The Night After The Shots (4)

Yang Zheyan was sure she wasn't sober yet due to that smile. He extended a hand to help her up. "Come, let's get you back to bed." 

Xiong Jingfei suddenly stood up and hugged him. His helpful extended hand stayed in the air, while his chest takes in the warmth coming from her. Yep, she is not sober! 

When he tried moving her, her feet didn't move along with him. With the way things were going, he was going to end up dragging her across the floor. 

"If you don't start walking, don't blame me for what I'm going to do next." Yang Zheyan warned, but she didn't move her feet. He smirked, "Please excuse my rude behavior."

He lifted her up and carried her back to the bed. After putting her down, she kept staring at him, unblinking. Her eyes followed him when he went into the small kitchen to grab a glass cup and back. She was acting like a curious child.