"Why is this happening to me!? I didn't do anything wrong! I am being charged as a traitor because I am a servant of the Xiong household!"
The servant's voice was one Xiong Jingfei instantly recognized, Xiong Guang. The person she took to the front with her and got injured along the way.
"Aren't you trembling way too much, Xiong Guang?" Xiong Jingfei sat down on the dirty hay ground and next to Xiong Guang. "Care to tell me why?"
She peered into Xiong Guang's eyes as if she was trying to find the answer herself. It was reasonable to be nervous in this situation, but something about it caught her attention.
"N-no, Miss. I'm just afraid of what is going to happen to us." Xiong Guang whimpered and covered her face with her arms. "I'm too young to die..."
What Xiong Guang said isn't wrong, she was too young to die, and that goes for most of the servants sharing the same cell as them.