Is This My Punishment? (2)

Yang Zheyan was shocked at her outburst and wasn't sure what to say. 

"You lied to me, and I believed you!" Xiong Jingfei was able to free one of her arms and pointed her finger at Yang Zheyan. "I didn't have the power to go against you in the past!"

"I never lied to you, Feifei." Yang Zheyan walked closer to Xiong Jingfei and Wu Yuan. "What did I do to you in the past for you to hate me like this?" 

Yang Zheyan was sure they never met in the past. What did he do to her for her to be this enraged at him? He would remember if he ever encountered her. She was the one who didn't know me!

"Sister-in-law… What are you talking about?" Lu Weisheng stood next to Yang Zheyan, and he was just as confused. 

He came over to bring good news but somehow got stuff thrown at him too. He wanted to cry that he was an innocent party in this lover quarrel. How can she hit him in the head with a pillow!?