Closer To The Truth? (1)

By the time Xiong Jingfei opened her eyes, the sun was already up high in the sky. She instantly sat up realizing she overslept!

Then she questioned herself on how she got back from Feng Huan's tent? The last thing she recalled was talking to him and deciding to close her eyes for a second. When she seemed to have hit her head on something soft. It did bounce her to wake up, but her lids were heavy and her body refused to move.

It was shutting down slowly, but not fast enough when she heard another voice entering Feng Huan's tent. A voice that did not belong to Feng Huan or Captain Hu. It was unclear when that person mentioned his name. What did he say his name was? 

She rubbed her head, thinking hard who was it that witnessed her flaw. The only person who would know about that person is Feng Huan, but he is quite busy with everything else. He didn't have time to see her without a good enough reason.