['I, Xiong Jingfei, take Yang Zheyan as my husband. To care and love him during the good and bad times. He will be the only one for me in this lifetime.']
['I, Yang Zheyan, take Xiong Jingfei as my wife. To care and love her during the good and bad times. She will be…']
Xiong Jingfei opened her eyes and stared up at a ceiling that she wasn't familiar with. Her body was aching, but it didn't hurt as much as what she felt in her heart.
Why did I have to dream of that day again?
She tried raising her right hand to wipe away these useless tears coming out of her eyes. Why bother coming out when it wasn't going to solve anything? However, her hand was as useless as these tears. It was trembling by just trying to raise it up beside her.
The door clicked, and Wu Yuan walked in. "You're finally awake."
Xiong Jingfei looked up at Wu Yuan from where she was lying.