The Palace Prison Cell (4)

"You can't go alone, Miss." Xu Song grasped onto Xiong Jingfei's right sleeve. "Please let me go with you." 

Xiong Jingfei shook her head. "No." 

The "leader" of the soldiers rubbed his chin in interest as he eyed Xu Song up and down. "Take this one too." 

Xiong Jingfei held out her right arm to stop the soldiers from approaching Xu Song. "I am the person that you want. Therefore I will be the only person going with you." 

She would be a fool to assume nothing will happen to Xu Song. 

At the end of the day, she is the Eldest Miss of Commander Xiong Guozhi. She was awarded a title because of her aid in the war. She is also well-known throughout the Capital. All of these can back her up so they wouldn't risk harming her. 

Xu Song, on the other hand, was a person they wouldn't bat an eye if they killed her on the spot.