The Night After The Shots (3)

"I woke up when..." the coldness from your fingers disappeared. Yang Zheyan half answered the question on her face before rolling over to her side. 

He would like to tease her some more, but he didn't have the energy for it. If he laid on top of her any longer, he might really end up falling asleep. Although he could slowly feel his strength returning faster than usual. 

Yang Zheyan laid in his old bed and his childhood bedroom. It's been a very long time since he last slept in this house. Except, this time, the room didn't feel lonely or dark. It's probably because she was here with him. 

He turned to look at her whose face was still staring straight up at the ceiling. Even with Xiong Jingfei being unable to talk, he doesn't feel like he's alone. Right now, he just wants to hold her and fall asleep. But she'll most likely fight him off and slap the contract across his face.