei was sitting on a chair as she welcomed him in. She doesn't even know how she found the strength to get herself on it. But she was sure not going to welcome him by sitting on the ground. 

Xiong Jingfei gesture Captain Hu to take a seat next to her, "What can I do for Captain Hu who came looking for me in the middle of the night?" 

Please, do not let it be anything to cause me to walk!

Captain Hu refused to take the seat. He was here to make an earnest request, "I apologize for disturbing your rest, Miss. The rest of the medical team are either deep asleep or drunk. So I can only turn to you for help." 

Captain Hu's tone and eyes were telling her it was something serious. He would never come to see her this late into the night if it wasn't.