A Demon Lord's Plight (2)

True enough, the doctor's words made little sense to a being that did not fully grasp the ways of humans. He could feel his eyes hurting and ears aching from listening to the constant noise which came from the people around him. His head began to throb from the sudden change in environment and new body that he now possessed.

"Oh, by the way, have you contacted your family or someone that can serve as your guardian? Because you can't leave the hospital without paying your fees."

"What is this stupid human talking about? I don't need a guardian!"

Unable to hold it in any longer, the outburst of the demon lord caused many to stare openly at him as though he had gone mad.

Almost about the same time, a cheery young man walked into the unit and began chatting with the other staff present, seeing his senior colleague who was also his mentor. Taking it upon himself, he walked up to him to greet not knowing of the fight that was brewing.

"Good evening, Professor Wu! I thought you were the supervisor for the cardiac unit?"

His eyes danced with mirth as he faced the doctor that was to head the emergency department for that shift.

"It's a change in pace for me, the pay is good, can't complain huh?"

Ji Shizhen and his mentor laughed merrily it was as if they were the only ones there.

Lord Nezha's eyes ran down the length of the man that was speaking to his doctor, noticing the trim body.

"I can't believe I'm reduced to taking sustenance from a mere mortal!"

The moment the thought formed in his head, the demon lord lurched towards Ji Shizhen, grabbing the other tightly by his forearms to kiss him straight on the lips, drawing with it the thing that would allow him to form demon energy "mana" for him to regain his pride as the demon lord.

"Young man! What are you doing?! Get away from him! Security! Could someone call security!"

So began the demon lord's first hours in the mortal realm, as everyone was thrown into a state of frenzy at his brazen act towards a respectable doctor.